Empire Waist Dress – Comfy Sews Vs. Cozy Knits

Shannon from Luvinthemommyhood invited me to participate in her latest "Versus" series - Comfy Sews vs. Cozy Knits.  Guess which side of the ring I'm on?.........ding, ding, ding......you guessed it, Comfy Sews.  I love Shannon and her blog so I'm thrilled she has chosen to include me again!  You might remember my Shawl Collar Sweater tutorial that was included in the last round. For this challenge I decided to create an easy Empire Waist Dress.  As most of you know, I am pregnant with baby #3 and I wanted to create something super-comfy to wear throughout the … continue reading

Spring Issue Delish Magazine – DIY Fabric Covered Photo Mats

The new spring issue of Delish Magazine was just released this afternoon!  In case you aren't familiar, Delish is a free online women's magazine filled with tons of great information, tips, articles, recipes, ect.  In this quarters issue I am sharing an easy tutorial for Fabric Covered Photo Mats.There are lots of fun, interesting articles in the spring issue, including some fabulous recipes and a great interview with fabric designer, Kate Spain.  Head over to Delish and check it out! … continue reading

Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops – Pattern Giveaway Winner(s)

And the winners of the Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops pattern giveway are the following two lucky ladies.........Congratulations to Honour and Cheri!  You will each be receiving a pattern of your choice from our fabulous blog sponsor, Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops!  Please email thecottagemama [at] gmail [dot] com with your contact information.  Thanks so much to all who entered!  There are more pattern giveaways coming up in the next several weeks from some wonderful new pattern designers and sponsors.  Stay tuned! … continue reading

Homekeeping: Storing Lettuce

Recently I did some major cleaning in my kitchen.  The girls (Savannah and Matilda) and I scrubbed the front on all of our kitchen cabinets.  I'm sure no one would really notice the difference if you came to my kitchen, but boy did it feel good.  Not to mention the fact that Savannah said it was "the best day ever"........the girl loves to clean and had a blast playing with sponges and soapy water.That same day I decided to get my refrigerator in order.  I removed all of the shelves and drawers and washed them with hot, soapy water in the sink.  Then I scrubbed … continue reading

Tortellini with Lemon Cream Sauce

 Sometimes the most delicious dishes only contain a few ingredients.  My tortellini with lemon cream sauce is one of those.  So simple, yet indulgently delicious.  Tortellini with Lemon Cream Sauce Ingredients:1 package fresh cheese tortellini (8 oz.)3 tablespoons butter1.5 cups heavy cream1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese1 lemonSalt and pepper, to tasteDirections:Begin cooking fresh tortellini according to package directions.In a large pan, melt butter over medium heat.  Add in heavy cream and bring to a boil.  Once you've reached a boil, reduce the heat to medium.  … continue reading

New Sponsor and Pattern Giveaway – Fairytale Frocks & Lollipops

 I am so excited about the newest sponsor of The Cottage Home blog -Fairytale Frocks & Lollipops! This online shop is full of amazing sewing patterns, fabrics and notions.  Today, owner Terri, is giving away one sewing pattern of your choice from her amazing shop for TWO readers.  Click HERE to read more about this exclusive giveaway for The Cottage Home readers and enter to win.  Also, find out why I love Fairytale Frocks & Lollipops and why you will too! … continue reading

Burlap Covered Lamp Shade Tutorial

I'm definitely in full-on nesting mode now and have been tackling all sorts of home improvement projects. I have been working on bringing more texture into our home lately.  While I love bright, fresh fabrics for little girls clothing, I much prefer a warm, earthy palette for my home decor. I love looking through the Potterybarn and Ballard Designs catelogues for ideas and inspiration.  Both of these stores are a little out of my budget these days, but I think they do such a wonderful job of putting rooms together with color, texture and natural … continue reading

Homemade Veggie Cream Cheese

 Now that my morning sickness seems to be entirely gone (knock on wood), I've been getting back into cooking.  I love flavored cream cheeses, but my favorite varieties are the savory ones - veggie, onion, sundried tomato, ect.  There's nothing better than making your own flavored cream cheese.  It's a fraction of the cost of the store-bought variety and is twice as yummy!Make several different cream cheeses for a brunch party or keep a couple in the fridge to please your whole family.  This is my savory variety, but you could certainly make your own sweet flavored … continue reading

Brett’s Irish Soda Bread

You know I love hearing from you guys - it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  Well, a bunch of you either commented or emailed regarding the Irish Soda Bread that my husband made for our St. Patrick's Day celebration.  I thought, surely I posted the recipe last year, but apparently I didn't.  The fact that I had yet to post this is surprising because it is such a big part of our St. Patrick's Day tradition. Sorry for being such a tease - I posted pictures of something yummy and didn't give you the recipe?  How rude of me.  So here's the recipe you've been … continue reading

Guest Post on "No Big Dill" – Dick and Jane Inspired Dress

Today I'm guest blogging over on "No Big Dill" for Katy's "Once Upon a Thread" blog series.  This creative blog series is geared towards coming up with a look based on your favorite children's storybooks and I've come up with a "Dick and Jane" inspired look.This dress was created from the $1.49 sheet that I found last week on my thrift store hunting adventure - it doesn't really look like a sheet anymore, does it?  I'm sharing a tutorial for the embellished bodice on this dress.  So head on over to "No Big Dill" and say hello! … continue reading