Classic Sewing Magazine – Foundation Paper Pieced Santa Dress

Have you received the most recent issue of Classic Sewing Magazine? Well, I just got my copy in the mail and I was excited to see my Foundation Paper Pieced Santa A-Line dressed included in the holiday issue. It's always hard for me to work on things behind the scenes that I can't share with you yet and I REALLY wanted to share these photos a few months ago. But I contained myself and kept them to myself (and my mom) until I could finally share. … continue reading

Brilliant Sewing Machine Giveaway

Today I'm excited to announce that I've teamed up with my friends at Baby Lock Sewing and Embroidery Machines to bring you one of the biggest giveaways we've ever had here at The Cottage Mama. Over the next week you will have the opportunity to enter to win the new Baby Lock Brilliant Sewing Machine over on The Cottage Mama Instagram account! … continue reading

Happy 7th Birthday, Caspian Finn

Dear Caspian, Today you are 7 years old! Happy Birthday, buddy! It feels like only yesterday that I was planning your toy car 2nd birthday party. That was 5 years ago. How can that be? You have grown up so much in the last year and there are some things that I would like to remember about you on your 7th birthday and some things that you might like to know about your 7 year old self........ … continue reading

Petite Treat Tea Time Table Topper

Petite Treat Fabric Collection by Lindsay Wilkes from The Cottage Mama for Riley Blake Designs and Penny Rose Fabrics

Today kicks off the Petite Treat fabric tour! Petite Treat is my newest collection of fabric that I designed for Riley Blake Designs / Penny Rose Fabrics. And first up on the tour is my dear friend, Evy Hawkins from A Bit of Stitch, sharing her Tea Time Table Topper. … continue reading

Happy 9th Birthday, Matilda!

Dear Matilda, Today you turn 9 years old. It's hard to believe that you are only 9 since you always seems so much older to me. But here we are on your 9th birthday and there are some things I'd like to remember about you when you turned 9 years old and maybe some things that you'd like to know about your 9 year old self. … continue reading

Happy 10th Birthday, Savannah!

Dear Savannah, Today you are 10 years old. Yep, that's right.....double digits!! What an amazing milestone for you sweet girl! It's hard to believe that you made me a mama a decade ago. How is that possible? It seems like not long ago at all that we brought you home from the hospital not having a clue about parenthood and all that came with having baby. But you helped teach us and show us the ropes. There are many things I would like to remember about you when you turned 10 years old and some things I think you'd like to know about your 10 year old self. … continue reading

I Sew For Fun Blog Hop and Giveaway

I have mixed emotions about my blog post today. While I am so excited about the new I Sew for Fun book and all the products that go with it, I feel sadness knowing that the author and my dear friend, Nancy Zieman, isn't here with us able to share and promote her new book. As most of you know, Nancy was such an inspiration in the sewing community. She was an example of a woman entrepreneur who started her own business during a time when men pretty much ran the show in the sewing industry. She was focused, driven and creative all the while being one of the nicest, … continue reading

Matilda Sews: Shine Bright!

I'm so proud of my sweet Matilda. This year she really wanted to make handmade gifts for all the special people in her life. She got together with my mother-in-law and worked on creating some really pretty gifts for our entire family. While they were out shopping for supplies, Matilda found this piece of 'flip' or 'mermaid' fabric in the remnant bin at Hobby Lobby. She's always loved this type of fabric, so my mother-in-law got it for her to just play with at home. … continue reading

Happy 3rd Birthday, Josephine!

Dear Josephine, Today is your 3rd birthday. Wow! How did that happen so fast? I know I say this about all the kids, but I truly can't believe you are already 3 years old. Weren't you born just yesterday? I wanted to write down a few things that I would like to remember about you when you turned 3 years old and a few things that you might like to know about what you were like at 3. … continue reading

Happy 6th Birthday Caspian!

Dear Caspian, Happy Birthday! Today you turn 6 years old. I can't believe that you are only seems like we have had you for forever. Today, on your birthday, here are a few things I would like to remember about you when you turned 6 years old and a few things you might like to know about yourself: … continue reading