Happy 7th Birthday, Caspian Finn

Dear Caspian,

Today you are 7 years old! Happy Birthday, buddy! It feels like only yesterday that I was planning your toy car 2nd birthday party. That was 5 years ago. How can that be? You have grown up so much in the last year and there are some things that I would like to remember about you on your 7th birthday and some things that you might like to know about your 7 year old self……..

  1. You still love cars. Hot Wheels are your favorite. You probably have 200 or more! You chose a Hot Wheels backpack, water bottle and lunchbox for school this year.
  2. You love, love, LOVE soccer! It’s absolutely your thing and you’re really good (I can say that since I’m your mama). You are playing on a recreational team, but you are also planning on a more competitive team to transition to travel soccer. You have such a fire in your heart when you play and we all love watching you.
  3. You like watching gamers on You Tube on Mama’s computer. We have to set limits for you or you would sit there all day. I don’t really get the allure, but it seems to keep you interested until we tell you that it’s time to give it a break.
  4. You have really been enjoying riding your scooter lately. We got a hand-me-down bike from our neighbors that Daddy is fixing up for you, so you are excited to start riding that as well.
  5. You finally started putting away your own laundry this year. You threw a big fit when I told you that it was time for you to help out, but once you got it done, you realized it was really easy.
  6. You are still really good at math and love being quizzed.
  7. You are probably the least interested in our new goldendoodle, Scarlett, but I’ve seen you playing fetch with her a little more lately.
  8. You have a hard time being the only boy in the family. You tell me that I should have another baby. But I tell you that the odds are not really in your favor for it being a boy, so we best just stick to our current arrangement of 3 girls and 1 boy. Sometimes you say that ‘sisters don’t love me’ when they don’t want you to play babies or American Girl, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that they absolutely love you. More than you know.
  9. You got an air hockey table for Christmas this last year and you enjoy playing with that in the basement.
  10. For your birthday this year you got a poker set (since you LOVE playing cards with Daddy), a new Nerf foot ball (since Scarlett ate your other one), more Nerf gun things so you can have battles with friends and sisters in the basement.
  11. You couldn’t decide on what you would like to do for a birthday party, so we are just doing a family thing. We are going bowling, out to eat and to a video game arcade.
  12. Speaking of video games, you love video games…….especially Mario Kart.
  13. You still love to race. Everything is a race or competition with you. Sometimes we have to reign you in and let you know it’s ok to do things for fun and that it’s not always a win or lose situation.
  14. You still don’t love to lose, but you’ve definitely gotten better about it this year.
  15. Your favorite food is probably cheeseburgers or ribs and you definitely have a sweet tooth!
  16. Your favorite color is green and your second favorite is blue.
  17. Your best buddy is still Otto, but you aren’t in the same class this year, so you may meet some new friends this year!
  18. You love to dance around the house. I’ve tried to convince you to take the boys class at the dance studio where Savannah goes and I teach from time to time, but you say absolutely NOT! I can tell you’ve got hip-hop and tap in your blood, but you just won’t do it. You even get mad at us if we bring up you taking dance class. No worries buddy…..you can just stick to soccer.
  19. You did a music camp this summer and really enjoyed it. It will be interesting to see if you end up picking up an instrument like your sisters.
  20. You love to play mini-golf. It was probably one of your favorite things that we did on our trip to Door County this summer.

Caspian Finn, we love you so much! I know it’s hard being surrounded by three sisters, a Mama and even a girl dog, but we couldn’t imagine our lives without all the ‘boy’ that you bring to our family. And besides, Daddy might really lose his mind without you and being with all these girls. I love how you will still hold my hand when we walk into stores and how you sometimes just still need a snuggle. I know that may not last forever, but I cherish those moments right now.  You told me that you think this year is going to be a great one and I completely agree. It’s going to be great!!

I love you from here to the moon and back again!



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