Josephine Mae Wilkes
I’m pleased to introduce Miss Josephine Mae Wilkes born October 12, 2014 at 12:24AM weighing 7 pounds 4 ounces and 20 inches long. It has been a busy last four weeks around here! So busy, in fact, that I didn’t get a chance to pop on the blog and let you know that our sweet, precious baby girl had arrived! I figure most of you follow along on Facebook or Instagram (@thecottagemama), so you probably saw my announcement over there and the million baby photos I’ve been posting over the last month. But we are just beyond smitten with this new little addition to our family.
Josephine arrived 2 weeks early and was born via a successful VBAC (my second VBAC…….Matilda was my only c-section). The morning of October 11th, we decided to try to get in one of our last fall traditions before baby girl arrived and headed up north to go apple picking. On our drive to the orchard I started to have some back pain, but I wasn’t sure if the back pain was anything or just part of being really pregnant. Anyway, we did our apple picking and then started driving home around noon. The back pain was still there and was getting increasingly more uncomfortable, but it definitely wasn’t contractions that I could time. I decided around 3:00 to give my Dr. a call because the intensity was getting worse and I was feeling really nauseous. Also, all my babies tend to be in the posterior position which causes a lot of back labor. He suggested I head over to the hospital so we could see what was going on.
So Brett and I headed over to the hospital, not sure what to expect. They hooked me up to all the monitors and sure enough I was having contractions, but they weren’t totally regular and some were much stronger than others. My Dr. came in a checked me and said I was dilated to 4cm and 100% effaced and because I was contracting, he decided to keep me and break my water. They gave me an epidural pretty quickly thereafter since I was doing a VBAC and, in case they needed to do a c-section, they wanted me to be all ready to go. Unfortunately, the epidural didn’t work very well. It worked for a few hours but then started to wear off and by the time I was dilated to 10cm, it had completely worn off (yikes). Luckily Miss Josephine dropped at the last minute and I was able to push her out in a short 15 mins. But wow, I give a lot of credit to those of you who had all natural labors. I won’t forget the feeling of her head coming out without that epidural. But all that pain went away when they placed my beautiful Josephine on my chest…… at first sight!
My husband was able to take off two weeks to help out and then my mom came in from Texas for two weeks, so I had help for four full weeks. It was wonderful because it allowed me to focus on nursing, snuggling and bonding with Josephine. They are only a newborn for such a short period of time and, since this will be our last baby, I am trying to enjoy every minute (as I write this post, she is in my Moby Wrap sleeping on my chest). Is there any better feeling than a new baby sleeping on your chest? I’m pretty sure this is what heaven feels like.
I’ve been on my own with the four kids for the last several days and it’s going really well. I was pretty nervous about it, but it’s not a whole lot different than having three littles. I don’t think sewing is going to happen anytime soon, but I’m totally fine with that. I’ve enlisted the help of my mother-in-law and my college-aged babysitter to transport the girls to dance classes (we are there three days a week) for the next two months to limit Josephine’s exposure to too many people. I’ll feel better about her being out and about once she’s past 2 months old, but for now, I’m being very protective of her.
The kids have been really great with the new baby. Matilda had a few episodes of mixed emotions the first week home, but now she loves Josephine more than anyone. Caspian hasn’t shown a single sign of jealously. He just tells me how she is ‘so cute’ and likes to bring me burp cloths and tell me that she needs ‘more milk’. And Savannah just thinks she is the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. I think they will really start enjoying her when she can interact with them.
I can’t believe that Miss Josephine will be one month old tomorrow! It seems to have flown by, yet it seems like she has been part of this family forever. It took me a month to write one blog post (and several days sitting down for broken time at the computer), so as you can imagine, there won’t be a lot going on over here on the blog. I know you understand. I can’t get this time back with my littles so I’ll be back when we’ve all fallen into our new routine and when the time feels right. But for now, I’ll be off enjoying my four little angels through the end of this year.
Here are more pictures from our newborn / family shoot of Josephine when she was 1 week old. These pictures were taken by my friend, Megan Sanders, and they were all taken at our home. A big thank you to Megan for capturing this moment in our lives!
We are so excited to finally be a family of six. I feel complete and so, SO happy!
Welcome to the world, Josephine Mae!
She is beautiful! Congratulations! We miss you on Facebook but totally understand you wanting to spend time with your littles. You have a beautiful family.
Congratulations! Josephine Mae is so beautiful and so is the whole family. Lovely pictures, all of them. Wishing you lots of happiness. Babies tend to grow up very fast so enjoy each and every moment with your adorable kids.
I was actually waiting for this blog post, to read about your new baby. (I am sure most of the other readers as well…) I can imagine how you feel, to be completed as a family with little Josephine. You are really blessed with a wonderful family. Congratulations Lindsey!
Lindsay, congratulations on your addition of precious Josephine! You and Amy have so much in common. My hope is that some day you and your mother and Amy and I can actually meet each other. I feel that we share such a kindred spirit. In the meantime, enjoy your precious family. They are only little for such a short time and you will never regret spending time with them. God bless you and your family.
Oh my – Josephine Mae is absolutely gorgeous and so are Matilda, Caspian and Savannah – what wonderful photographs of your glorious family. Congratulations and all the very best of luck for good health, happiness and love in the future.
What beautiful pics of your gorgeous baby girl and family. Congrats to you all!
What a lovely family! Thanks for sharing all those cute photos. She sure has a great smile.
Lindsay, little Miss Josephine is such a precious little bundle! She is actually smiling in some of the pictures! Enjoy these precious family moments…and check in to share them with us from time to time. Love to all of you! xoxo
Such a beautiful new addition to your wonderful little family. She is just precious, as are all your children. Congratulations to you all. New babies in a family always make me smile. I wish you many years of happy love!
thank you for sharing your beautiful family pictures with us . xxxxx
Oh my goodness… I just left a comment for you on your Facebook page (I am “new” there, finally made a page!) and I will reiterate here my CONGRATULATIONS to all of you. WHAT a gorgeous baby! And my favorite photos are not only of Miss Josephine Mae (which are out of this world, Congrats to your photographer, they look like Anne Geddes pics), but my favs are of the WHOLE family. What great shots gotten of all of you. God bless you all. And, again, my congrats to such a lovely family. You are truly blessed.
Gloria xxoo
p.s. Forgot to say: I think Josephine (and Caspian) look like your handsome husband, Brett!
–gv xxoo
What a beautiful family! You are blessed. Congratulations on your new addition!
What an amazing addition to your family, Josephine is just beautiful. Many congratulations to you all.
Katie x
Dear Lindsay & family,
Congratulations with this new bundle of joy. Love your photo’s and ofcourse you want to enjoy every moment.
From Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
wow. what a sweet pretty baby. her coloring is just beautiful! Congrats on number 4! so exciting!!!!
Oh, Lindsay! She’s precious! These beautiful photos ooze love and adoration. It is obvious how much you and you husband cherish your kids. I’m so happy for you! Blessings to all of you, and Happy Holidays!
Your children are beautiful. If you did the photos I say AWESOME job. Just so simple and so sweet and so nice and so wonderful …………… Just beautiful.
Welcome to the world beautiful Miss Josephine! You are surrounded by an amazing, beautiful, loving family you sweet, lucky girl! Wishing you and your family lots of love and laughter for years and years to come <3
Congratulation to you and all your family on the birth of another beautiful child. The two of you make such beautiful children together and are very blessed. Hugs all around!
Beautiful baby, Beautiful family, Beautiful Life! Congratulations! Enjoy your time with your new daughter and your family – time goes so fast – I am not on facebook or twitter so I was thrilled to read the news of your family and the beautiful pictures! So, sew, sweet!!
Oh what a beautiful little girl and what a lovely family ! Enjoy al the moments with your babygirl; take all the time you need and send us (nonfacebookers) a picture from time to time. Ik can see the happiness in your eyes !!
Beautiful family is the most beautiful that life gives us disfrutala Many Kisses
Congratulations sweet girl! Josephine is beautiful
Congratulations again, Lindsay! These pictures are so breathtaking. You have such a beautiful family. Enjoy your every minute! Love you, girl!
Ah she’s beautiful, such a calm face and those little smiles! You are so blessed and I wish you and your family so many special memories! Brilliant pictures! If we don’t hear from you again before Christmas, lots of joy and blessings ♥
Such beautiful pictures. Please tell us how to make such a lovely bonnet. Thank you!!
TOES!!! Love those tiny baby TOES!!!! And congratulations! Have a wonderful holiday season, you six!
Congrats !! The pictures of your family are so beautiful !
What a great post! I just started following your blog so I don’t know you very well, but I’m so excited for you to have time to spend with your children! They are all so precious and the sight of them together makes me re-think my thoughts of keeping our brood to one.
Happy Snuggling!
So pretty little Miss Josephine, thank you for sharing! enjoy this season with your lovely family. (Maybe this is my first comment here, but i am following you for long…)
What beautiful precious baby and I love love love the little white crocheted. hat.
Congratulations – totally gorgeous family. Many wonderful years ahead.
Congratulations to your cute daughter!
Congratulations! Little Josephine is a beautiful addition to your wonderful family. I rejoice with you as I know how your family feels – I am the mother of three girls and one boy too. Have fun with your little ones, they do grow up so fast (my youngest is now 27!)
She’s so beautiful! Congratulations, you have a great family!
Congratulations! She’s perfect and your whole family is so lovely! May your home be blessed with happiness, health and joy forever.
Can you please post more pictures of your little darling?
I would be very delighted to see more of this adorable baby.
Congratulations!!!! Much love, happiness, and health to you and your family!
What a precious gift. She is beautiful. I love the pic with the little knitted hat
I just saw these pictures – you have such a beautiful family. I’m a little late but congratulations on your beautiful (not quite so new now) daughter.