Charm Jelly Roll Friendship Quilt Tutorial & Simply Color Giveaway

My mom, Grandma Jane, is back with another one of her wonderful quilting tutorials and a fabulous giveaway of V & Co’s new line for Moda ‘Simply Color‘. Take it away Mom…..


I don’t like goodbyes and I had a tough one a few weeks ago when I had to say goodbye to a dear friend and co-worker who moved. Lori and I had worked side by side for almost 12 years and she was a part of my day to day work life in a big way! We worked so closely together on projects through the years that we were almost like an old married couple who begins to finish each other’s thoughts and sentences. Crazy, I know but it was a comforting feeling to work with someone who I knew so well!

Besides being incredibly smart and talented in the work setting, Lori is a woman of great personal strength, faith and integrity. She always made me laugh, (many times to the point of tears), with her stories about her family and kids. We shared lots of sad tears too, as we both have lost our precious mothers in recent years. She knew immediately what I was feeling when I said I missed my mother and she could say just what I needed to hear at that moment. I knew I wanted to make her a quilt as a goodbye gift—what better way to surround a good friend with a warm hug even when she is far away!

The cheery, happy colors of the new line, Simply Color by V and Co, were perfect! I chose the green, blues and greens for Lori’s quilt. I am going to save the orange, pink, gold and purple for another project.

Precuts of a charm pack and jelly roll come together so easily for this quilt. This finished throw size quilt measures 50 inches by 60 inches.

Choose 20 charms you want to use and pair up with 20 of the jelly roll strips, making sure you have good contrast between the charm and the jelly roll strip.

Cut off selvages for each strip. Stack two strips to speed up cutting.

Cut each folded jelly roll strip into a 5 inch strip and a 9 inch strip. Each strip gives you two 5 inch and two 9 inch pieces. Set aside the remainder 15 inch piece to use for a piano key pieced wide border.

Sew the 5 inch strips to the bottom and top of the charm. Press. Sew the 9 inch pieces to the sides. Press.

Trim each block to 9 inches. Arrange blocks in rows of 4 blocks x 5 blocks.

I don’t have pictures of the sashing steps but it is easy….First, cut (49) 2” x 9” sashing strips.

Sew vertical sashing strips to the sides of the blocks in each row of 4 blocks. (5 sashing strips in each row).

Cut (30) 2” x 2” cornerstones and sew to horizontal sashing strips. Start and end with the small cornerstones. (4 sashing strips in each row).

Sew the long horizontal cornerstone/sashing strips to the vertically sashed rows, matching seams carefully. Sew rows together.

Sew narrow border strips (1 ½ inch wide) to bottom, top and sides.

Arrange the extra 15”strip pieces together in a pleasing color combo, and sew strips together in sections. I used some extra jelly roll strips and added in some strips of the same white that I used for the sashing to get the length I needed. You will need 21 piano keys on the bottom and top borders and 26 piano key pieces on the sides. You may need to play around with this to get the color arrangement and length you want.

Sub cut the sewn strips into 5 inch wide sections. You can cut the piano key border in more narrow sections if needed.

Use 5 x 5 inch squares as cornerstones for the border. If you cut the piano key border less than 5 inches, adjust the size of the squares. IE… if you are using a 4 ½ inch wide border, cut your border cornerstone squares 4 ½ x 4 ½ inches instead of 5 inches.

Sandwich, baste, quilt and bind. I quilted using straight lines both vertically and horizontally. (The binding fabric is from Amy Butler’s Lark and the backing is a JoAnn’s fabric). To view more of Grandma Jane’s tutorials, including sandwiching, basting, quilting and binding, click HERE.

 Wash and dry so your quilt is all warm and snuggly and ready to be mailed off! 

How would you like to have some of the “Simply Color” fabric to make a special friend a simply wonderful quilt to show them how much you love and adore them?

Enter to win TWO CHARM PACKS AND A JELLY ROLL of “Simply Color” with a comment (or two, three or four).

To enter the giveaway, do one or all of the following (please leave a separate comment for each entry):

1. Tell us about that special friend or person in your life who helps you get through your day with lots of smiles and laughter.
2. Become an official follower of The Cottage Home Blog (Google Friend Connect, Email or RSS Feed).
3. Become a fan of The Cottage Mama on Facebook (click here).
4. Share this giveaway with your friends on Facebook or on your own blog.

Giveaway open to US Residents only.
Giveaway open until Thursday, September 20, 2012 at Midnight (CST).

*Giveaway is now CLOSED*

So there you have it! There are four chances to enter to win and make your very own Jelly Roll Friendship Quilt.

What a blessing those friends are in our lives. Thank you, Lori, for all the laughter and even the tears we shared! Miss you lots!

Thanks for guest blogging, Mom ~ you are simply the best!

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  1. I’m a follower!! 🙂 (RSS feed)

  2. I like the Cottage Mama on FB! 🙂

  3. One of my special friends is my friend Marcy! She has always been so supportive of me, bringing me goodies in the hospital when my daughter was born. In fact, she was the only non-family member that got to visit my daughter in the NICU. Even though we now live 9 hours away, we still find time to talk and visit!

  4. I love all the colors and fabrics in this charm pack/jelly roll! What a beautiful quilt! I have become friends with a woman that I went to high school with years ago now that we both have daughters close in age and are first-time moms. We send messages back and forth about our babies’ funny antics or sharing our sleep-deprived struggles. It’s so nice to have someone there for support when they’re going through the same things I am!

  5. I am a follower of your blog! (GFC)

  6. I ‘like’ you on Facebook!

  7. One of my special friends is Natalie, a coworker. She and I have the best conversations and I am a bit sad as this is her last week before she starts her new job.

  8. I am a follower!

  9. My mom is my best friend! We talk on the phone every single day. We love getting together to do all sorts fun projects, the time always goes faster because we spend it laughing the day away!

  10. I am a long time follower of The Cottage Home!

  11. Beautiful quilt! That special friend for me started out as a neighbor that I didn’t know until our kids started school and we found one another while waiting for the kids after school. Our kids are great friends and we soon found ourselves great friends! We’ve traveled together, go for walks, and I even got her started quilting! They’ve recently moved to the other side of town so we miss having them right around the corner but it is a friendship that will last despite the new found distance

  12. Follower with GFC

  13. says

    I am a follower of your blog on Google Reader. Thank you for the great tutorial!

  14. Already a FB follower

  15. My special friend is my sister, Mary. Almost one year ago, she was diagnosed with the worst and most aggressive type of brain cancer, but has been so brave and strong through the fight. Her faith has lifted and strengthened all of her friends and family members. She is simply amazing!

  16. I am a happy follower of your blog 🙂

  17. My husband helps me get through my day! Definitely couldn’t do it without him. 🙂

  18. I follow your blog in Google Reader.

    Thanks for the chance to win. 🙂

  19. My friend who always makes me laugh is my DH — he always knows the best jokes!

  20. An oh, yes, I’m a follower!

  21. My friend Anne always makes me smile. She moved away, but we still talk on the phone!

  22. I follow the blog!

  23. Also, I’m a fan on FB!

  24. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Bee Craft Inspirations, under the Page 3 post on Sep. 17, 2012. Thanks again.

  25. I follow the blog using Google Reader

  26. It’s hard to pick just one special person! I have a friend at work who has made the tough parts of our jobs so much better. We have the same sarcastic sense of humor and can say so much with just a look. I’m pretty sure there is no way I could do my job without her there.

  27. I have a brand new friend who makes my life so happy!

  28. I’m a FB fan!

  29. I’m a follower.

  30. My best friend, my hubby, is who helps me keep perspective in a busy house, full of active kiddos.

  31. I subscribe via email

  32. I follow on FB

  33. I shared you on FB today too – what a great give a way & tutorial!

  34. I have one special friend that I met through my children’s preschool! She’s always there for me to make me laugh or when I need a shoulder to cry on! All of our children have become good friends as well! I will always cherish her friendship!
    Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
    Jen Nelson

  35. I am an official follower of The Cottage Home!
    Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
    Jen Nelson

  36. I am a huge fan of The Cottage Mama on Facebook!
    Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
    Jen Nelson

  37. I shared this giveaway on Facebook!
    Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
    Jen Nelson

  38. My kids! They are always good for a laugh!

  39. My husband makes me laugh the most…he’s such a nut! He is such a hard worker and would do anything for anyone…he has such a huge heart!

  40. Follow you on FB!

  41. I’m a blog follower 🙂

  42. I’m a fan on facebook 🙂

  43. And I shared on facebook 🙂

  44. Holly Burcham says

    Just started quilting! Making a quilt out of jelly roll right now! Would love this!!

  45. I already follow the the cottage home blog.

  46. I follow the cottage mama on FB.

  47. I shared the giveaway on facebook.

  48. I follow the blog.

  49. I like you on FB.

  50. My 9 kids help me get through the day with their laughter and all the questions they always have. They love it when I make something for them.

  51. I talk to my friend Kathy several times a week, even though I moved out of state. We just understand each other.

  52. My friend Nina is always there cheering me up or bringing me back down to earth. I would love to make her a friendship quilt to let her know how important she is to mE

  53. I follow your feed.

  54. I have liked the page on Facebook

  55. My kids keep my days full of smiles and laughter!

  56. I’m a follower on Facebook!

  57. I’m a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!

  58. Is it lame to say my mom?! As much as we drive each other crazy, she is my biggest supporter and I have been meaning to make her a quilt!

  59. I am an follower!

  60. I also like The Cottage Home on Facebook!

  61. I like The Cottage Mama on FB! Great quilt! Thanks for the tutorial!

  62. I follow your feed on Google. Love it!

  63. My special friend would be my friend Leslie. She is always there for me and my family. I would love to hug her in a quilt this beautiful!

  64. My baby girl is my inspiration for a lot of my sewing projects, she is only 19 months old but she is awesome and has brought happiness into our lives when we most needed it!

  65. My husband and my girls – I couldn’t make it through life without them.

  66. I am a fan on Facebook already and truly enjoy being able to see all the post on your blog!!

  67. I just posted a link on my FB and I know some of my friends would love to participate!

  68. My greatest friend is my husband – he is there for me through thick and thin, and makes me smile with his love and humor. Beautiful quilt, and great tutorial. I’m a beginner but I think I could give it a try! Thanks for the giveaway!

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. I like the Cottage Mama on Facebook! Thanks for a wonderful tutorial and giveaway!

  71. I follow your blog! Thanks so much!

  72. I follow the Cottage Home blog by email – thanks for a wonderful tutorial and giveaway!

  73. Finally figured out how to follow you with Blogger, yay!!

  74. I have a wonderful friend named Debbie. We’ve been friends for years and no matter what’s going on when we get together we laugh! She is a blessing to me!

  75. My youngest daughter keeps me cracking up. She sometimes just starts laughing which gets me laughing and then she laughs harder. Oh it is just so funny.

  76. I “liked” your page on Facebook. This is a beautiful quilt!

  77. I follow your blog.

  78. I like your facebook page.

  79. My bestie Rachel is my “go to” gal when I need a hug, a laugh, or just a good cry. Would love to make her a quilt to give her an everlasting hug! Thanks for the opportunity.

  80. My go to guy is my hubby. I don’t have to many good friends here, so he has been designated to all out girlfriend status. He is the best.

  81. I double checked. I liked your page on facebook awhile back and it is still working great.

  82. My best quilting buddy is my mom. We get together once a week to quilt (eat), work on projects (eat), and in general have a laughing good time!

  83. I am a follower

  84. I like Cottage Home on facebook

  85. My Husband is my best friend, we have been through good times, bad times, happy and sad. He is my rock. The quilt is beautiful, I love the colours and it is the perfect gift to give to a special friend, she will certainly think about your mum when she snuggles in it. I already follow your blog. Thanks for sharing and for the tutorial.

  86. I have a couple of co-workers that I’d really hate to live without. They keep me laughing every day. Work would be a dull place without them.

  87. My co-worker makes my days of work tolerable and even enjoyable…. without her is a long boring day dealing with all our male co-workers!

  88. I like ‘the cottage home’ on facebook!

  89. I also follow your wonderful blog!

  90. And I shared this with all my friends on facebook.

  91. I’d have to say my hubby. He is there for me always, he always makes time to get my phone calls and texts throughout the day and he’s a comfort to me when he is home. I can’t imagine not having him beside me.

  92. I am your FB friend

  93. FB Fan- Thanks for the great tutorial

  94. My kiddos help me to slow down a bit and give me reason to smile every single day. They are the reason I quilt and the reason I don’t have time to quilt! 🙂

  95. If it weren’t for my husband’s support, I wouldn’t have the time or money to indulge in my love of quilting.

  96. I’m a follower via Google Reader

  97. The person special to me is my sister. Actually, either of my two sisters. They live far away from me, and far from each other, but I can count on them.

  98. I follow the Cottage Home via GFC.

  99. I’m a follower of your blog via GFC.

  100. I’m a fan of the Cottage Mama on facebook.

  101. My mom is my special person! I’m at college now, but I talk to her almost every night and she makes me smile.

  102. I have a dear friend that I talk or text with almost every day. She makes me laugh and totally understands. We’re just like you said – an old married couple.

  103. I just added your blog to my Google reader.

  104. I already follow you on Facebook.

  105. Shared on my facebook page (SLMPetersen) so my fan can find your great giveaway.

  106. My mom keeps me smiling!

  107. I follow your blog with gfc!

  108. I am a fan of the Cottage Mama on fb!

  109. My friend Michelle would be the one. She has helped me and inspired me to no end! Thanks for the giveaway.

  110. I’m a happy follower 🙂

  111. I shared on FB (bobbi doll dougherty)

  112. I’ve liked you on Facebook.

  113. I follow your blog. Pick me!!!

  114. I have a wonderful friend, Wendy, who has been there for me through some really difficult trials in my life. She has been a support and always shared the perfect words for whatever life brought to me. We are still close, even though we now live across the country from each other. Good friends make life beautiful!!

  115. I am an email follower ( 🙂

  116. I am a FB follower (bobbi doll dougherty)

  117. The person who helps me get through my day is my son. He’s 13 but still such a sweet boy even though he tries really hard to act like a surly teenager. He always makes me laugh. I don’t think I could make it though the hard days without him.

  118. My closest best friends are my daughters (D and DIL)! We talk several times a week or more. They are both encouragers! They share their kids with me a lot!! I follow you on FB and have joined your blog, Lindsay. Thanks!

  119. Not exactly friends, but my two kiddos sure do make me smile! My 3 year old says some of the funniest things and is so sweet with his little sister!

  120. New Facebook follower!

  121. New subscriber!

  122. Thanks for the great tutorial! I would have to answer that my daughter is the one who makes me smile. She teaches art to about 600 first and second graders and always has funny stories to share with me each day. She lives across the state so I look forward to her daily phone calls.

  123. I am following your blog!

  124. I would love to make a quilt for my Bestie Bridget. She is always there for me! She makes me smile when I feel like crying, listens when I need to rant and supports me in every way a friend should. God has blessed me with this kindred soul and I thank him every day! Thanks for the chance to win!

  125. I follow you with google friend.

  126. I am already a facebook fan!

  127. I shared on my fb page.

  128. I have a dear friend who occasionally drops in for coffee when she is finished with work. We do not plan anything special, but a coffee break with L. is always a treat!

  129. I am a happy regular follower of your blog — and I so enjoyed the quilt tutorial!


  131. Happy to become a follower.


  133. Shared this post on FB.

  134. “Liked” The Cottage Mama” FB page.


  136. Megan Schantz says

    First let me say that I had to do a double take when I first read this because I’ve been hoping and praying for you to do a giveaway on this particular line, woohoo!! I feel like I can’t just narrow my friends down to just 1 to talk about so I will post about my different amazing friends I am so blessed to have! First one is the office manager at the place I work. She has been the most amazing person I have ever met, always bright and cheerful never a bad attitude. She is always there to listen and give positive truthful feedback. She feels like the sister I never had that I get to see every day!

  137. My best friend & I have been friends since we were 5. No matter what is going on in our lives we always find something to laugh about. She’s one of my biggest cheerleaders & is always there when I need her.

  138. Megan Schantz says

    Second friend is my friend from 7th grade, her and I have been through thick and extremely thin together. When we were sophomores in high school she lost her younger brother in a freak accident at their house. That’s something I feel like a 16 yr should every have to go through. But, her and I have a special bond now since I lost my brother in April to a freak accident while with my husband and other brother on my husband’s birthday. She was there for me the whole time and I cherish her for that. We are 23 and 24 and have been through a lot but with each other at our sides.

  139. My fiance always brightens my day! No matter my mood, he can make me laugh.

  140. i follow you on facebook

  141. i shared this giveaway on facebook

  142. Megan Schantz says

    My third friend has been my friend since we were babies not to mention neighbors that whole time. She also is one of those listen and give great feedback kind of people. She has always been there for my through break ups, lost kittens and stood by my side the day I married my best friend. She is truly a great friend for life!

  143. Megan Schantz says

    My 4th and last friend I will talk about is my sewing buddy. She has also been my friend since we were babies and grew up just a little further down the road from me. We transferred to public school together, played Barbie’s all weekend long, and now we spend nights and weekends sewing our little hearts away.
    Don’t I have the best group of friends ever!! I feel so so blessed to have each and every one of my friends in my life, not to mention my family too 🙂

  144. oh that special person would be my husband who makes me laugh and smile every day, specially when I most need it!

  145. Following your blog

  146. I already like your facebook page

  147. Shared your giveaway on my facebook page Nati’s Little Things

  148. That special person would be my twin sister. We don’t live close, and don’t get to see each other a lot, but we talk almost every day, and we get to really laugh together – those deep belly laughs that end up hurting your stomach, but feel so good!

  149. I have a great quilter friend…we love to hit all the shops in town and have lunch.

  150. I am already a follower with Google Reader

  151. I already follow you via email

  152. I’m following you on FB

  153. Thank you so much for the give-away! Beautiful quilt you made for a special person and friend 🙂 I don’t have just one friend who helps me get through my days! I actually have a whole bunch of them! And I have meet most of them through an on-line group of Mom’s I meet six years ago, right before the birth of my 2nd 🙂 This site is made up of a lot of local Mom’s, but it’s also stretched all across the country. So many of us, so different and yet – we are all Mom’s, either with kids in the house or who have moved out. The advice, love, encouragement, laughter, smiles, heart felt sorrow – all of it has saved me many a days when I’ve felt isolated, or just need to share my joy with others who understand! Many of us being local do meet for a weekly park date, but we can all come and go as we need and please on park day – but we can connect so many times a day through our message groups. It’s called Mom’s in Training and it’s brought me so many days of saving grace being there for me 🙂 Thank you so much again!

  154. I am now a fan on FB 🙂 Thank you so much for the give-away!

  155. My friend, Lori, can always make me smile, no matter how poorly I am feeling:) thanks for the chance to win some stunning fabrics:)

  156. I already follow your blog, too:)

  157. I also like you on FB:)

  158. Shared on FB! (goonybird)

  159. Shared this on FB! Thank you for the give-away!!!

  160. Shared on Facebook! (Lesley Larry Latham)

  161. Liked on Facebook! (Lesley Larry Latham)

  162. My mom is my go-to person to help me get through any day. She ALWAYS makes me feel better. 🙂

  163. I’m so lucky that my sister is the special friend in my life who helps me get through my days with lots of smiles and laughter.

  164. I am a long-time fan of The Cottage Mama on Facebook.

  165. When my Mom died two years ago, my friend Jean, who is 85, “adopted” me. She is always there whenever I think about calling my Mom and she is a very talented quilter. No matter what technique I need help with, she is able and willing to help me. I don’t know what I would do without her. I love your quilt, it looks pretty and fast.

  166. I like you on Facebook.

  167. I’m already a follower. 🙂

  168. My girls always make me laugh.

  169. I’m a follower

  170. My daughter is my special friend.

  171. I follow Cottage Home

  172. I am already a follower 🙂

  173. I follow you on facebook

  174. My Sister Cindy almost always has a smile (and brings one to me and my folks). And to make it even better she owns the best bakery around so we can count on her for cake or cupcakes too.

  175. I’m a follower of your blog now.

  176. I’m also following you on FAcebook

  177. I am so blessed to have many many good friends that I can turn to when I need a girlfriend. Some that I haven’t talked to in years, but I know we would pick up like we saw each other yesterday. Also lucky to still have my mom, who I call first.

  178. I’m a follower now, by email! Beautiful quilt! And I LOVE Simply Color!

  179. I liked your facebook page!

  180. I follow Cottage Mama

  181. I have a sweet friend who is an older widow lady from my church. She loves my kids like her own grandchildren, and she is always willing to help anyone!

  182. I will share the give-a-way on fb

  183. I shared on Facebook

  184. My sister has been there for me always. She’s had her share of life’s troubles, yet never complains. She has recently found out she has Parkinson’s, and still keeps fighting forward. I have been soooo sick for 2 weeks, they have yet to figure it out, but she’s there for me, all day every day, checking and trying to help. She is in the midst of testing and scans right now on herself, but never misses a beat to be my best friend.

  185. I follow The Cottage Home Blog. I love the featured quilt and would love to win this bundle to make a quilt of my own.

  186. I follow your blog, thanks for the great stuff!

  187. Am a FB fan 🙂

  188. My Husband and my Boys are my special Friends. They have been my source of happiness and laughter even at my lowest. When they are not around all I have do is reflect on something one of them has said or done and it brings a smile to my face and to my heart. I don’t know what I would do without them in my life.

  189. I follow your blog!
    cameron dot lawracy at gmail dot com

  190. I liked you on fb.

  191. My wonderful friend Brooke brought me strawberry cupcakes last night for no reason other than she loves me. That’s why I love her. 🙂 Cameron

  192. My friend Tamera definitely helps me get through every darn day at work – we chat via IM, share complaints about coworkers, and generally try to “keep your chin up” each other. I’d definitely use the prize to make her a quilt, and she’s going through some Tough Stuff right now and could use a big hug all the time! 🙂 :)Thanks for the chance!

  193. I follow your blog in my Google reader. 🙂

  194. My little girl makes everyday a treat.

  195. My friend,Donna,and I co-teach a Sunday School class. We email each other during the week with prayer requests and scriptures. There have been many times when I really needed an encouraging word and Donna has always been there for me!

  196. My two little boys make me smile and laugh every day!

  197. This is my all time favorite fabric line! I have known my best friend Denise for over 30 years. We may go weeks or months without speaking, but when we do, it’s like time stood still. Last year she was diagnosed with breast cancer. This year she is cancer-free. My next project will be a quilt for her, showing how much I appreciate and love her.

  198. I have now started following your blog via email.

  199. I have liked your page on facebook too!

  200. Now I will share this with all of my friends too!

  201. I follow you on fb.

  202. I have a friend who also has 3 kids like me and she helps me realize I’m not the only crazy one!

  203. My grandmother, even though she lives in another state now after living only 45 minutes away most of my life we keep up with phone calls and emails!

  204. I follow via GFC!!

  205. I also follow and like your FB page!

  206. My mom or my best friend Sandra have really been my special friends to help me get through days. I enjoy talking to them. I also have some other moms that I talk to. 🙂

  207. I like you on facebook

  208. I subscribe to your blog posts.

  209. I also pinned it which shared it on my facebook.

  210. I follow you on facebook!

  211. I couldn’t get through my day without my loving family!

  212. My mom has taught me to sew, to quilt, to fix my serger….whenever I need her, she’s there…appreciate her so much…

    I follow your blog and facebook page. will pass this along…..

  213. I am a follower of your blog with GFC! Love it!!

  214. I also follow on facebook.
    Jessica Steppig Balderson

  215. My husband helps me laugh alot.

  216. I’m a follower

  217. I liked you on fb.

  218. I shared it on fb.

  219. My family, my husband and our two daughters, makes me smile everyday.

  220. I “like” you on Facebook!

  221. I also follow your blog with Blogger.

  222. My next door neighbor is one of my good friends. She’s always there to lend a hand and she also helps out with driving our kids to & from school!! (I’ve also been watching the 3rd and 4th seasons of Castle… I always get a kick out of Beckett and Castle, and I get so many chuckles from that show!!)

  223. I already follow your blog via Google Reader. 🙂

  224. My friend, Beth, do crafts and sewing projects together and we have more fun than is legal! We both love fabrics! Great giveaway….we would have so much fun with that!

  225. My daughter and husband make my days sunny and bright no matter what the weather is like. I’ve become more interested in sewing since she was born and have a huge to-do list of projects just for her! Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  226. I am a fan of your Blog and your Facebook page and my hubby is my bestest friend, always there for me and when he isn’t near me, I feel a part of me is missing! Shame I live in Australia though and can’t qualify for this gorgeous prize, I love the colours! So now I guess I have to go shopping to see if I can find this in Australia!

  227. I have been following your blog on Google Reader for more than a year now. 🙂

  228. I am a Facebook Fan too.

  229. And I shared this post and giveaway with my FB friends list this morning. 🙂

  230. My family keeps me on the up and up!! We share a love to keep humour in the spotlight. Thanks for the chance – I love your quilt and would make one just like it!!!

  231. I follow you via GFC – thanks for a second chance to win this awesome giveaway!!!!

  232. I liked Cottage Mama on FB!! Thanks again!

  233. My BFF Lin, is always a willing ear when I need a friend. Although she lives 1000 miles away, we stay in contact via phone, email, and a visit twice a year. She is my “heart”friend who loves me, flaws and all. She is coming to visit for a few days next month, and I can’t wait!

  234. My husband and son can make me smile and laugh like few other people can.

  235. I’ve signed up to follow your blog.

  236. love that fabric

  237. i follow your blog

  238. i liked you on facebook

  239. I liked you on facebook!

  240. I follow you both here and via Google Reader.

  241. I don’t see or talk to my friend Carol very often but our regular email exchanges make my days brighter and funnier. Honestly, she is the funniest person I know and makes me laugh like crazy. Lucky me.

  242. My best friend in the world I’ve known since I was 10 and we live thousands of kilometres apart and there’s so many times i wish I could give her a big warm hug. This quilt is so pretty the collection from V and Co is just gorgeous.
    Thank you for the giveaway 🙂

  243. I’m following your blog

  244. I’ve liked you on facebook 🙂

  245. My hubby gets me through my day. He is always trying to cheer me up and make me laugh. He is my best friend and definitely earns that title.

  246. I follow you!

  247. I like you on FB

  248. I follow your blog.

  249. I have liked your page on Facebook for a long time.

  250. My husband makes me smile all the time. 🙂

  251. I’m a follower (GFC)

  252. I’m a new fan of The Cottage Mama on facebook. 🙂

  253. I joined your blog via Google

  254. I shared this with my friends on Facebook. You are sure generating a lot of interest with this give away.

  255. Miss Ann Philips gives smiles and laughs each day. She takes very good care of all the people in our office. She makes everyone feel good. She would love this quilt.

  256. My sister makes me laugh and smile every time I talk to her on the telephone (unfortunately, we live far away from each other and can’t get together in person very often) so I’d love to make her a special ‘hug’ quilt.

  257. I’m already a happy follower of your blog :o)

  258. I am a follower via GFC

  259. I already Like you on Facebook

  260. My special person is my husband. He always has a smile, and a hug and kiss, for me. He makes me smile just by being around. He laughs at my dumb jokes and tells dumb ones to make me laugh too.

  261. I like your page on Facebook, thank you for the giveaway!

  262. I follow your blog in my RSS google feed too.

  263. I’m following the blog now – thanks for the tutorial

  264. My daughter and my mom help me get thought my day.

  265. I like the cottage mama on fb.

  266. I am now an official fan!

  267. I follow the cottage mama.

  268. My three kids and my mom are my greatest inspirations, and I am daily grateful for their close presence in my life.

    I check in on your blog daily, and am glad that you brought to my attention the option of signing up for the feed.

  269. I signed up for the feed – thanks a lot for a wonderful website!

  270. My girls always help me get through days that are hard.

  271. I follow the Cottage Home blog.

  272. I am a fan of The Cottage Mama on FB.

  273. My little ones make me smile and laugh each day. Thanks for the giveaway!

  274. I follow your Blog already, on Google Friend Connect!

    Thanks for chance to win! 🙂

  275. I follow your blog!

  276. I follow you on FB!

  277. My grand daughter always fills my days with joy!

  278. I have two dear Friends that make my days Special, Audrey & Leslie. They live close to me….and keep me strong & laughing thru trials of loosing our son before his 22nd B-day, and now me going thru cancer stuff. But my Hero & special Strength & thru my sweet Daughter who lives in NC now. She can lift my heart with just a text, a call, a card in the mail…..or poppin-in to surprise me this past June, after my surgeries!!! She is my person I see as MOST Special (next to my Husband of course! lol)to make my days fun & Sparkly!!! (I miss her bein’ close by!)

    Thanks for chance to win! 🙂

  279. My mom is my best friend. I always call her just to talk or for advice.

  280. Follow the blog via GFC.

  281. Like the Cottage Mama on facebook.

  282. My best friend Shana is that person. We’ve been besties since 7th grade. That was 20 years ago!

  283. I am a blog follower!

  284. I am a follower

  285. I like Cottage Mama on facebook

  286. Blue, green, and purple are my favorite color combinations. Many people help me get through the day, my kids, my boss, my friends, and my Mom. I am pretty lucky.

  287. What a GORGEOUS quilt/gift! Thank You for the tutorial & giveaway. This will probably sound corny to some but the one “person” that I can count on to make my day better no matter what is my dog, Hunter. The little guy can make me smile no matter how bad I feel.

  288. I am a follower of the blog via email.

  289. I am a follower of The Cottage Home on Facebook.

  290. I shared this post on my facebook page. Thank You again.

  291. I’m a follower and receive emails, and I enjoy your blog.

  292. This quilt is just my style. It’s simple and way so pretty. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  293. When I worked Susan was a great friend. We both quilt. She’s waiting for me to get my longarm set up. I have retired and moved so we are not as close. I’m close to my husband and mostly to my Lord. He keeps me going the most.

  294. My special friend is my sister. She is such an inspiration to me. She is blind, and there is nothing that she can’t do. Thanks for the chance to win!


  295. I have been a happy follower of your blog by
    e-mail & GFC.


  296. I like the Cottage Mama on FB. Thanks for the chance to win!

  297. I shared about your giveaway on FB, via Rhonda Gaines Desgrangnes.

  298. My sister, Jeni, has been my dearest friend for 29 years. She and her husband are both in the military, and life has not always been easy for them. She is such a strong person, and always so kind and giving. I would love to make her a quilt to remind her of what an amazing person she is and give her comfort on her lonely days.

  299. I follow via gfc and email (jesusiscool8 at yahoo dot com)

  300. I love this fabric, and the quilt! My Mo is the person I talk to daily by email; we love to share our simple days and make each other laugh over the silliest things. I love my sweet Mommy

  301. I follow you on facebook!

  302. I follow your blog

  303. My best freind, Ann Marie. She was instigational in my meeting my now husband. She stood with me at our wedding. Her daughter was our flower girl.

    She has been my venting board. My support. My encourager. My sister. Part of my soul.

    We don’t live near each other anymore. I moved to Michigan when I got married. She’s gone through a LOT of changes int he past year, ending an abusive marriage. Making a new life (complete with a job for the first time since her kids were born). She could use some snuggly love.

    Thanks for the opportunity. It would be amazing to be able to ship this as a surprise to her.


  304. I follow you via email!


  305. and I have liked you on FB for a year now, I guess. 🙂 You gave me courage to start my own blog! And sew my own goodies!



  306. I follow you on Facebook

  307. My hubby is that special person – lots of laughs to share!

  308. I’m a follower via email and RSS feed.

  309. And I like you on Facebook!

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  310. My dear friend Shelly brightens my world, lightens my days, listens to my tales of woe and manages to commiserate and move me along simultaneously–all this despite being on the opposite coast. How thankful I am for her.

  311. I follow your blog.

  312. I have been a fan of your blog for a long time! Also added you on fb today. And the person that makes me smile every day is my 7 year old son…just as well as he can drive me nuts at times! lol He has just started school and my heart sings when he reads to me! 🙂 Lovely fabrics! Would LOVE them! Thank you very much! 🙂

  313. I have been a fan of your blog for a long time! Also added you on fb today. And the person that makes me smile every day is my 7 year old son…just as well as he can drive me nuts at times! lol He has just started school and my heart sings when he reads to me! 🙂 Lovely fabrics! Would LOVE them! Thank you very much! 🙂

  314. the person that makes my day shine is or better are my two little kids, life is definitely different now that I have them here to fill mine!!!!

  315. I already am your blog follower with your newsletters

  316. I have to say my Mom is my special person- she has been a steady source of love and inspiration during my divorce and never lets me down!

  317. follow you on fb under nicole/ bthm

  318. follow via email

    nick0166 (at) yahoo dot com

  319. My husband is the special one in my life. He’s an upbeat person & loves to laugh & share a joke or funny story. Thanks for the chance to win. Love your quilt.

  320. I’m a follower of your blog – receiving posts by email. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  321. I liked you on facebook – thanks.

  322. I have a colleague whom I’ve come to depend on for laughter in my teaching job. She is out on medical leave this semester, and I miss her smile and laughter. She is using that love now to get healthy!

  323. Fan on FB

  324. Oh my goodness, my eyes popped when I saw this quilt. Such a good placement of precuts and I love the Simply Color collection. Her friend will treasure this. Speaking of friends, my best friend is Susie. Our kids are the same age and we’ve shared the trials and tribulations of raising kids, the heartbreak of this economy, as well as many, many joys that we find along the way. My world would not be the same without her. Maybe I should make her a quilt!

  325. I’ve been a fan, probably through GFC but I get the email updates, which I love.

  326. I’ve been a fan of your FB page. You’d find me as Mountain Quiltworks over there.

  327. You can check out my FB post about the Giveaway at

  328. My friend Mabel can always make me laugh!!

  329. I already follow you via email!

  330. MY special friend is my sister,she is always there when I need a friend.She`s a great person.

  331. What a lucky person you are to have a friend like her. And I am so sorry that she moved.. 🙁
    My special friends that help me through the day are my two dogs! six years ago i had a operation on my neck and after that my life was turned completely upside down. I couldn’t do my job anymore, no more horseback riding, no more running, no more pianoplaying and no more hand sewing wool and felt.
    It did mean that I finally had the time to make a quilt, something I had always wanted to do, but never had time for. Now quilting has become a passion! I spend a lot of time in my sewing room. I’m not able to sew by hand, but I am a master on the sewing machine 🙂
    Though it has been six years now, i sometimes still get the blues over my former life. My dogs always seem to notice and lift me from that mood. after a walk together we retire in the sewing room where i just love looking at the colorful fabrics and making a new project.
    I thank you for the ideas you share with us!

  332. My daughter, Lindsey, makes me smile everyday!

  333. I follow your your blog and love it!

  334. I like The Cottage Mama on Facebook!

  335. My Mom makes makes me laugh so hard that we’ll both be crying! We can have fun anywhere as long as we’re together!!

  336. I also Pinned this tutorial…does that count 😉

  337. I am a Cottage Mama blog subscriber!!! 🙂 It’s one of my favorites of all time!!

  338. I “like” your page on facebook so that I know whenever you put a new post up on your blog

  339. I am a follower, thanks for the giveaway and free pattern. I think God made my youngest son to make light of some of the heavy times .

  340. I am in the UK, so don’t count me for the giveaway!
    I just wanted to comment though and say how beautiful this quilt is! I love how simple it is too with the precuts, I may have to give this one a go! Also, I hadn’t seen this fabric before, it is lovely, I may have just found yet another thing to add to my ‘must buy’ list…!

  341. I would love to make this quilt for my mom. She’s so giving to everyone!

  342. I’m a fan on facebook.

  343. Oh my gosh! I have to tell you that I’ve been looking forward to this fabric collection since the very first sneak peek over on Vanessa’s blog. I absolutely LOVE it. You chose a fabulous collection to make your beautiful quilt from. Thank you so much for the awesome, as always, tutorial as well.

    I know it will sound cliche, but my very best friend in the entire world is my amazing husband. He and I met by accident online in 2000 and immediately just ‘knew’ we were soul mates. It was the strangest thing I’ve ever felt. In less than two months of talking online, we were (and still do to this day) sending emails to each other that were almost word for word the same. He was in MI and I, here in IL yet it was like we had been married forever where we just knew what each were thinking. Out of the blue I’d send him an email about something and within a few seconds of me sending that email to him, I’d get one back from him that was almost identical to what I’d just sent. SO weird. And to this day, while he is at work, we still do that very same thing. We think alike in all aspects of our lives. I don’t know what I would do if I ever lost him. Thankfully, unlike best friends he won’t be moving away from me. At least I would hope not anyway. lol

    I’m sorry your best friend moved. I do know how that hurts. My best friend since kindergarten moved all the way to TX years ago about two years after my first child was born. She and her husband are actually my oldest childs’ Godparents and I really miss her. She and I always knew what the other was thinking. We were inseparable all the way through school and even after graduation from high school. Over the years we don’t have a lot of contact any longer so it really feels like part of my heart is missing. We still do have some contact but not as much as we used to have.

  344. I am already a follower of The Cottage Home via GFC, RSS, and also via email.

  345. Beautiful quilt! My go to friends for support are both quilters so we have a lot in common. They are both moms and grandmas too so there is plenty of advice and commisserating!

  346. I already follow/’liked’ you on Facebook.

  347. This is great! And I’ve been eying this line! I think it’d be perfect for a quilt for my mom, who has always been a great support system for me. Thanks!

  348. I have a wonderful friend that has a baby girl almost the exact same age as my little girl. She really is wonderful to laugh and cry with over all the new mama experiences. I am so lucky to have her as a friend!

  349. I follow you on google reader!

  350. When I saw this quilt and why you had made it I decided I had to make one to send to my dear friend who I use to quilt with and now has moved far away and I haven’t seen her for a few years and I miss her so much. Thanks for the give away.

  351. Hi I do follow your blog, I could go over and like you on FB but I just don’t have the time to do FB and I like blogs better.

  352. I am a Follower of The Cottage Home Blog (ps it’s awesome)

  353. My husband is my special person in my life that helps me get through the days with lots of smiles and laughter

  354. My hubby is my best “cheerleader”; thanks for chance! (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)

  355. Follow The Cottage Home via GFC/Blogger; thanks (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)

  356. I am a follower of your blog.

  357. My best friend is my sister who is always there to listen.

  358. One of my dearest friends I have only just recently met, but I’ve felt like I known her for years. She is a crafty, quilter, knitter, blogger, Mom of 5 (5!!!) with her own photography business and has always made time for our friendship. She has a heart of gold, and one of the best eyes for color I’ve seen, and we laugh consistently. I’d make her a quilt as a surprise, but since she is constantly looking at my stuff I’d never sneak it PAST her!

  359. My mom definitely always makes me laugh. We like to instant message throughout the day so it helps break up the monotony.

  360. I have a friend who has shown me more strength and faith as she has gone through breast cancer this past year! Courage.

  361. I would make a quilt for my friend Jaemi. She has been a true friend and inspired me to take up sewing.

    Jen at toddleita dot com

  362. I follow your blog by email!

    Jen at toddleita dot com

  363. I’m a follower of the blog!

  364. I follow your blog on bloglovin. Thanks for the chance!

  365. My sister makes me smile!

  366. My mom is who I turn to when I need a laugh. We get along really well, and I know that she is always there to make me smile 🙂

  367. I follow your blog through GFC 🙂

  368. I liked you on Facebook as well! 🙂

  369. I am a facebook fan!!


  371. Just subscribed to the RSS feed. Thanks for the giveaway. Would be great to get these colors.

  372. I am a facebook Fan!

  373. My daughter’s BFF’s mom has become a really great friend to me, too.

  374. And you’re in my google reader.

  375. And I like your page on FB.

  376. The person who makes me laugh and smile everyday is my 3 year old son – every day he experiences something that cracks him up, and when he laughs you can’t help but join in.

  377. I liked your FB page.

  378. and I’ve started following your blog via email.

  379. My daughter and my granddaughters help me through the day. They bring such joy to my heart. They don’t live near me, but we SKYPE every week. Thank you for the chance to win.

  380. I am an officials follower of yours now. Thank you.

  381. My hubs is my special person. He makes me smile no matter what.

  382. I’m a follower of your blog.

  383. My mom always helps me get through the day!

  384. I already follow your thecottagehome blog.

  385. Denise is a special friend who is a former co-worker. She We laugh a lot, remind each other to not take life too seriously, and to each a fair amount of cheesecake.

  386. We already liked you on FB too. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com

  387. My mother has the knack for bringing me out of my “moods” with her quick wit, sense of humor, and sometimes diplomatic get-over-it remark. She is a good friend to me and we share a love of quilting.

  388. My husband and I have been laughing together for 48 years.

  389. My best friend is always good for a random text to make the day a little more fun.

  390. I follow!

  391. I’m a FB fan!

  392. I love your quilt (and if I won, I’d make it just like yours!!) And I am now a follower thru email. 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win: I’ve been eying this collection!!

  393. My friend who helped me make it through the day was my college roomie, Pam. She had a wonderful sense of humor, could finish my sentences, and we got to be roomies for two years. She has just been diagnosed with cancer and will be going through chemo, so if I won, I’d make this quilt for her to snuggle in thru treatments. Thanks for the chance to win this lovliness!! 🙂

  394. Fantastic!!!

  395. My friend would also be my husband, because I couldn’t get through the week without him and my wonderful girls I can’t say enough how they fill my life with fun:)

  396. Liked you on facebook, love your patterns.

  397. I follow your blog in google reader:) Thanks

  398. I have been blessed to have my friend, Gloria, for the past 40 years – I tell her that she holds my memories since her memory is better than mine! She’d love this collection, especially the blues and greens! Thanks for the chance to win – your quilt is gorgeous!

  399. I follow your blog on google reader!

  400. i am now a follower! Love this tutorial… Thanks for sharing your lovely talent!

  401. My mom and my mother in law are my go to ladies. I talk to them at least once a week. I love the chance to visit with them and miss them so much since they both live in different states from where we live. Any chance I have to show them I miss them and love them is welcomed!

  402. I follow your blog already. Love it!

  403. I “like” you o n facebook.

  404. This quilt is beautiful!!! I love the color combo. There is a group of us who have been friends for 20+ years, since our college days. We gather about ten times a year to catch up. Two years ago, with a newborn and broken ankle, one friend stood above the rest and went above and beyond the call of duty to help my family. These are her favorite colors and it would be so nice to be able to do something to repay her. Love your blog!!!!

  405. I’m a fan on Facebook

  406. I follow you by e-mail

  407. My sister is my favorite person – she always makes me smile or laugh with stories about her pre-school class, her dogs Bart and Maggie, and life with her work-at-home hubby.

  408. I am so excited about this line — more than any other I’ve seen this year! Such gorgeous colors! Thanks for the chance to win.

    I’m a new follower.

  409. My neighbor, Des, is always fun to be around. We spend time crafting and laughing together. I don’t get to see her everyday, which makes our time together that much more special!

  410. HI!! Handsdown, my favorite person to make me smile and get my attitude on the right path is my handsome husband! And funny enough, he is the only one in my family I havent make a quilt for yet. This would be perfect!

  411. I have been following the Cottage Home Blog for a LONG time now! SUCH A HUGE FAN!

  412. I have liked Cottage Mama on facebook for some time now! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  413. My husband makes me laugh and smile.

  414. One of the special people in my life is my Mother-In-Law. She is my best friend!!! We talk almost every day on the phone and love spending time together every chance we get. So much so my husband sometimes gets a little jealous that me and his Momma are so close, LOL.

  415. I’m a follower :o)

  416. I like you on FB

  417. thanks for sharing.

  418. thanks for sharing.

  419. Thank you for such a beautiful tutorial, and what a lovely gift it will be, although your friend and colleague will not be with you, you are always just a skype away. Being in Australia I cannot join in on this giveaway, but thank you for the reminder, I have messaged my best friend and thanked her for her valued friendship. A lovely Idea that I will do often tho those I love.

  420. I’ve liked your Facebook page. My best friend Karen is always there for me. We are so similar we are like sisters. Thank you for the chance to win.

  421. Love your quilt! I have never been able to buy a jellyroll or charm pack. Maybe someday.

  422. I follow via email 🙂

  423. I shared the giveaway via Pinterest.

  424. My friend, Tracy, is a dear, sweet lady who helps me get through my day. She helps my family in immeasurable ways by serving us during a tough time. She also sends me an email nearly every day … and I always end up giggling over something or another!

  425. I’m a fan on Facebook!

  426. My oldest niece is my special friend. She calls at random times just to say “I love you” or she texts me to say “I miss you and I love you. She makes me feel very special and wanted in her life. I have made things for her kids, but I think it is time to make a quilt for her. She loves bright happy colors as much as I do. I think making a quilt in Simply Color would be great for both us us. Me for the joy of making it, and her receiving and using it.

  427. i am a follower.

  428. I follow by email. Thanks

  429. I would say my husband….we both work from home and he is always making me laugh and talking me through any frustrations or challenges that come up with work. Thanks

  430. I am a fan on FB. Thanks

  431. My special friend emails me almost daily and encourages my creativity! We are blessed to have such people in our lives ~

  432. I follow your blog ~

  433. I have liked The Cottage Mama on FB ~

  434. I became a follower!! Love the quilt btw! 🙂

  435. The person I most share laughter and tears with is my husband. We are best friends. He also quilts!

  436. I liked you on FB

  437. I follow your blog via Feedly.

  438. I shared your giveaway on FB

  439. What a fresh look! I love the colors.

  440. My friend Valerie is my sewing buddy. We text each other pictures of our projects and funny comments throughout the day. We meet in person at least once a month, always lots of laughter.

  441. Already a facebook fan