Happy Birthday, Josephine!

Dear JoJo,

Happy Birthday! Today you are six years old. Wow, time sure does fly when you are having fun! I can’t believe my youngest baby is six. Here are some things I would like to remember about you when you turned six years old and somethings you might like to know about your six year old self…….

  1. You still love chicken nuggets, french fries and ranch. It’s what you order anytime we go out to eat or order take-out.
  2. You are on the gymnastics team. You are working towards competing level three and are a very hard worker. You are one of the youngest on the team and we are so proud of your dedication and commitment at such a young age. You spend 10-12 hours each week in the gym and you love every minute of it!
  3. You are in Kindergarten this year. It’s a little odd because we are in the middle of a global pandemic (Covid-19) so you are doing school remotely from home. You absolutely adore your teacher and are doing a great job adapting to this new way of learning.
  4. You love to play babies. You have lots of babies, but your favorite is your Bitty Baby. You are going to be a great Mommy when you grow up.
  5. You also love playing American Girl dolls. You don’t have one of your own, but you have pretty much been given Savannah (Kit), Matilda (Isabelle) and my doll (Kirsten). You like to arrange all the things in the kitchen and play dolls with your friends.
  6. Due to the pandemic, yet again, you are having a small birthday party with some of your neighborhood friends that we are comfortable with you being around regularly. You are having a unicorn themed party. You will be wearing the unicorn dress I made for your big sister, Savannah, many years ago. You are going to paint tiny bird houses and have a unicorn ice cream cake with chocolate cake and cookies and cream ice cream. Your friends Gabriella, Sydney, Avery and Ady are attending your party.
  7. For your birthday dinner you would like me to make you orzo with butter. You also really like rice, apples, strawberries, raspberries, Nutella, hash browns, pancakes, waffles……you don’t like much in the vegetable department.
  8. You like to watch kids on YouTube. You still like Ryan’s World and some other YouTube channels.
  9. Your favorite movie to watch this year was Daddy Daycare. You think it is SO funny.
  10. You are going to be a Rainbow Unicorn this year for Halloween. You are also wearing your big sister, Savannah’s costume. There must be something about Kindergarten and unicorns.
  11. You only like to practice gymnastics at home with Mama. Your big sister, Savannah, always wants to help you, but you always tell her no. You are pretty sassy to your siblings.
  12. Speaking of Sassy. You love to sing the song S-A-S-S-Y, Sassy as I wanna be. We might have a Diva in the making around here.
  13. You love to snuggle. You give great hugs.
  14. You enjoy painting with watercolors and love to draw flowers.
  15. Your favorite color is pink with purple and blue following closely behind.
  16. You still love bows. You like the big JoJo Siwa bows and are really good at picking out matching ones to coordinate with your outfits. You are always looking super stylish.
  17. You like to try to do the laundry. You can get it started and like to help fold.
  18. You like to help clean up, but you seem to leave your things all over the place these days. It’s like there is a trail of where JoJo has been around the house.
  19. You enjoy playing games. You like Aggravation, Trouble, Uno, Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, Candy Land, Guess Who?, Sushi Go and many more!
  20. You are fiercely independent. You do things on your own way younger than your siblings. You make my life much easier because you like to do most things on your own!

Josephine Mae, you fill our lives with spunk and entertainment. You love to laugh, joke and have fun all the time! Our life would not be nearly as bright without you as part of our family. I thank God everyday that we decided to go for it and have a fourth child. You are the piece that completes our family and we love you SO much!

I love you from here to the moon and back again!



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