Yay! I’m so glad to FINALLY be able to share this news with you all. We are happy to announce that we are expecting Baby #4 in October 2014! We are just so thrilled to welcome another little one into our family and seriously, I have had such a hard time keeping this one a secret.
We just told the kids a few weeks ago and they are over the moon. Savannah Rose is 6 years old, Matilda Jane is 4.5 years old and Caspian Finn is 2.5 years old……..which means new baby and Caspian will be 3 years apart. This is our biggest gap between kids, but I think I needed it with all the business stuff that was going on in the last two years and Cass being such a busy boy. I went back and forth trying to decide if we should go for #4, but I knew that I would not feel like our family was complete until we went for it. And my husband (Brett) was definitely on board. He’s of the mindset ‘the more children, the merrier.’ Gotta love that man. So at the end of last year, we decided the timing was right to add another little one.
Savannah said she wanted to name the baby ‘Sweetie’ if it was a girl and ‘Rocky’ if it was a boy. Matilda said she wanted to name it ‘he’ if it was a boy or ‘she’ if it was a girl……..logical, right? And Caspian……..well, he keeps saying he’s going to be a ‘Big Sister’. We try to tell him that he’s going to be a ‘Big Brother’ but he wants to be a big sister like his sisters, so we are just going with it. Matilda has probably been the sweetest about the baby. On the night we told her, she came running out of the bathroom while she was brushing her teeth, and said ‘Oh no! We don’t have a toothbrush for the baby.’ I told her that it would be ok for quite sometime. She said ‘Don’t worry……I have three toothbrushes and I’m happy to wipe one off for the new baby’. Kind of gross, but super sweet. She tells the baby she loves it everyday and draws pictures of a baby in mommy’s belly. Melts my heart.
My baby bump definitely popped around 10 weeks. I guess after you’ve had three kids, your body just knows how to get all stretched out again. We were really surprised the kids never said anything about my ever expanding belly. I tried to conceal it in public so no one would say anything with the kids around since we didn’t want them to know until we felt we had reached the safe zone. But now the bump is out in full force. There is no denying that there is a little someone growing in there.
And guess what? We already know what we are having! I know, nothing like spilling all the beans in one blog post, right? We did a new early genetic blood test (that wasn’t widely available with the other three kids) and this test checks for lots of things including X and Y chromosomes, so it’s actually more accurate than ultrasound. And so, it’s a…………..
GIRL!!! I still can’t believe it. I had convinced myself that it was a boy because my first trimester was very similar to when I was pregnant with Caspian. I was extremely nauseous and tired but not actually getting sick a lot. With the girls I was very sick and lost 12 pounds the 1st trimester with Miss Matilda. But that just goes to show you, that every pregnancy is different. I think Brett was in shock when I told him it was a girl because he said I had convinced him it was a boy. So I guess Mr. Caspian is just going to be the Prince of this family surrounded by all these lovely ladies. I’m sure they will show him how to be a very good husband one of these days and he and Daddy are going to have a tight bond forever. Guys have to stick together, right? And I am just so thrilled to get to sew for another little girl. I didn’t really get into sewing full force until after Matilda was born, so I can’t wait to make some itty bitty baby things for our new little Miss.
I found out we were expecting in early February and quickly moved into the feeling nauseous and tired 24/7 right away thereafter. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the blog has gone pretty darn silent for the last few months and that would be the main reason why. There was just no way I could keep up with everything. I knew I had to keep up with shipping patterns and books as well as answering emails, but sewing? Forget about it. I feel like I haven’t touch my machine in ages. However, as of a few weeks ago, I seem to have some of my energy back, the nausea is gone and I’m hoping things return back to normal very soon!
Whew, that feels so good to share everything with you all! We are just so excited…….eeek!
Congratulations and blessings on your new baby! Sew excited for you and the rest of your family!!!!
Congrats to you! How exciting
I have 3 boys and 1 nephew, so sewing for girls only happened when a friend had a girl (which was not a lot!) How fun it must be to sew all the cute girly patterns I see online.
Hope your pregnancy is a healthy and blessed one, Cindy
Congratulations!!! So happy for you and your family. What a wonderful blessing.
Congratulations! Can’t wait to meet her!
Lindsay!! Congrats! I’m also expecting my fourth, but in November
I also have two girls and 1 boy.
Glad to hear you’re feeling better!
Congrats, that is joyous news! I love that dress too! You look great.
Oh, Lindsay! Your story made me tear up! So sweet – what exciting news! Congratulations to you and your family!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I couldn’t be happier for such a wonderful Mama. I’m expecting a new niece or nephew in October, so it’ll be a month of babies for sure!
OOOoooh I was wondering when this was going to happen.
I’m so excited for you – that’s really sweet news! Congratulations! I’ll be praying for you and Baby Girl #3.
How very exciting! So happy for you! Congratulations! Your little ones are so precious about the new baby.
Congratulations! Such lovely news! Xxx
That is such exciting news! I’m glad you wrote about being on the fence with #4, but that your family would not be complete without her. We are talking about #3 and have always said we wanted 3. Lately, I waffle on having 3 and I seriously think your post just made me positive about going for #3. Congrats again and yay for sewing sweet little girl dresses!
A huge congratulations!!! If not approaching 50 here shortly I’d love a third child. Lucky you! I had that early test too with my 2 nd . What a great way to prepare for what’s ahead.
Yeah!!! Congratulations…
wow..so much wonderful news all in one place!!CONGRATULATIONS!!! a girl..so precious, I had a girl 1st, then a boy…then 5 more girls..he is our prince(36 now!) is a fantastic husband and wonderful, wonderful father to his own girl and 2 boys. Hope your getting less tired in this mid term period..save your energy
I have 9 kids, 1 girl, then 3 boys, then another girl, then 3 more boys and my little princess at the end. There are 9 years between all my girls. Just thought it was nice to see someone else with a lot of kids. My oldest will be 21 in July and my youngest will be 2 in August.3
Congratulations Lindsay! So happy for you! Blessings for you and your beautiful family!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you!
Congratulations and very best wishes! We have 2 grandgirls, and our daughter wants to have 2 more babies. We are praying that things will work out for them!
I had 3 boys, now having 4 granddaughters I just love sewing them dresses. (I did sew a bit for them but it still was not the same)
Congrats! You look great. We have 4 littles currently (ages 6,4, 20 months and 2.5 months) it definitely keeps you busy but what fun!
Congratulations, Lindsey! Your new baby girl will be blessed to have such a wonderful family!! Best wishes for a smooth pregnancy! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter!
Congratulations, Lindsay!! So happy for you and your family!
Yay – congrats!!!! And just think – a new itty bitty to get all your creativity bubbling over!!!! Hugs Mama!
Awwe….. Babies are such a blessing! And a girl?! Wonderful!!! I will be grandmother to number 9 in late November! I can’t wait!!! I hope you have an easy, wonderful pregnancy and a healthy mom and sweet baby girl! Thanks for sharing the news with us! What a blessing it is!
Lindsay, what wonderful news! I’m so partial to little girls, so that was just icing on top for me! Congratulations to all of you! Now I know your going to start sewing such cute girlie things, you just keep a pile of scraps for me and let me know when your ready to ship them!!!
I have such fun sewing bee blocks and swap items and know that a little of Cottage Mama is in almost everything I make…
Congratulations on Blessing # 4!!! When you said on a previous post that you hadn’t been feeling well, I kind of guessed what was going on!
How wonderful! Congratulations!
Congratulations!!! How exciting for you and your family!!! Hope you are feeling better soon and can enjoy sewing some sweet outfits for the newest addition!!
I am the mother of 3 girls and 1 boy, so I can verify that you are blessed. Congratulations!
Congratulations!!!!! Such wonderful news! You are so blessed to have such a supportive, loving husband. It makes all the difference in the world!
How wonderful to announce a new precious life in the season of new life for all. I pray you and you family many blessings in the years to come.
Congratulations! Hope you have a joyful pregnancy with minimal sickness from here on out! All the best.
I figured you had something big going on behind the scenes but I never guessed that! Congratulations!!
Huge congratulations! It was really sweet to hear about your kids cute reactions!
Wow, what wonderful news. Happy for you and the family. Hope she is bone on my birthday. Oct. 4
Such wonderful news this morning… Congratulations to all of you! And you look BEAUTIFUL in your pictures! im so happy for you.
Congratulation Lindsay and family. What a joyous miracle to share with each other. May your pregnancy be blessed with health and joy! Glad you are past the sickness of pregnancy and hope all goes well for the remainder of it. Bless you for doing all you do and keeping the secret contained for such a long time! Lol
Congratulations Lindsay!! I’m so happy for you! That is wonderful news and a girl, how fun!!
Congratulations! Best wishes for you and your family.
Congratulations! I am expecting my third in a few weeks. Our first boy, I have been asked if we will be trying for a fourth. Crazy since he isn’t here yet but I feel like you I don’t think our family will be completed without trying for #4. I hope that the rest of your pregnancy is smooth and enjoyable!
Congratulations ! You really look so happy with that little girl in your belly. I love the look of pregnant women, in love with the baby hihi. I wish you and your family all the best.
So happy for you & your family!
Congratulations! That is so exciting!
Congrats! That is wonderful news!!!
Congratulations and blessings on your new baby!!!!!!
Lindsay! So excited for you! You look great and I love the lighter, summery hair! Hope you continue feeling better and let the enjoyment phase of pregnancy begin! I had two of mine in October! A great month! Congratulations! —Lindsey
How wonderful for you and your family! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations, Lindsay!! How exciting to have another baby around. My baby just turn 20 months old and she’s number 9. How exciting for your kids to have another baby around. Take care and hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well.
Awwww…so excited for you my dear friend! You look gorgeous and absolutely glowing! Congrats to you and the family! I cannot wait!!!! Another girl! Yay!!!!!!!
Sending you big hugs!
CONGRATS to you & your family on your NEWS of Baby #4 in October! WONDERFUL, Wonderful! Thanks for sharing ! Your blog followers will get your photo posts after the new arrival! Sarah Helene in Minneapolis
Congratulations Lindsey!
I’m so excited for you! You seem like such a good mother! I have five children & understand how you feel with each birth! God must really love us to trust us to raise His children!
You really are wonder woman! Congratulations!
OMG congrats! So excited for you!!!!
Congratulations, Lindsay!! How exciting! Can’t wait to see all the lovely things you sew up for this little one!! I guess that means we won’t see you in October, right?!
Congrats on the pink bundle! Im expecting bub #1 in just over 3weeks, I cant imagine getting to 4