So I just returned from Salt Lake City late Saturday night where I attended Alt Design Summit. I am so happy to be back home with my family, but I cannot stop thinking about what I have just experienced.
You may have never heard of this conference and wonder why did I choose to attend Alt Design Summit? Well, that’s a really good question. I read about Alt last year and it sounded like such an amazing gathering of talented, creative people that I really wanted to have that experience myself. To be completely honest, Alt was definitely outside my comfort zone. The majority of attendees are not sewing bloggers, let alone children’s sewing bloggers. Yes, there are some DIY / craft bloggers, but I would say the majority are interior design, fashion, wedding planners, photographers, graphic design, ect., but they are all creatives, like me. The attendees are mostly women who are fashionable, hip, beautiful, talented, smart and creative. It is definitely a sight to be seen with all 650 of them in one room.
But here are some of my thoughts on why I would choose a conference that would include a ton of people that I do not have much interaction with in my daily life as a sewing blogger. Yes, I could have (and still want to) attend a sewing blogging conference and would have definitely felt more comfortable and more at home. I could have said my blog’s name and people probably would have known who I was and what exactly it was that I do. Instead, for the most part, at Alt I would say that I write the The Cottage Home and my business was The Cottage Mama and I got a lot of blank stares. I had to really explain the theme behind my blog and be a little bit more vocal and precise in explaining about what it is I do. But honestly, that was ok with me. That was one of the reasons why I chose Alt.
I think we must step outside our comfort zone and do things that make us a little uncomfortable to truly grow as artists, creatives and as people. If we constantly stick to what is comfortable and the same, it is where our ideas will become stagnant. Therefore we will not gain new ideas and fresh perspectives which is so important to grow in life. Personally, I don’t want to live in the ‘comfortable’, I want change and I want to evolve and learn. I want to push myself outside of the box and do things that help me grow. And Alt help me do that. I gathered new ideas, thoughts and inspiration from people completely outside of what it is that I do. It was exciting and it was scary and a bit uncomfortable, but I have not been able to get some things out of my head since I returned home.
You may completely disagree with me on this idea and that’s ok. But I encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone every so often and see what kind of new experiences and ideas await you. I still have a lot to process and take in from everything I gained from Alt. But I am so, SO glad I went.
PS: Once I’ve gathered my thoughts, I’ll be sharing more specific details and pictures from Alt Design Summit later this week. But until then, have a great start to your week!
I am SO impressed that you went to Alt! I’ve always thought it looked amazing, but felt way too dweeby to go. Your reminder to get outside my comfort zone are spot on. I need to remember that more. Maybe next year I’ll pluck up my courage and do it!
Yes, it was intimidating, but you know what I’ve realized………everyone there is feeling the exact. same. way. Even those that are speaking or who have been several times. You need to go. You will not regret it!!
Good for you, Lindsey! I’m sure it was intimidating, but I’m sure you met and made connections with lots of great people! I would love to go to a conference in the future. What are some good sewing blogger ones? Seems like so much out there…not sure what is good!
can’t wait to see pictures!
Thanks! I am so glad I went. I think Sewing Summit and Snap seem like great conferences. Also, QuiltCon is new and looks like a good one. Martha Pullen School of Art Fashion and the Makerie are two sewing retreats / schools that are great too!!
So glad you went and had a good time! Can’t wait to hear more of your perspective on it.
Anneliese, I think you would really enjoy this conference. It’s right up your alley.
So awesome! I want to go next year…
You totally should, Jen!!
I totally agree with your line of thought. Even if nothing else, stepping out of your regular comfort zone will provide you with opportunities to stretch your mind and learn new things.
You’re a smart cookie, Lindsay. Well said. Can’t wait to hear more about your trip!
Thanks, Andie!!
I love this! I love that you purposely put yourself out of your comfort zone. We do learn best when we are challenged to think outside our box. That learning is far more creative and meaningful to us than the daily little things. Good for you for recognizing that and embracing it. I look forward to reading your future posts!
How impressive that you went to Alt! As a sewing blogger, I’ve always wondered if I would fit in at this conference ~ thanks for stepping outside your comfort zone to share this experience.
So, when and where are the Sewing Blogger Conferences.
Thanks, Leslie…….I really am glad that I went!
Gosh, I’m not exactly sure when all of the sewing conferences take place, but I know QuiltCon in Austin, TX is coming up, Sewing Summit is in the fall in Salt Lake City, Martha Pullen School of Art Fashion is in February and July, and Riley Blake’s new ‘Fabric Fest’ is in September in Las Vegas. So those are some of them, but I’m sure there are more!!
I’ll be at QuiltCon cuz I live in Austin. Didn’t know about Sewing Summit. That’s a new one…I always attend Quilt Mkt. in Houston, but there isn’t much for bloggers.
You’re one inspiring woman Lindsay! I so agree, we need to challenge ourselves beyond our own comfort zone to grow. I’m doing that lots at the moment, starting my own little biz, and look to people like you thinking they’ve “made it” … there’s always more ways to learn and grow though, no matter where each of us are at right now. Can’t wait to read more about your experiences.
What a fabulous post! I read and savoured every word and am bookmarking for future reference.
I just recently started my blog ( what a dream it would be to attend next year in track A.
I can’t believe that you know Sarah Jane! I’m such a huge fan of her fabrics! I’m redecorating my daughter’s room in her Out To Sea line. Oh and attending a Michael Miller dinner would be a dream come true!
Thank you for sharing. I’m setting a new goal to aspire to.
Ooop some how I navigated to the wrong post. The above response was meant for your post where you went into detail about Alt Summit.
Really the blogging is spreading its wings rapidly. Your write up is a fine example of it.
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