Ok, so a little bit cheesy, but seriously, ever since we (my mom and I) started attending International Quilt Market in Spring 2011, I just can’t miss it. I know I explain this every time I post about market, but just in case you are new here to the blog……International Quilt Market is a trade show and is not open to the general public. Most of the ordering that goes on at market is for wholesale purchasing. Every fall it takes place in Houston, TX and every spring it rotates around the country (this spring will be in Portland, OR). Quilt Market is where many of the designers and manufacturers introduce their new fabrics, notions, sewing tools, sewing and quilting machines and trims.
So you might be wondering, why does Lindsay (aka The Cottage Mama) go to Quilt Market? Well, we go for many different reasons. Originally, we started going to open up wholesale accounts to start purchasing fabric by the bolt as well as large quantities of buttons and trims. But market has become so much more than that to me at this point in my career.
I love meeting people in person. Meeting someone face to face always solidifies a relationship and it’s so nice to put a face with a name after you’ve been emailing back and forth. There were so many people that I needed to meet with and touch base with about all kinds of things business related as well as placing fabric, button and trim orders. But really, it’s the people that make market so much fun!
So enough chit-chat, how about some pictures? Yes, there are a lot…….I hope you enjoy them and find as much inspiration in these new fabric designs as I do!
One of the most fun meetings we had was going out to dinner with Kelly Biscopink and Andrea Johnson, authors of the new ‘Modern Design for Classic Quilts: 12 Traditional Patterns Made New‘ (which I will be reviewing and giving away soon). I actually met Kelly when she was working at my publisher (she has since gone back into working in theater), but it was SO great to see her again in person and meet her co-author, Andie!
Here are a bunch of pieces that I sewed for the Birch Organic Fabrics booth. It was so much fun seeing them in person and on display. And what was even more fun was that my buddy, Shannon from Luvinthemommyhood sewed a bunch of pieces as well. Here is one of her amazingly adorable creations……..
The Moda Fabrics booth never disappoints. Their booth display was gorgeous. A big theme this market seemed to be playing color off of white and so they had paint sticks that had been dipped in all different colors of paint for a rainbow effect. It was beautiful.
Above are a few of the adorable displays at the Riley Blake Designs booth. I had dinner with their crew and designers again this market and they are always such a joy to be around.
Oh my – what an amazing amount of breath taking beauty all in one place! I’m having palpitations from the circle quilt – stunning. Thank you for sharing your pictures!
Loved this blog post! Thank you so much for sharing and letting us all feel like we were there with you!
Thanks so much for sharing your pictures with us. I would so love to attend one of those once in my life
Beautiful pictures. The Liberty line is growing on me a lot!
I would have loved to be in the middle of all this sewing goodness. Amazing!!!
aw, it’s all amazing… This patchwork-armchair is charming
That just looks incredible Lindsay…I am so happy for your that you get to be involved in such an incredible way! that is awesome!!! I might have had a stroke being in the middle of such incredible fabrics — my heart couldn’t take it. HA
Wow, the pictures are wonderful and makes me want to go!
i always love these posts:)
That looks like so much fun. ELizabeth and I keep saying one of these years….
Awww..thanks for the lovely words and the pics m’dear! I love being your booth buddy! Can’t wait to see ya in the spring and give ya big hugs!
I really really want to go to this some year. Hopefully soon!
Thank you, Lindsay, for sharing the Quilt Market fun with the rest of us. I live near Portland, OR and know that in spring I’m going to be dying to be there. I guess it’s fair though–all your hard work during the year pays off in this incredible experience and then we get to benefit via blog posts and pictures.
What fun to see your patterns right where they belong, amongst all the other treasures.
Thank you for sharing the Quilt Market pictures! What wonderful fabrics and trimmings are available, I wish I could attend!!
Just referred from Skip To My Lou. Incredible work represented here. Wish I could be there. When will it be in Portland? I’m fairly close by (7 hrs). Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
Oh my goodness. This is gorgeous. I never get to go somewhere like this in my small regional country town. Thank you so very much for bringing me. I’m coming back again tomorrow!
Careful or you will inspire me to sit down at my sewing machine and see what kind of trouble I can get into! Thank you for your beautiful blog!
The wonderful thing about blog posts is they are still there, the next day and the next day and the next… I came again. There’s just so much gorgeousness to take in. I shall come again. Your photos are superb.