This past weekend I packed up myself and my little man (Caspian Finn) and flew down to Houston, TX for the fall International Quilt Market. Luckily my mom lives in Houston, so attending market was not a ‘must’ this time, but it was a good excuse to visit family and do some business at the same time!
I’m not sure if you remember my post from Spring Quilt Market 2011, but in that post I explained that International Quilt Market is a trade show for the quilting and sewing industry. Every fall the market is held in Houston, TX and every spring it is held in a random city across the U.S. Spring 2012 will be in Kansas City, MO. All market attendees must submit credentials to attend market as it is pretty much for wholesale buying. However, there is the International Quilt Festival that will take place this weekend in Houston and it is open to the public.
I was so busy with appointments, meetings, and heading out to the lobby every 2.5 hours to feed my little baby boy (no infants or children allowed in the market) that I didn’t really feel like I took all the pictures I wanted. But after looking through my camera, I think I got enough to give you a feel for Quilt Market 2011. Are you ready for some eye candy? Here we go……..
I love this fabric artwork found at the BasicGrey booth. It’s so pretty with all the different fabric prints, embroidery thread, and layered buttons. So creative!
My first appointment was with MODA fabrics. I always love Aneela Hoey’s whimsical fabric designs and her new line, ‘A Walk in the Woods‘, was no exception.
‘Salt Air‘ by Cosmo Cricket was another line that I was really loving. The colors are unique, but I don’t think the pictures even do it justice. Just so pretty!
At the MODA booth a lot of the newer designers are together in one booth handing out samples of their fabrics. I love these teeny-tiny squares of each line. They are so much fun and they are free!! I’ve got a few projects in mind for the fabric squares I picked up.
The Windham Fabrics booth has some really beautiful new lines of fabric. I can’t wait to work with ‘Cabana Blooms’ (the pink and gray one in the middle) – it’s just my style!
Also at the Windham booth was Lotta Jandsdotter, author of ‘Simple Sewing for Baby‘ (and many other books), who is coming out with a new line called ‘Echo’. It’s a really beautiful, modern line of fabric that is perfect for clothing and home decor.
Now I’m sure many of you have heard of Amy Butler, but did you know her husband designs fabric now too? It was pretty neat to see David Butler in his booth with his line, Curious Nature by Parson Gray, set up next to his lovely wife. He is a graphic designer so the transition into fabric design was a natural step for him. He was a really down to earth guy and reminded me a lot of my husband, Brett.
Next to David Butler, was his always lovely wife, Amy Butler, with her new line ‘Lark’. I’ve said this before but I truly feel Amy Butler is one of the nicest people I have ever met. She really is a celebrity in the quilting fabric world, but yet you would never know. She speaks to each and every person as if they are the most important person in the world. She is so genuine and kind – definitely a wonderful role model.
Sandi Henderson and I had a little time to chat and she was promoting her ‘Secret Garden’ laminate fabric. The umbrella and several of the kites were great ideas for using that type of fabric. Sandi said she has another book in the works and will be releasing some new sewing patterns in about three weeks for women, girls and boys.
There is a new division of Timeless Treasures Fabrics that was debuting at market called ‘Dear Stella‘. This is a contemporary, hip, young group of fabrics and their booth was just that! I believe they won the prize for best new booth exhibitor. I loved all the white, clean lines…….it was like no booth I had ever seen there before. I may be working with some of these fabrics in the future, so be on the look-out.
My favorite part of Jenean’s booth display had be the flooring. She had these vinyl tiles printed to look like a string block quilt. Genius!
Anna Griffin is one of my favorite designers and this year she has brought on several other designers with their collections to be licensed under her brand. I would have loved a little bit of everything from each and every line in her booth.
oh my goodness i am drooling over all that fabric and those booths, wow!! ahh, maybe someday i will be lucky enough to make it to such an event:)
What a fabulous show and thanks for showing us! I love Cosmo Cricket designs and that Basic Grey art work made me want to do something like that! The fabric cake was so cute and that painted vinyl floor…unbelievable. Oh, and the lamp shade with flowers as well as the crooked fabric floor lamp. I had to look at this post twice!
Looks like you had a lot of fun. Do you know what the Moda fabric on the red shelf is called? I really like the colors.Thanks,
I would SO love to go to this market sometime. Hmmm. Wonder who I could finagle into taking me!
I totally agree with you about Amy Butler. she is the sweetest thing. And since one of my daughters is named Larke don’t you think I really must make her something from Amy’s new line?!
I’m loveing the look of David Butlers stuff too! How fun:)
Wow! Your photos are gorgeous! Thanks for including my booth and me in your coverage!
goodness..a fabric lover/collector’s dream! I am envious
Just seeing thru your photos a little of what you experienced can make one dizzy!! I can see why you would have so much fun.
Lindsay, Thank you so much for the eye candy!! I’ve been craving a good Market post with glimpses of lots of prettiness and yours is the best I’ve seen! Thank you, thank you!!
It was so fun to meet you at Market in SL. I’m really itching to go again – maybe this spring?? It would be fun to see you (and your cute Mom) again!!
Thanks again for putting together such a pretty post!
WOW. Great recap! I really get a feel for how HUGE Quilt Market is. How do you not get a headache or feel completely overwhelmed from all the visual eye candy hanging everywhere? Thanks for taking the time to put this post together! Looks like it was a good trip for you, too!
Lindsay! Thank you SO much for sharing all those pictures. That was one huge post and I’ve looked over it like three times now
I am drooling over all the fabric goodness! Wow. Thanks again for sharing it all with us!
Спасибо большое за такой красочный обзор!! Очень было интересно смотреть фотографии.
Thanks for sharing all these great pictures from Quilt Market! So many new fabrics to look forward to!
Hello again! I thought you did a wonderful job showing readers what Market is all about. I didn’t think we would ever see that many booths in just two days, but it can be done! It was so nice to meet you. You are such a lovely gal!
That was eye candy for sure. I have been thinking about attending some kind of convention and the quilt market sounds like it may be something I should look into. Are there any other conventions that you attend or recommend?
What an amazing show and market!!!! Your photos are fantastic. Kelli, Northern Ireland.
Oh, my gosh! It’s like an overload of awesomeness! I would have gone bizurque (is that a word?) if I was there! So many pretty colors and patterns and creative ideas. You must have had a blast. I think your patterns are very cute. And your pictures of the girls are so pretty.
Thanks for sharing.
Little Susie Home Maker
So great to meet you in person, too! Loved reading your re-cap–it’s always so fun to see the whole thing through another lens. Hoping to run into you next time!