Tile Coaster Tutorial

There’s nothing better than a handmade gift and this Tile Coaster Tutorial will do the trick! What better way to celebrate than with some fun, festive coasters.  These coasters are made from inexpensive tiles from the hardware store and are embellished with fun, designer scrapbook paper.

Make these coasters as a gift or make them for your home – either way, they are sure to get noticed!

4 square tiles from your local hardware store (4.25″ x 4.25″)
4 pieces of scrapbook paper (3.75″ x 3.75″)
4 pieces of felt (3.75″ x 3.75″)
Mod Podge
Sponge brush
Glue (i.e. Fabri-tac or other strong adhesive)
Clear acrylic sealer

1.  Gather your supplies.

2.  Brush one coat of Mod Podge onto tile.

3. Place one piece of paper on center of tile.  Allow to dry.

4. Brush on another coat of mod podge on top of paper.  Allow to dry 15 minutes and repeat 2-3 more times.

5.  After mod podge is dry, take tiles outside and spray with clear acrylic sealer.  Follow manufacturers instructions.  The sealer makes these tile coasters water-resistant.

6.  Allow coasters to dry completely.  Once dry, glue felt squares to the bottom center of the tile.

Wrap four of these coasters up with some beautiful ribbon and you’ve got a gorgeous handmade gift.

Tile Coaster Tutorial by Lindsay Wilkes from The Cottage Mama. www.thecottagemama.com
Tile Coaster Tutorial by Lindsay Wilkes from The Cottage Mama. www.thecottagemama.com
And finally, grab yourself a cocktail and toast to a wonderful New Year!

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  1. I saw these featured in the magazine and fell in love – GREAT job! Well done! Can’t wait to try it myself!

    • Sherry Anderson says

      Hi, are these coasters also heat resistant?
      Thanks for your help or advice!

      • I have tried something similar to this with cork coasters and paper but the mod podge was the same as well as acryllic spray. Mine were not heat resistant….the coffee cup stuck to it.

        • I made several sets of these and they all came out ‘sticky’. Coffee cups and cold drinks stick to them. Any suggestions?

          • Suzuyo Fox says

            I was going to make this project as a girlfriend gift for my birthday group. Coffee cups and cold drinks sticking would not work. Did you follow the directions exactly…and did you hear back from anyone as to resolve this. Your input will be appreciated. This is a GREAT tutorial.

          • Hi,

            Don’t use an acrylic sealer. Go to a car parts store and get clear engine paint. Make sure it has a high heat resistance. At least 500 degrees.

          • Essence Bennett says

            My coasters keep sticking together. How can I resolve this issue?

          • Don’t use acrylic sealer. Go to auto parts store and get clear engine paint. Make sure it has high heat resistance, at least 500 degrees. (passed along from Leslie).

  2. This is just beautiful! 🙂 Thanks for sharing the tute. 🙂

    Adin B

  3. Such a great idea!! Match the coasters to the decor! What a great gift for new home owners, or just a birthday!

  4. I am so going to try this. I hate to say it, but I have used my Christmas coasters all year long. I really need to do this craft!! Love it!

  5. What great handmade gift idea! I just came accross your blog and I love it all ready!

  6. I LOVE this tutorial and plan on using it to make some gifts during this new year! I featured your wonderful blog on my blog today. Make sure you stop by and check it out as well as possibly pick up a button! 🙂

  7. Beautiful…they have inspired me to use this great idea for some fun home decor!! Where did you get that beautiful paper?? I LOVE it!! I will definitely share when I get them done!


  8. love the papers you chose- gorgeous!
    and I love it that we have the same ikea white… were you tempted to get one of their fabulous patterns (like I was)? but my sister kept reminding me that all white is so much more uniform and less busy. AND if I need more, then I will be able to get the white ones but not the patterned ones- hahaha!
    happy new year, friend!

  9. Great idea! And gorgeous paper. Well done!

  10. I actually just got a set at christmas from my mother in law…super cute..think i might make some more now that i know how and use some pictures instead of the scrapbook paper!!!

  11. LOVE your photos, and this is one of the best coaster tutorials ever. You rocked them!

  12. great idea! I definitely think I am going to try this – thanks for sharing!

  13. What an awesome project thanks for sharing I so can’t wait to make some

  14. VERY cute! And the idea above about using pictures is a great idea!

  15. So happy you posted this tutorial!! Can’t wait to make some 🙂 thanks!

  16. Thank you all for your super-kind words!! The paper I used is Amy Butler’s and I found it at Michael’s. I bought it in big packs of about 50 sheets each, so look for it in that section – you won’t be able to purchase just individual sheets, but it’s so great for many different projects!

    • Quick question…any tips on how to get these to dry completely? Mine always seem to be sticky ~ even days later. Thanks!

  17. Very cute! The Mom’s Day Out program my son used to attend made these with photos of the kids as a Mother’s Day gift last year. I think mixing them with scrapbook paper would make a great grandparent gift.

  18. These is a great idea for a housewarming gift. You can coordinate all colors and designs. Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait to try it.

  19. Thanks for sharing ☺. Now all I have to do is find me some tiles.

  20. Great tutorial!! Going to have to try this myself at some point to use up some of my own paper. So happy to have found this!!

  21. Saw these on At Second Street. They are absolutely lovely. New to your site, can’t wait to look around more. I am definitely becoming a follower and I am going to add these to my to do list.

    Just Another Day in Paradise

  22. wow, they are awesome! thanks for sharing 🙂

  23. Its a fantastic Blog. Once the tile and grout cleaning has been thoroughly cleaned and dried we will apply a grout sealer. This protective grout sealant absorbs into the grout to keep your grout clean and protect it from stains in the future.

  24. Just stumbled upon your blog & it is wonderful! This is a great idea; keep up the good work!

  25. I tried making one and it looks very good! I think I can even make a living with these coasters here in Sarasota! Tile coasters are something that my neighbors would love, I’m certain of it! After all, we are hand-made and DIY gift lovers here in Sarasota. Flooring companies can make whole bunch of beautiful tiles like this, I think – in case you guys are planning to stock up on beautiful tiles like this for your coaster project!

  26. Making these tonight, thanks for the idea!!!

  27. I made some but used cork for the bottom instead… see here

  28. Wonderful idea – thanks for sharing. Found your link on Pinterest.com
    Blessings all the way from the Middle East 🙂

  29. I finally know what I’m going to do with my scraps! What a great idea this is.

  30. These are AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  31. This is so great! Hey, how does mod podge hold up to heat? Would this work as a hot pad in the kitchen?

    • I have made coasters using one layer of cocktail napkins and modpodge. To finish though, I paint on about 3 coats of polyurethane. I had trouble finding a spray sealer that would withstand the heat from my coffee cup. Not sure how the poly would work with hot pan from the stove though. Am definitely going to give it a try. Could have a matching set – hot pad and coasters – by using a larger piece of tile.

    • I just made these coasters yesterday. They certainly came out beautiful and I appreciate the tutorial! Unfortunately they are non-functional, just merely decorative. I tested the coasters after one day of letting everything dry and my coffee cup got stuck on one of the coasters! lol! I will make these again on larger tiles and use them as decoration on my wall. I am dying to find something that will withstand heat from my cofffee cup. Have any of you ladies had any luck? Thanks again for the tutorial!

    • Found a similar tutorial here: http://twogirlsbeingcrafty.blogspot.com/2011/02/ramseys-finally-have-coasters.html?showComment=1339467501699#c4599863419468748000 . Made them before reading through all the comments and found out at the bottom that there is an engine sealant that’s heat resistant to 500*F. Go check out the comments…

    • I found someone that said to use Envirotex Lite Pour-On High Gloss Resin or something similar. It is an epoxy that is used on counter tops and you will not have a problem with it! Thought I would share.

    • I had the same issue with the heat/moisture. Although the tiles looked pretty i couldn’t rest anything on them without them sticking. I had tried a variety of Mod podges and sealants without success.

      I then went to my local art supply store in Newtown. They sell a ‘glass finish’ resin, one of those things that you mix bottle A with Bottle B (it was about $24 and enough for about 12 tiles 10cm x 10cm). I used this over the top and its perfect. Its both heat and water resistant.

      • Jennifer Majeski says

        Hi, would you mind e-mailing me the exact name of the resin you used? This is making me craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy not having something that works for hot mugs! I’ve spent a ton of money, too…polyurethane, polyacrylic, acrylic, floor sealer, stone sealer… ACK!

      • Maddie B says

        Hi could you please email me the name and address of the store and the name of the product thanks

      • Hi could you by any chance email me with the glass resin you used 🙂
        Many thanks

        • Beth, Jennifer, Maddie, did you get an answer as to the name of the product? It would be really great if someone could mention it publicly. =)

  32. this is an awesome idea but it would also be awesome to make your own tiles or would that work with the paper and mod podge? but i was thinking more along the lines of a back splash behind the oven or tiles around the top of the kitchen counters.

    • I printed out some photos different various vacations and put them on the tiles and applied 4 coats of polyurethane on them and I mixed them up with the plain tiles. None of them are in the line of fire so to speak of the water from my sink but are with eye view so when I am doing the dishes or cooking I can think of a more pleasant time. so far they are holding up nice but I am careful and only wipe them off with a damp cloth.

  33. These are lovely!! I’m tempted to do something like this on the bathroom tiles in my new house, to spruce the place up… But as I’m renting, it’d have to be a temporary thing… Can the glue or sealer be dissolved in any way, do you know?

  34. i’ve made these EXACT coasters! same paper and all. great minds think alike=))

  35. I just found this tutorial through Pintrest and I love these!! I have been racking my brain (and searching the internet) for ideas on what to do for ‘favors’ for my upcoming wedding. I think I might make two, wrapped with a bow for each guest at our wedding. Thank you so much!

  36. Super cute and easy. I just came across these on pinterest today. I am also a new follower.

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  38. Anonymous says

    Hi there
    these look fabulous, and i cant wait to have a go. Keep up the fabulous work and good luck with all your little children.
    Just 4U Gifts and Wedding Ribbons
    coiuld i ask what is mod podge (is it PVA glue)

  39. Found these coasters on Pinterest – and just finished my first 2 sets! LOVE!!
    Janice @ http://EquineGroove.blogspot.com

  40. Great project! I just wanted to let you know that we featured this project on our Facebook page with almost 12,000 fans. We’d love it if you’d use our Featured Blogger button, available at: http://www.dailycraft.com/thank-you-for-crafting/. Our audience loved the project and we look forward to sharing more from you. Please let us know if you have any questions or projects you’d love us to feature! Thanks!

  41. Hi there – love these. I made some today and linked back to your tutorial.:-)
    Thanks for sharing

  42. Love,love,love! So cute!!

  43. Loooooove this idea 🙂

  44. I made some of these and linked back to your post. So cute!


  45. I just found this on pinterest on Friday, went out & bought the supplies and got busy. It was my first Mod Podge project & I am hooked! I loved it, it was simple & they turned out great! I used a tan tile (with a little raised flat middle part, and sloping edges) and some neutral travel themed paper & they look like I bought them in a store! LOVE IT! Will make many more of these for myself & everyone else…thanks so much!

  46. fyi, I did this for a baby shower and it turned out really nice. Quick tips:

    If you’re making a lot of these, put the felt on first & let dry, then after you put the paper on and they are stitting on your counter/table all day drying, the bottom of the tiles will not scratch anything they are sitting on.

    Also, if you’re making a bunch of these, just as an fyi do not stack them w/o the felt bottom (before they are sprayed with the top coat)b/c they will totally stick together. It’s not the end of the world if they stick, but a few of mine had marks on them b/c in transport to the backyard for spraying, I had stacked them.

    In the end, they turned out great. If you’re doing this for a wedding or something extra fancy, I would recommend painting the edges white b/c it’s a bit noticable when they are all stacked next to each other that they are tiles.

    • Anonymous says

      Hello, Mine stick even after using a acrylic sealer. I used cork on the bottom for a more professional look, could the cork somehow be causing the sticking?

    • I have the same problem. I used two coats of sealer and everything sticks to them. A couple were ruined from paper sticking to them!

    • Im having the same problem with the tiles sticking together even after using acrylic sealant. Did either of you ever find a solution. I’m thinking of adding another coat on top of everything of polyurthane from the hardware store.

    • Im having the same problem with the tiles sticking together even after using acrylic sealant. Did either of you ever find a solution. I’m thinking of adding another coat on top of everything of polyurthane from the hardware store.

    • Im having the same problem with the tiles sticking together even after using acrylic sealant. Did either of you ever find a solution. I’m thinking of adding another coat on top of everything of polyurthane from the hardware store.

    • Im having the same problem with the tiles sticking together even after using acrylic sealant. Did either of you ever find a solution. I’m thinking of adding another coat on top of everything of polyurthane from the hardware store.

    • Im having the same problem with the tiles sticking together even after using acrylic sealant. Did either of you ever find a solution. I’m thinking of adding another coat on top of everything of polyurthane from the hardware store.

  47. Lindsay,
    I just made these coasters and I LOVE them except there are fine streaks from using the sponge brush to apply the modge podge. Have you encountered this problem and how do I prevent that from happening again? (I used the exact sponge brush you show in the picture and gloss modge podge)


    • I noticed this too, but if you notice in her picture with the ribbon tied around the stack, her’s have them too. I didn’t find a way around it, but instead used it to make it even better (in my opinion). Instead of painting it on in the same direction each time, I put a layer on going vertically, then the next horizontally. It gives it a really cool “cross hatching” texture. 🙂

      • Should the tiles be treated ?

      • I had this same problem and found a solution. I added a little water to my Mod Podge to thin it out. Used a 1/2 acrylic paint brush and no more streaks or brush marks. I did 3 coats of Mod Podge and one (pour) of polyurethane and no sticking mad my hot mugs withstand the heat.

        • To lessen the appearance of the streaks I switched to a soft bristle brush instead of the sponge. Seems counter intuitive but the lines are much finer.

  48. surprisingly useful stuff, in general I picture this is worthy of a book mark, many thanks

  49. I love this idea! I am totally using this idea for Christmas gifts for all the women in my family!! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  50. I am making these for sure for the ladies in my family this Christmas. Thanks! Pinning this for sure!

  51. These are beautiful! I am going to make them as Christmas gifts this year with some cute holiday scrapbook paper. Thank you so much for posting this tutorial!

  52. These are beautiful!

    Has anyone tried making these with fabric instead of paper? I have some beautiful scraps. Perhaps pink the edges and then podge on the same was as paper?

  53. Hi,
    I loved these tiles! We were thinking of making some and hanging them on the wall ( as art)..however I was wondering if you have any suggestions as to how to hang them on the wall without ruining them?

    Again Brilliant work!


    • Jan Kaiser says


      You can use plate hangers that you can buy at Hobby Lobby, Michael’s, Joann’s or any frame shop. Using these as wall hangings would be very cute!

    • Anonymous says

      You could always try Command picture hanging strips. I love those things, no holes in your wall, easy to take down and holds up pretty much everything I’ve ever tried.

  54. Lovely idea, thanks for sharing!

  55. Just love it!!!! This is a great idea for christmas gifts…


  56. I LOVE these and just made them last night (finally)! Perfect gifts for m friends! So easy, fast, and of course adorable and functional! Thanks!!

  57. this has so many uses!
    I can see making them with grandchildren’s pictures, or family members, and it is a keepsake.

  58. Hi I made these last summer and sealed them with Mod Podge Gloss Clear Acrylic Sealer but they stick to the bottom of hot coffee cups. Did I miss something? thanx for any advice.

  59. I love these, what a cute gift idea! I will definitely be making these for hostess gifts!


  60. hi can u tell me what Mod Podge is, cause i can’t find that particular brand in my country. would appreciate your reply. thank u!

  61. So, I usually reply to each comment via email, but since I received several different questions, I thought I would respond here on the blog.

    Mod Podge is a brand of glue that dries clear. I’m not sure of another similar brand for those of you in other countries.

    I haven’t had any problems with my coasters sticking, but make sure they are completely dry before stacking them on one another. Also, I think I used Krylon Clear Acrylic Sealer, so maybe not all sealers are created equal. If the brand you used didn’t work, try another one.

    Also, yes, you could definitely do these and put them on the wall….just leave off the felt and they are still just like regular tiles. I bought the most inexpensive tiles at our local Home Depot. I think they were 16 cents a piece.

    Fabric would be another great option! You could cut squares with pinking shears and use it just like the paper. The paper I used was from Michael’s Craft Store and was a bundle of Amy Butler prints.

    Hope this helps!!

    The Cottage Mama

  62. This is adorable! I tried it with my sister. We absolutely loved it! Family Christmas presents…check! Thanks!

  63. I love the patterned paper that you used! I used self-adhesive cork for the bottom of the coasters which worked very well!

  64. I started making these yesterday for Christmas gifts this year. I got a box of 80 4.25×4.25 tiles from Home Depot, bought a few scrapbook paper packs from WalMart, and bought the rest of my supplies from WalMart and Amazon. I still need to spray the acrylic on them and place the felt, but (so far) it’s been SO easy and pretty fun! I bought a regular paint brush as a backup to the sponge brush and ended up using both depending on how well one was working on the tile, etc. I did have some issues with bubbles under the paper, but it’s really not that noticeable (and I’m totally OCD about this stuff.) Anyway, thank you so much for the directions/idea and I’ll post once they’re all done! 🙂

  65. Alright… huge problem that I would greatly appreciate advice on…
    I just “finished” the coasters and they turned out beautifully… BUT I had flipped them over to glue the felt and assumed the acrylic sealer was dry (it felt dry and had been drying for 30+ minutes)… When I flipped them back over, parts of the newspaper print were stuck/transferred onto the coasters… I have tried EVERYTHING I can think of to get the print off… oil, baking soda, dish soap, hot water, toilet bowl cleaner, Comet, vinegar, nail polish remover, and toothpaste.
    Any suggestions? 🙁

  66. I started producing these kinds of last night with regard to Christmas gifts this year. I obtained any package of 70 Some.25×4.Twenty-five flooring from Home Site, bought a handful of scrapbooking cardstock provides coming from Supermarkets, and purchased the entire content of my personal supplies coming from Supermarkets along with Amazon online. My spouse and i still should spray the polymer-bonded with them and place your experienced, yet (up to now) it is often So simple and pretty fun! I purchased a consistent coloring remember to brush like a back-up on the sponge or cloth brush and also ended up employing each depending on how properly one ran your ceramic tile, etc. Used to involve some difficulties with pockets under the paper, however it is not really that noticeable (that i’m absolutely OCD about this stuff.) At any rate, thank you so much for the directions/idea and also I am going to article as soon as they’re all accomplished!

  67. Hi, Have you experienced the coaters not being heat resistant? I made them and a regular coffee cup got stuck to the coaters.

  68. Just saw these for the first time today! I am going to make these through out the year so I have them ready to give as gifts for Mothers Day or Christmas!

  69. I totally just finished this and found your great project via pinterest — will be posting shortly with pics to my blog =) http://fiftytwokbr.blogspot.com/

  70. This looks so easy and fun to do. Thanks for the tutorial. They turned out so pretty.

  71. Good tip with the acrylic sealer…thanks!

  72. What a fantastic idea- and so easy! I found you through pinterest, I love your blog!

  73. Oh my goodness. I love it. I am so excited another refreshing DIY to try. So loving your blog!

  74. I have a friend who did this but used Christmas paper napkins. They turned out so cool!

  75. LOVE this idea! This would make an amazing gift. And really the possibilities are endless!!!

  76. This is a great idea and your instructions were so easy to follow. I made some today and they turned out great!

  77. I just made some of these last night and they look beautiful and can’t wait to use them! However, I used the exact same acrylic spray you pictured and my tea mugs are sticking to the tile when I tested them =( Did you have this problem? Thanks for your help!

  78. I had re-pinned this on Pinterest a week ago.. and today I got the supplies and completed 6 coasters! Thank you so much for sharing this great idea! Here’s what mine looked like! (And a link to this page is attached to my photo pinned on Pinterest!) http://pinterest.com/pin/211598882462169437/ THANK YOU!

  79. Can’t wait to try this! But I want to use old holiday cards and wrapping paper. Thanks for sharing.

  80. This might sound like a silly question but do you know how much heat these coaster can withstand?
    Great tutorial thank you : )

  81. I have made these and I run into the problem of them not being heat resistant either. I have tried a few different things including automotive sealer. The only thing I could find is that you would have to let them sit and “cure” for one month after putting acrylic sealer or polyurethane on them. They are water resistant as soon as they are completely dry and can be used for cold drinks but would have to wait one month for hot cups. Very frustrating for me 🙂

  82. This is a great tutorial thank you for sharing I can’t wait to try it.

  83. I found this project on Pinterest and completed it to participate in the Pinterest Challenge hosted by Young House Love. I just wanted to say that I loved doing this project and I am so pleased with the final product. I can’t wait to use them and give a set as a gift. I blogged about my experience making your project for the challenge here: http://getcareydaway.com/2012/03/22/coasting/
    Thanks again for the wonderful tutorial!

  84. I tried sealing mine with laquer, but it’s not waterproof. The edges of the paper come up when the coaster gets wet. Is the acrylic sealant waterproof?

  85. Anonymous says

    Question – I have made the tile coasters as you describe, but after drying for days and I stack them and tie with ribbon, the tabs I used on the back leave a mark on the tile they are on top of. Can you help me out with this.

    • Anonymous says

      I notice this question keeps getting asked, and nobody has a reply for this, and also no reply for heat resistant. These coasters are cute indeed, but I’m starting to believe they are for glamour only and not for use. I used cork on the bottom of mine and they stuck and left marks. I talked to a friend that does decoupage and she explained that ceramic doesn’t absorb so this leaves all the piles of things we put on them, just sitting there on top and then sticking. No ill regards to the owner of this particular tutorial, I got mine from some where else, and I am thankful you posted this blog, cause I was looking for answers to this sticking issue, and I think I have the answer now.

    • I read that it can take up to 30 days for Mod Podge to cure. Not having worked with this product before I don’t know whether this is fact or fiction but it might account for the “sticking” issue ethers have been asking inquiring about.

  86. what a beautiful blog!! can’t stop admiring and smiling!!

  87. These are really neat. I have a question. Do I have to use scrapbook paper? Could I use printer paper. Let me know what you think. Thanks so much

  88. What a great idea, and excellent lighting and photography, btw. I wanted to let you know that I featured you in my Mother’s Day round up at: http://printabelle.com/?p=3016

    If you would like a featured button, I have one here on my About page: http://printabelle.com/?page_id=724

  89. Anonymous says

    These are so cute, but was wondering about condensation & if anyone has had a problem with that since tiles are flat. Will the condensation run off the tile & onto whatever surface is around the coaster?

    • I made something like these and depending on the cup or glass, the condensation makes it stick-not because mode pose hasn’t cured, but because of the suction that’s created. It can ruin a good table when a tile coaster sticks to the cup then comes crashing down. I wonder if there is a solution to this problem? Didn’t.t have an issue with the liquid from condensation running off the coaster though.

  90. Hi Everyone,

    Usually I reply directly via email to readers questions, but since there seems to be so many questions about the finishing on the tiles, I thought I would post here too. I did not have any problem with my tiles in regards to condensation with the sealer. Personally I have not used them with hot beverages so I can’t say whether or not that would be a problem. I’m sure climate is a factor in how well they dry. I would wait several days before trying to stack them on top of each other. So glad you guys love this project and if anyone has found a product that works better for sealing the tiles, please feel free to share it! Thanks so much!!

    • robyn stein says

      The problem I have is that the paper puckers after I put on the first coat of mod podge any ideas

      • Yes, paper will wrinkle when you apply Mod Podge or any moisture to it. The trick is you need to seal the paper so that it doesn’t absorb moisture from the glue, which would cause the puckering. Try spraying acrylic sealer to the front and back of the paper, letting it dry and then adding the Mod Podge.

  91. Painted tiles as shown above are excellent designing tiles for home renovations. Thanks for posting these presentations.

  92. Too cute!

  93. Anonymous says

    Can you do this with photographs instead of scrapbook paper? Maybe photos printed on computer paper?

  94. Thanks for the tutorial! I tried these using the exact same method & supplies you describe. The problem I’m having is that mugs holding hot liquids tend to stick to the coaster. Anybody else having this problem? Ways to troubleshoot?

    • I am having this issue too. I am going to autozone to get some clear coat heat resistant spray (they usually use it on car paint and on engines) I am going to spray it over the acrylic spray I used. I figured I’d experiment with that to see how it works. I’ll let you know how it goes! I’d love for these tiles to be functional so I can give them out as gifts! Michaels arts and craft store has lovely christmas scrapbook paper so these are great gift ideas.

  95. I made these once for a bridal shower, using the engagement pics of the couple, in black and white. Turned out so cute.

  96. Thanks for this easy tutorial,found it through Burlap and Blue blog. Ive been wanting to try this but wasnt sure if id be able to pull it off but,thanks to your easy tutorial I know I could do this!

  97. Using make up sponges works better because the streaks are not as deep. Also I’ve used something other than spray sealer because I live in a loft and can’t really spray in or around my home. Great results!

  98. Do you know what kind of sealant I can use that’s heat resistant? A few of us are having issues with hot coffee mugs sticking to the tiles and leaving coffee mug rim marks. I’d LOVE to distribute these gifts over the holidays but I prob won’t if I can’t find anything to make them more functional. Maybe some heat resistant clear coat spray from autozone? I might try that. What do you think? Thanks for the tutorial though- they are pretty and mine came out great as well!

  99. Amazing! You have a gift and we will be following you…

  100. Awesome idea! 🙂 These are so cute and added to the decor of our new living room furniture!

  101. Just beautiful! Great idea….

  102. Una pregunta… los papeles de bloc de notas, son papel o tela? lo digo porque si es papel… al mojarlo con la cola y el sellador no pasa nada??

  103. I wanted to let you know I referenced your idea in my blog. http://kathleensreflections.blogspot.com/
    Thank you for all the time and effort you put into your blog.

  104. Before you select a material you will need to decide what surface the tile will be applied. Tile can be placed as a backsplash behind a stove, or on the wall to the underside of the upper cabinets. Tile is a popular countertop material, and can also be used on the kitchen floor.

  105. Hi! I wanted to let you know I saw this tutorial on Pinterest and shared a link to your tutorial and referenced your blog on my blog! Thanks!!

  106. Anonymous says

    CAn you use fabric instead of paper?

  107. Great blog. Very helpful for people that want to try this at home with your instructions. Very creative. thank you for sharing!

  108. I LOVE these coasters, they are gorgeous!! Thank you for sharing this wonderful tutorial as well. I hope it’s okay, I just finished a paper crafts round-up showing ways to use pretty paper for home decor and just couldn’t help but feature your pretty coasters. You can see it here:

    Thank you so much for sharing 🙂

  109. These are fantastic! I had a friend show me how to make them and they turned out great. So here’s another semi-unrelated question: I’m giving them as teacher appreciation gifts at the beginning of the school year. Does anyone have a cute saying I can put on the gift tags? I’d like to include something with coast or coaster but I don’t want to insinuate “coasting” through the school year (it’s a TOUGH job)…any ideas? Thought about using something like don’t “sweat” it (condensation from glass…), but not sure I like it…THANKS for any suggestions!

  110. Lovely! You should be giving us, a great plan, as how to make tiles beautiful in house, by your creativity. I will try these formulas, to make tiles, beautiful.

  111. Hey Lindsay I really liked your collection. Your handmade products are very informative. Can we use them as send gifts to my friends?

  112. Tip: use the side of a credit card to smooth out any bumps in paper! @spaliliana

  113. Beautiful idea—I am coming late to the game here judging from all the comments but am reading all the other suggestions and think that everyone has some additional great ideas to help make these beauties even better. Thanks for the tutorial!!! Great idea!

  114. Soft finish includes vinyl and cork tiles, all softer and warmer underfoot than most hard tiles and generally less costly. These tiles are easy to clean and lay, and, in the case of vinyl, available in an extensive range of designs.

  115. Tried with napkins first time around. Didn’t turn out good at all. Found your blog and tried again with paper. Love it! I have a few months until Christmas, so it should be enough time to let them dry. Thank you for the cute idea!

  116. I am hooked. You saved me of trying to decide what handmade items to make for Christmas gifts. Yours are gorgeous. Thanks alot. Great tutorial.

  117. I’ve been pinning a lot of DIY coasters lately, but yours take the cake. Thanks for the clear and easy tutorial. Now I know what to do with all of those wallpaper samples I have!

  118. VERY cute! And the idea above about using pictures is a great idea!

  119. Love the colors/patterns on yours! I tried some myself!
    Check them out at stephklann.wordpress.com 🙂

  120. The problem I have is that the paper puckers. Any ideas fellow crafters?

    • The paper will pucker b/c it’s absorbing moisture from the Mod Podge. Spray acrylic sealer on it and let it dry so that water doesn’t get into those paper fibers.

  121. I’m having the same problem with heat resistance. Has anyone tried the automotive heat resistance sealer yet? Did it work? Thanks for the feedback!

  122. Not sure if this will truly work, but I googled the heat resistance problem and found a few mentions of using PermEnamel clear gloss glaze (by Delta)as a solution. It is specifically for glass, ceramic, and tile and the description on one site states, “Dishwasher safe and microwave and oven safe to 350 degrees. Not for use on surfaces with food contact.” I made my coasters today but I will need to go out and find this product to seal them better!

  123. I’m making these tonight for a bridal shower this weekend. I bought wedding themed scrapbook paper and also purchased some large letter stickers to place on the paper – for the first letter of their last name and also number stickers to add the date of their wedding to a couple tiles. Just to make it a little more personalized. I see, though, from your picture that you used gloss mod podge. I’ve never worked with mod podge and there were many different kinds at Michaels. I, unfortunately bought matte mod podge. Should I exchange it? What difference will this make on my coasters?

    • How did it come out with the matte mod podge? I’m making these coasters right now and only have the matte mod podge…but I’m going for it and hoping for the best! 🙂

  124. I love this project! I made two sets last night and I’m already planning 5 more for parts of holiday gift baskets! they are so fun and easy. 🙂

  125. At the tile store right now!! Can’t wait to start this craft tonight! I’ll be making at least six sets of awesome coasters for Christmas gifts.
    I have finally found a use for the giant stack of scrap booking paper I have!!! Thank you so much!!!

  126. Where did you find all that gorgeous paper?

  127. Love!! and they were super easy to do! thank you 🙂

  128. i attempted to do this last year and bought a bunch of tiles and never got around to doing it. man these look greaT! love it. you have inspired me to make this attempt again.

  129. I am also having a problem with the paper puckering… I am using standard scrapbook paper from hobby lobby… any ideas??? Thank you!!!


  130. What a fantastic idea- and so easy! I found you through pinterest, I love your blog!

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  133. I’ve made 4 sets of coasters in the past 2 days. So easy and they make fabulous gifts. Instead of felt, I used foam, cut into 4″ squares and glued them to the bottom of the tiles with “Weld Bond”. I found that the foam prevents them from slipping/sliding. As far as sealant, I used Valspar Clear Sealant (in a satin finish. This dreid very quickly anf I’ve had no problems with tiles sticking together.

    • Did you see if hot mugs stuck to them? I’m currently making them to sell and am having a heck of a time finding a sealer that hot mugs won’t stick to. I don’t want to do the engine sealer, as it has a VERY strong smell! I am about to try the Valspar you used and the PermEnamal mentioned in another post.

  134. Very cute! Can’t wait to make some!

  135. I am in the process of making coasters as well and emailed the company that makes Envirotex (the thick stuff they put on bars). It’s waterproof and heat resistant. Their comment is below. Hope this helps. Mary

    After your coasters have cured for three days, put a layer of paste wax on each coaster; the cups stick when the coating is new-ish and usually stop sticking after the coating has cured for a few weeks! The wax will get you past that curing period.

  136. This was so great, I was inspired to make my own version after seeing yours on Pinterest. Clearly I am not alone – everyone seems to love this. Thanks for the great inspiration! I linked to you on a post about it, over at Painting Sunny right here: http://paintingsunny.com/2013/03/18/before-blog-projects-part-1/

  137. Thanks for post! Wow nice Tiles Collection Tile Shops Totally Home improvement Solution TFO in australia.

  138. Those are adorable. I love it’s designs, very attractive to the eyes. I have been wanting to make these coasters but, i’m still busy as of the moment. Now, after seeing this, will surely set aside a time for my coaster project! 🙂 -http://www.jrsalescorp.com

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  141. I really like your bold ‘in-your-face’ close ups of larger designs on these coasters. I have been making these for years but have only made them using paper napkins. Thanks so much for sharing and just in time with summer here and lots of time to try new things!


  142. It seems a lot of you have problems with mugs sticking to the surface of coasters. I had that problem in the beginning too. I found out that the best solution is to use two components hobby epoxy resin (something like this: http://www.tapplastics.com/product/mold_making_materials/casting_products/easycast_clear_casting_epoxy/386. Since I live in Croatia I use other kind, but it’s the same principle). It solves both problems as it makes coasters heat and water-resistant.

  143. In the floor tile shop right this moment!! Cannot wait around to begin this particular art this evening! Soon we will be producing a minimum of 6 units associated with amazing coasters with regard to Presents.
    I possess lastly discovered a make use of for that huge collection associated with scrapbook papers I possess!!! Thank you!!! Italian design ideas

  144. having fun making these, I have started 6 sets of 4, and they are in various stages. going to try to buff out some of the modge podge streaks and spray on the acrylic again for a more sheen finish, see if that works, but overall, these are really cool!

  145. And I am curious to see how these would turn out using fabric squares cut with pinking shears in lieu of the craft paper, hmmm… Think I will try those this weekend.

  146. They look great but are they absorbent? What about condensation?

  147. What did you use to make it water proof?

  148. Laura Harring says

    Oh my goodness, these are seriously adorable!! Awesome idea!!! Thank you!!!

  149. Hello Lindsay,

    This is Evonne from Taiwan, I love your idea about a handmade coaster.

    I want to make a number of coasters for my wedding gift and have a few questions below, please kindly have a look and let me know. Thank you!

    1. For the step 2 to 4, how can I sure if I brush enough Mod Podge on the paper or tile? Shall I brush the same quantity of Mod Podge every time or not.

    2. For the step 5 about the Clear acrylic sealer, I plant to make about 200 coasters for the wedding and want to evaluate how many pots should I buy? And how many times should I press by Clear acrylic sealer every time?

  150. These are so amazing and so simple! I can’t believe I only just found them! Thank you these will make amazing stocking fillers!

  151. If you wanted to add a note, letter or saying to the fronts of a tile, what do you recommend would be the best route? Permanent marker to the paper before the mod-podge? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. New gal to this!! :o)

  152. Kacie Atlas says

    Thank you for sharing! I LOVE this idea and plan to make these for Christmas presents this year. Love the website!!!

  153. I’ve just made these today, and the “flat” (typical) scrapbook paper looks great! Unfortunately, I also chose a textured paper, and it turns out it sheds when spreading the mod podge, so I’d suggest not using textured paper.

    Also, I read a lot of comments about the finished product not being too heat resistant when using coffee cups on them. I purchased acrylic sealer (DecorArt Triple thick gloss glaze) that the lady at Michaels assured me was water resistant, but I was wondering if someone had found something that for sure works against heat and sticking? I’m giving these to my mom for Christmas this year, so I don’t have too much time for them to “cure” unfortunately.
    Thanks for any suggestions!

  154. WOW! So super easy! Simple and elegant! What a great handmade gift. Thank you so much for sharing! So want to do this project now!

  155. Thank you for sharing this fun project tutorial! Mine came out GREAT, thanks to you! 🙂

  156. Eva Berg says

    Love your crafts. Especially your coaster ideas.

  157. Hi, Loved the Coasters you made and I wanted to know if the sealer you used is good enough as a heat resistant for the coasters?

  158. This is a great IDEA. I do some fund raising for animal shelters and this would be a good project to sell at a show. Thanks

  159. I have made tons of these for a c raft fair. To make them heat and water proof, try using clear engine paint with a high heat resistance. About 500-600 degrees. That works. Acrylic spray will not be heat proof. Only issue I am having is I find very small little black things stuck in some of them (after I cover with the modpodge). I don’t know why it happens. I have been told it could be from the paper or dust in the air. I am trying to find a way to prevent it. Does anyone have some ideas?

    • The small black things on your project is probably particles coming off you sponge brush. I have had this before when working with Mod Podge. Use a paint brush made for polyurethane or other finishes to apply Mod Podge. Bonus: You can wash brush and use over and over.

    • Do you have to cure the coasters once you have sprayed it with the engine paint like the can says to do?Like bake them in the oven?
      What kind/brand of engine paint did you use?

  160. They’re so lovely. It’s a very good idea. Thank you so much for explain it.

  161. Michele Totton says

    I was wondering if they could be used as a conventional tile – on a wall? I think they are beautiful and almost seem wasted as coasters.

  162. Can anyone give me some advice please? I love these tiles and have tried making one but am getting streaks in the mod podge despite using the foam brush to apply. I’m wanting to make sets to sell so need them to look as good as possible and the streaks don’t look good.

  163. Carol Fryer says

    My creative juices start flowing when I see something like this. Imagine in your kitchen….the backsplash is all a neutral color and the center row which doesnt begin all the way from a wall , but somewhere in the center is a zigzag row of these in whatever color or design you fancy….then make you coasters to match. Thank you for this beautiful post.

  164. I take picture at cival war events. Would love to take these pix and make a coaster. Do i have to make a copy of pix or use the original pix. Would appreciate a answer on this, thanks

  165. Hi im new to this but open for suggestion. Im just gonna put a beer cardboard on top. I know i suppose to put modge podge, several coats and acyrilic sealer. Can a beer can or a glass of water, not anything hot. hold up to this, ur help will be greatly appreciated. thanks, cecilia

  166. Lisa Burrow says

    I’m working on about 50 of these to sell in my shop for an upcoming festival in our town.. So far I have done 3 coats of modge podge letting them dry or so between coats.. no sealer..so far water was fine (no sealer btw) but put a hot coffee cup on and it stuck within a minute. This was after a week of letting it all cure.. because I saw all the comments of the acrylic sealer sticking, I skipped. It to see what would happen.. I’m not trying fast drying poly and gonna let dry proper 3 to 4 hours..3 coats and try this..gonna let cure a few days and dry a hot cup again.. I’m also going to try the clear engine paint that I’ve seen here a few times and will post final outcome. Some of these products are expensive to keep making mistakes.. If anyone had a sure outcome.. (I’m not much interested in pouring resin) let me kno. w. August 23rd 2016.

    • Lisa Burrow says

      I mistyped.. I let the mod podge cure a day or two in between. I also think temperatures you do this in are important.. read back of product.. Humidity is never good I know for paint or a sealer.. Every paint or sealer project I’ve ever done in heat or humidity has never cured well.

  167. I was unable to us the coasters after I made them because my cups stuck to them and left marks in the coaster, didn’t matter whether hot or cold!! I found the solution was not acrylic spray or polyurethane, but something called “Envirotex” sold at Hobby Lobby. $12.99 for a small box which when used sparingly covers a lot, just work the coaster back & forth to move the liquid around, otherwise follow manufacturers instructions. You will find it in the craft paint isle!!

  168. I followed the tips and tried to make Tile Coaster, while the final shape was done and really thanks to the author.


  1. […] 利用砖块,彩纸,特制胶水(Mod Podge),就可简单制作杯垫!建议可利用scrapbook paper。 详情请查看:简易自制杯垫 […]

  2. […] Tile Coaster Tutorial – The Cottage Mama […]

  3. […] COASTERS These coasters are cute, easy and practical.  And really, who can’t use […]

  4. […] are all the rage right now. I’ve been inspired by a few different examples from Attic Lace, The Cottage Mama and Making Mondays blogs. I decided to make my own coasters out of a leftover calendar from one of […]

  5. […] Tile Coasters from The Cottage Mama […]

  6. […] Tile Coaster Tutorial by The Cottage Mama […]

  7. […] paper can be applied with a découpage technique onto unsuspecting items like light switch plates, tiles and coasters. The same technique could also be used on trays, furniture and other […]

  8. […] Tile Coasters @ The Cottage Mama […]

  9. […] Tile Coaster Tutorial – I have made magnets before using a very similar technique. They are very simple to make, don’t take a lot of time and they look fabulous! Everyone will think they were store-bought since they look like such a designer piece. (Image from The Cottage Mama)   […]

  10. […] found a tutorial for these tile coasters a year ago and have made them quite a few times since. They are so easy to […]

  11. […] Tile Coaster – Pick up inexpensive tiles from the hardware store and use scrapbook paper to embellish the top. […]

  12. […] The Cottage Mama / Via thecottagemama.com […]

  13. […] DIY Project and Photo credit to thecottagemama.com […]

  14. […] 9. Tile Coasters from The Cottage Mama […]

  15. […] The Cottage Mama – via thecottagemama.com […]

  16. […] Original tutorial can be found here. […]

  17. […] Original tutorial can be found here. […]

  18. […] found these really cute, simple DIY Tile Coasters at TheCottageMamas blog page and just had to share.  I Love the bright colors she used, reminds me of Spring! […]

  19. […] found the directions here. The only difference was that I used thin rolled cork on the backs of them, and I had the kids […]

  20. […] used the tutorial from The Cottage Mama.  I appreciate how detailed this tutorial is, and how it provides dimensions for everything.  I […]

  21. […] Happy Monday! Today's  Mimic is a fun accessory to home:) I got this fun idea from mom actually! Her and my sister make and sell these awesome coasters on their Etsy store Sweet N Simple Co. They are both so talented, be sure to check them out here, and here is the link for this actual coaster and for the actual DIY link click here!  […]

  22. […] Tile coasters: These are a great way to show that you respect your mother’s wish to keep the tables free of drink stains. It is easy to take creative liberties, as you can use any scrapbook paper or fabric you want. […]

  23. […] DIY Tile Coasters […]

  24. […] Tile Coasters Tutorial by The Cottage Mama […]

  25. past michigan lottery results

    Tile Coaster Tutorial – The Cottage Mama

  26. […] Tile Coaster Tutorial – The Cottage Mama – Sewing. Cooking … – There’s nothing better than a handmade gift and this Tile Coaster Tutorial will do the trick! What better way to celebrate than with some fun, festive coasters…. […]

  27. […] 5. In love with these colorful tile coasters […]

  28. […] COASTERS These coasters are cute, easy and practical.  And really, who can’t use […]

  29. […] | Tile coasters | These are also cute when made with photos, fabric, etc. Apparently you can make just about […]

  30. […] Coasters – No one wants cup rings on their coffee tables! Gift your family and friends with a personalized coaster to save their furniture and brighten their home. […]

  31. […] The Cottage Mama has a tutorial to turn tiles from the hardware store into coasters. She uses scrapbook paper, but I’m eyeing the old maps I’ve got tucked away for a rainy day project. […]