The Party Dress – Printable Pattern and Tutorial

In case you missed my guest blog post on U-Create, here is my pattern for The Party Dress.  I’ve updated a few of the steps and tried to clarify some things people had questions about.
In thinking about my guest post for U-Create, there really was no question in my mind what I wanted to do.  It had to be a dress!  I am very excited to offer this free printable pattern!  The Party Dress (size 18-month through size 5) is the perfect outfit for any special occassion – it’s a birthday dress, a holiday dress, a church dress or even a modern flower girl dress.  I encourage you to get creative with this pattern and make it your own.
So let’s get started………..

**The Party Dress instructions and pattern pieces have been removed. There is a brand new updated version of the pattern available for all The Cottage Mama Newsletter subscribers. Sign up for the newsletter at the top of the blog home page and you will receive the full, FREE The Party Dress PDF pattern sent to your inbox in size 6 month – size 10.**

 I used Art Gallery Fabrics “Paradise” in Twilight Pond for my main fabric.  The coordinating deep teal is a Dupioni silk.  Another coordinating cotton fabric would be beautiful for the accent fabric as well.
I have a thing for fabric covered buttons – I L.O.V.E. them!  You can find covered button kits in the notions section of your local sewing store.  They are super-easy to make and add a timeless, vintage flair to garments.
 And here’s my little Matilda Jane wearing “The Party Dress”.  She loves it!!
Now it’s time to party!

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  1. Thank you! I think I know what my daughter’s Easter dress will look like.

  2. I made this dress numerous times over the holiday season – for presents for other little girls, and as the Christmas dresses for my two little ones! All a huge hit! Love it! Thanks so much for creating and sharing!

  3. Absolutely gorgeous – the dress and the model! You are so generous for sharing!

  4. Boy, you have some major patience. I have whole new respect for you! It is beautiful just like everything else you make!

  5. Beautiful!

  6. I made a size 5 and a size 2 for my little girls for Christmas. My fabric choice was not good, I chose pretty over practical-it had silver woven in and everytime I hit it, it would put a pull in the fabric. I would def not use the same fabric again-but would use the patter again for sure! Thank you so much for sharing such a fun tutorial!!

    • I had this with a type of fabric before & I switched to a ballpoint needle, it stopped pulling the material and sewed beautifully!!
      Tricia S

  7. Thank you for sharing!!!

  8. That is the sweetest dress, and model too! 🙂
    I love meeting kindred crafting spirits. 🙂
    Hope you come by to say hi.

  9. Lindsay, I just love this tutorial!! It’s easy to follow, I hope that I can notch out the time to make one for Lucy. Do you think that it would be easy to turn this into a Fancy Nancy dress by way of attaching ruffles all along the skirt?

  10. Thanks for sharing the pattern. I would love to make some for my niece! I can’t wait!

  11. This is awesome! Thanks so much for posting the pattern-I think I’m going to use it to make my daughter’s Easter dress this year!

    I posted about it here:

  12. This was featured today over at Today’s Top 20! Hooray!


  13. You are impressive. Love your color choices on everything you do.

  14. Oh, my goodness! This is top notch beauty!

  15. Oh wow!!! that is so adorable! I need to work on my sewing skills, but this may have to be a future project!!!!

    please link it up here:

  16. I wanted to thank you so much for this tutorial!! At first I was like there is no way all this material will fit my little girl but it all worked out wonderful and now I have made my first dress!!

    Thanks Again

  17. Well, I learned something new…. I love the way you did the lining and the way you turned it. I have struggled with that for years…. that would work on something reversible… .. thank you

  18. The style that suits your body type, the occasion, the look which you want to sport, such factors should help you decide which dress you should wear to which place. Get rid of your pre party jitters and be ready to rock any party in the prettiest of dress.

    Party Dress

  19. I finally posted pictures of my wee girl turning 2. I made a dress for her dinner with the family from silk. Your instructions were a breeze to follow and the dress turned out fabulously. Thank you for the inspiration! Here is a link to my post:

  20. This is awesome !! Thanks. Can’t wait to make for my daughter =)

  21. So adorable! I linked to you because I made these for my daughters, but don’t have pictures up yet! Thanks for the great tute!


  23. I just completed this dress for my three-year-old daughter Felicity! It will be her Easter Dress this year and I hope to make one for my younger daugther Fiona as well- not sure if I’ll make the Easter deadline but will try. I love the pattern and the tutorial with photos is wonderful. Your blog is fun to read and so full of useful tips etc… keep it up!

  24. Thanks !
    So beautiful.

  25. Thanks for the amazing tutorial!!! I’m going to try it!

  26. Thank you again for this pattern/tutorial. I used it for my daughter’s Easter dress:

    I’m planning a more detailed post once I get my professional pictures back. It turned out really cute!

  27. Lindsay, I love this dress tutorial and want to make it for my granddaughter in a 18-24 month size. I don’t see the pattern for the bodice back in 18-24 month size…am I overlooking it??

  28. I made this dress for my daughter to wear on Easter Sunday. This was the first item of clothing I’ve ever made and the first time I’d used a pattern. Your instructions were very clear and the dress turned out great! Thanks so much for this tutorial! I like the dress so much, I’m planning on making another one with different fabric for my little girl.

    I posted pictures of the dress here.


  29. Anonymous says

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this dress. I just made one for a friend and now my cousin is asking me to make some for the flower girls for her wedding! Thank you so much

  30. Annemiek says


    Thanks for the pattern, it’s wonderful. Using it now to make my first dress ever.. It will be a flower girl dress for a friend’s daughter who just got here arm and shoulder in a cast due to an operation. This pattern seems like it can easily be adapted so that she can put it on.

    Just one question: are the seam allowances included in the bodice pieces and measurements that you mention, or not? I just can’t seem to make up my mind about it.

    Many thanks!


  31. What fabric did you use?? I think it’s Amy Butler? I LOVE IT!

    kieryaj at gmail dot com

  32. Loved this tutoorial.. such wonderful photos and clear instructions. I made a dress following these instructions, here:

  33. how awesome are you!! fabulous little dress and one of the best tutorials (detailed and comprehensible) I have ever seen..period !!
    Best part…it’s free to print out! My 3 yr old granddaughter and 6 yr old niece will be wearing these this summer. Louise

  34. I am almost done! I have three girls, ages 7, 5, +3. We are attending a wedding on Saturday and the girls will wear their dresses. i will post a picture

  35. How would I reduce the 18mo. pattern for a 12mo. do you think??

  36. I was going to make this for my granddaughters 1st birthday dress but when I went to the link for the bodice pattern there was no bodice back for the 18-24 month size. can you help me out with that?

  37. I made my daughter’s Easter dress from this pattern. I got so many compliments and had many ask where I got the pattern so I sent them to your site. 🙂 I LOVE this pattern and plan to make it again. 🙂

  38. I am just beginning sewing clothes and I was looking for a party dress for my daughter’s 1st birthday! I loved your pattern. It is gorgeous, I have plans for so many more versions! I am so pleased with how mine came out, thanks for a great tutorial!

    My attempt:

  39. I made three of these in eyelet for flower girl dresses. They worked out beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your pattern.

  40. I made two of these for my twin girls’ first birthday and I just love how they came out. I got so many compliments too! Here’s the pic-

  41. I love this dress pattern! Am I missing something though? There is no bodice back pattern for the 18 month size?

  42. there is no pattern piece for the back of the 18-24 month. . .am i missing something?


  44. Andrew Smith says

    very lovely clothes design. i love it but i would like it better if it was made out of silk. 🙂

    Smith | corporate shirts

  45. I made two of these dresses yesterday. One for my 6 year old and one for my 2 year old. Black material with hot pink swirls and a hot pink belt. They look gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing the pattern and all the photos – it really helped.

  46. I just recently started following your blog, and I’m really loving it. Funnily enough, though, I just noticed this tutorial and realized it was the one I used to make my daughter’s Easter dress many months ago. I don’t know why I didn’t become a follower back then, but apparently I was so busy with the dress, it slipped my mind! Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for putting together such a wonderful, easy to follow tutorial. I’m not exactly a beginner, but sewing clothes is definitely NOT my specialty. I had absolutely no trouble following your tutorial, and the dress turned out perfectly. Even my expert seamstress friend was impressed! Thanks again!

  47. Dear Lindsay,

    this post is most useful for any parent. I can honestly say the dress is absolutely stunning and I’m sure it will be difficult to find such a cute dress from a designer or on the high street. Thanks for sharing! Sonja

  48. Thank you for this beautiful, detailed tutorial! I made my daughters Christmas dress from this and it turned out perfect. This was only my second time sewing a project this fancy and your instructions helped a lot. Thank you.

  49. wow! what a cute dress and pretty kid of yours. Thanks for the tutorial very kind of for sharing. God Bless!

  50. Thanks for this tutorial and pattern. I used it to make my daughter’s first birthday dress.

  51. Hi! I used your pattern to design a dress for a little girl! I have posted photos here:

  52. I just came across this post in my bookmarked “Must Make!” folder and go so excited! I was contemplating Easter dresses for my three daughters and forgot I had bookmarked this! Thank you so much for sharing such an awesome pattern! Now to figure out fabric choices… 😀

  53. Great tutorial..i made a flower girl dress inspired by this tutorial. Check this out

  54. I’d love to make this in a size 6 and 7 for my girls. Any chance you can add larger bodice patterns? I don’t think I’ve been sewing long enough to try and figure it out on my own! It’s such a beautiful dress!

    • So glad you like the dress! Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to grade the pattern any larger, but hopefully you can give enlarging it a try! Thanks so much, Lindsay

  55. This is so awesome!! Is there any chance you can do it for size 12??? Same as the 1 above I am not that great of a sewer

    • Hi Stephanie,
      No, I’m sorry, I can’t go up to a size 12 on this one. Even on my patterns that I sell the max size I go up to is a size 10. Give enlarging it a try – use a dress that already fits your size 12 and try to adjust it accordingly. Wish I could be of more help. Have a great day, Lindsay

  56. wow beautiful dress, i like your dress pattern, Your information is very useful, you can find latest designer sarees from G3 fashions surat.

  57. Kathy B. says

    I have just learned to sew over the last few months and I made this dress today for my little 3 yr old girl. I have wanted to learn the gathering technique but could never figure it out from all my sewing books. Your tutorial was perfect explaining every step! I used a precious Hello Kitty high quality fabric and she was tickled pink to wear it. It looks precious on her. It turned out so beautiful!
    Thank you so much for sharing your talent thru your tutorials.

  58. Love love love the dress! And the tutorial is so detailed. I want to make these for all 3 of my girls for easter but I can’t find the back bodice piece for the 18-24 month cut out??? :0(

    • Hi Lynzi,
      Yes, in the tutorial I mention this – the back bodice didn’t scan. You will just have to adjust the other size and scale it down. So sorry about that!

  59. Belinda (United Kingdom) says

    Wow, wow, wow! Thank you SO very much for your very detailed tutorial and not to mention the great generosity in sharing the pattern! It’s so hard to find someone offering one free for girl bodice pieces. I have a lot of female cousins and as a beginner sewer I am so overjoyed to have found your site!

    I really appreciate your hard work and your talents are taking you far!

    Once again, much appreciated for the time you put in to sharing your skills and helping all of us get better at sewing! Your site is definitely one of my favourites!

  60. This is an absolutely beautiful dress! I’m about to embark on making the 18-24 month size as an Easter dress for my daughter. I couldn’t resist your fabric choices, though I picked a different patterned (main) fabric. I just couldn’t pass up the look that dupioni silk gives to this though! But, there in lies my question. Did you machine wash the silk prior to making your dress, or did you leave it unwashed and leave it as dry-clean-only? I’m not sure what I want to do with it!

  61. Melissa S. says

    Thank you for this pattern! I just completed the dress for my 2 y.o. and I plan to make another for my 4 y.o. This was my first dress and it took me a long time, but I am very pleased with the results! You can view mine here on craftsy:

    • Anonymous says

      Can you do me a favor and measure the bodice pattern for 2 year old I cannot get mine to print properly and really want to work on this a bit before my daughter gets home. Thanks!

  62. Anonymous says

    Hi I am trying to print the bodice pattern for 2 year old but it will not print the total bodice? Any suggestions? Looks like the pattern piece may be too big for one sheet. Can you tell me the measurements for the bodice length and width so that I can see if it is printing according to scale or not? Really want to make this dress thanks!

  63. I’m still kind of new @ this sewing business, and those black and white patterns are way intimadating. But, this was fun! I still had to read the instructions a hundred times, and made plenty of mistakes, but I really enjoyed sewing this dress. I made an adorable dress for my 7 month old, just by cutting the patterns down. Thank you, thank you. Loved this!

  64. I was wondering what kind of fabric you suggest to make this with???

  65. Are you available to answer stupid questions? I’m almost done with this way-awesome dress in the 18-month size, and I’m not able to squeeze out enough material to make my sash as long as you suggest. It will be 10 inches shorter than yours (5 inches on each side). In other words, my 2 7X18 pieces have to be 7X13. I don’t see a full back picture of your completed piece, but your little on looks to be about the same size as mine. Do you think a sash 5 inches shorter on each side would work, or should I head back to the fabric store?

  66. Hi Lindsay! I love this dress! I have been wanting to make it for Easter all year! I just finished making my dresses today. I took the sash idea from you and used a basic dress pattern I already had. I have an older girl and wanted both to have similar dresses. Here is how mine turned out on my little one. Thank you for making such great tutorials!

  67. Love this dress! Would you be able to give me the measurements for a size 10? Thank you!

  68. Just finished making this dress for my 3 year old for Easter. Looks amazing! Thanks for the pattern and tutorial.

  69. Oh, my goodness! This is top notch beauty!

  70. Just used this to make my daughters easter dress.. added short sleeves and it looks Perfect!!

  71. I LOVED making this for my girls for Easter! Thanks so much for the wonderful tute! It’s a simple but gorgeous dress!

  72. Love these dress’ and included you in my roundup of the top 12 FREE spring and Easter dress tutorials. I made both my girls one and posted photos on my blog with a link back crediting you for a GREAT pattern here THANKS SO MUCH!! My girls love love love them!

  73. I love the way on how to make a simple dress like this. It requires effort but it will surely give a beautiful output.

  74. Lovely blog and Your information is very useful, thanks for sharing, you can purchase latest lehnga sarees from G3 fashions surat.

  75. guau quedo hermoso gracias por el tutorial saludos desde argentina!!!

  76. This is a great pattern and tutorial. Thank you so much…I have made 2 dresses so far, I LOVE this pattern!

  77. Wow!!!!
    It´s wonderful!!!

    Congratulations, my mom loved your dress, and your daughter it´s pretty!!!

  78. I love the pattern! And it was so fun to make! Your tutorial was wonderfully easy to understand! I just finished one for my best friend’s daughter and can’t wait to make a baby sized one for my niece! Thank you!

  79. My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

    Flower Girl Dress London

  80. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

    Flower Girl Dress London

  81. Thank you for this darling pattern. I am so excited to make this dress for my 3 granddaughters. I would like to add sleeves to the pattern, do you have any tips?

  82. Thanks for posting! I have been looking for some inspiration because I want to start making my daughter some little girls clothes. Great pictures and information, thanks again!

  83. I just finished this dress for my 5yo’s upcoming Christmas pageant. I’ve never done any clothes this ambitious, but was able to put it together in one day and I’m thrilled! Thank you for posting, it’s wonderful!

  84. It is well for you to keep in mind that appearance is less important than other factors to be considered. There are requirements to be met. Nowadays, practicality is one important quality a parent like you must possess.

  85. I have made three dresses from this pattern and am starting my fourth today! I used it to make a dress for a wedding, as a guide for a rapunzel dress I made from an old bridesmaid dress, and a snow white costume for my 2 yr old. For snow white I just added a little sleeve. Thank you for this pattern! I need to share the pics of them with you!

  86. Sooooo sweet!!! Thanks for this pattern!!! I´m from germany, my english is not good. But I want to say: Thank you ♥

    Here can you see my dress:

    I want to make another one, if my fabrics arrives 😀


  87. Thank you, thank you for this tutorial. I never made anything much before. Now my little girl has the perfect dress for her 1st birthday. It turned our fantastic!!!

  88. I love this! I would like to make one for both of my girls. How would I adjust the size for 3-6months?

  89. I love this! I would like to make one for both of my girls. How would I adjust the size for 3-6months?

  90. Hi, I can’t open the pattern? It just takes me to Google Docs? Am I doing something wrong? Hope you can help, as I really would love to make this cute dress for my daughter. Thanks, Pernille

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  92. I found your Blog (which is amazing by the way) whilst looking for a possible flower girl pattern for my sis in law, everyone has fallen in love with this one and muggins here is now the dress maker! 🙂 doing test ones as Christmas dresses so once the fabric arrives I’ll be making them.
    Never made clothes before so wish me luck!

  93. Oh wow!!! that is so adorable! I need to work on my sewing skills, but this may have to be a future project!!

  94. Your blog is great, I learned a lot from your blog, thanks 🙂

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  96. I am currently working on this dress for my daughters! This is my first big sewing project so just wanted some clarification on sizing it down for a 12-18 month dress. Is it. 75 on all sides and parts of patterns?

  97. Thank you for sharing this pattern and tutorial! I made two dresses for my girls for family photos. I thought I had enough fabric for both dresses and if anyone were to look too closely on the ties they would find some patchwork and different fabrics… It was an adventure for my first dress ever, and first time using satin (never do two firsts in a sewing project like this, especially when rushed for time! Gaaa!). I ended up putting in snaps at the top and the wide bows in the back hold them together nicely. The attempt at satin button loops was a FIASCO! Here is a link to our family photos and how absolutely wonderful those dresses turned out for a self-taught beginner! Thank you again!

  98. Esta muy bello

  99. Thank you for an awesome tutorial and pattern for this adorable dress! I’ve pinned it to make for my daughter!

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. I made your dress for my daughter for Christmas using a liberty print for the details – I had so many comments about it that I’m making again for a party dress for the spring with a different print. Thank you for sharing. Emily

  102. Hi, thank you so much for the wonderful pattern! I have been looking at it for quite some time waiting for a excuse to make it! It is going to be a lovely Easter dress, I have a slight problem though, I see the 18m front but I can’t see the back bodice in 18m. Is it available? I tried to see if I could shrink it but patterns my brain cannot understand exactly how! Thanks again!

    • Bridget, there is no back side for the 18 months. Print out the 2T back piece and then take it in a 1/2 inch. I only took mine in from the neck line, shoulder, arm hole, & the connecting piece under the arm hole. Don’t take it in on the bottom and left straight edge. Hope that makes sence. It’s what worked for me. 🙂

  103. Wonderful tutorial. It was so easy. Your dress is beautiful. I Made the size 18month for my little one. I can’t wait to make more for her. 🙂
    I also linked my post here,

  104. Thank you, thank you for the fun and beautiful dress tutorial! I just took my finished dress to a quilt shop for “sew & share” this morning and got rave reviews! I was amazed at how quickly it went together – and I’m not used to sewing clothes! My daughter now has a beautiful Easter dress!!! Thanks again!

  105. Would you be so kind to email me the pattern please at Many thanks!!

  106. I also made the Party Dress — the fabric I used is fancy enough for a wedding! in a size 3 (I didn’t have my granddaughter model handy) but here it is.

  107. I made this for my daughter’s easter dress and it turned out really cute. I’m hoping to make a few more for my nieces this summer. Can anyone share the steps I might take to put a zipper in instead of button loops?

  108. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful pattern and model:)!!

  109. I was searching for decisive information on this topic. The information you have provided in the blog is really important.
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  110. Thanks for compiling such nicest information in your blogs. Articles are very informative and hope again I’ll find more like that.formal dress

  111. thank you for so perfect tutorial, I let to put link to your blog on my InPolkaDots blog, here is effect:

  112. Thankyou for this tutorial. I’m only a beginner and found it a little tricky, but I did manage to get a really nice result 🙂 I’m currently working on a second one for my little girl to wear to a wedding 🙂

  113. I can’t wait to make this! We have a wedding to go to in 3 weeks and I cannot find anything I like for my girls to wear, so I’m going to make them!

    If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of fabric did you use?

  114. Thank you so much for sharing this! I have a friend who’s little girl is turning 4 next week, and I’ve been trying to work out what to get her. My partner and I are both students so money is pretty tight for extras like little birthdays – but with my expansive (and mainly pilfered from my mother!) fabric stash, I know I’ll have something I can use to make her a pretty wee dress 😀 Thanks so much!

  115. You have created wonderful tunics for women !!

  116. Thanks for share this post I also share with you something hope you like my post. Combining white shirt with a pair of jeans normal or torn is a pretty common way. You can try it but it will better if you tried something new other than just a plain old pair of blue jeans. That’s pretty much old now. Even if you do want to wear a pair of jeans with your white shirt then it would be good if avoided the regular light blue and torn one. Dark blue shade or grey or even blackish jeans will do the trick. You can also go all white with a hint of black combining your white shirt with your white denim and give some hints of black such as wearing a black belt, shades and sandals with your full white look. You can also add a black leather handbag as a complimenting accessory. Speaking of leather you can get a pair of leather pants with your white shirt and some high heel leather boots to give you a hot look.To achieve a little more stylish look, you can pull a black jacket on as well along with your white shirt and leather pants.Thanks
    women and fashion

  117. I constantly emailed this site post page to all my friends, because if prefer to read it then my all friends will too.

  118. Thank you so much for this. I had just bought a sewing machine having never used one before in my life. This was my first project and although I had a little slip up on the kirt band it all went according to plan. It even fits her! Thank you again!

  119. Ashley cooper says

    I am very lost on the skirt band. Cutting two pieces 42 inches in length to make a circle is not matching up with the bottom of my skirt. Someone please help on where I’m making a mistake and getting lost!

    • Did you sew the two skirt band pieces together and then fold them in half so that the wrong sides are together?Once you’ve done that, you then attach it to the skirt. Did you cut the skirt band on the fold? The total for the skirt band prior to sewing it together would be 84″. The circumference of the skirt bottom should be should be the same as the circumference as the skirt band. If not, then something is off……try re-reading the instructions. Hope this helps!!

      • Ashley Cooper says

        The skirt band is cut and sewn correctly it does equal that long but the skirt is not. the only thing I can think of is I either cut the front skirt wrong or I sewed it up wrong. Maybe I got the width and length confused? This is the first project I’ve went silly on :/

  120. Jessica jeffrey says

    Just had to say, THank you for this great tutorial. This is the first dress I have ever made. Actually first piece of clothing. Everything went smoothly except I cut one piece wrong and pulled one stitch. But I accomplished it, and created a beautiful Christmas dress for my eldest daughter. Now onto another dress in the pattern in satin for my youngest daughter.

    Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  121. Thanks for the dress pattern and its tutorial. It was great. I tried to sew it and my niece love it. Thank you again so much.

  122. Help! I am making the size 5 and cut out the bodice pieces and noticed that the top of the shoulder straps for the front and back are not the same width. Is this intentional? I looked over the directions and the joining of the two straps is kind of tricky, so I couldn’t tell. Please help asap, trying to finish up for Christmas pictures. Thanks in advance.

  123. I’m expecting a granddaughter in May. I would love to make this dress for her first birthday. Thanks so much for the tutorial and pattern.

  124. Hi,
    Your tuts are great. I’m wondering if I can transalte some in Italian and share them on my blog with my friends. Of course I’m going to piy the links to your website or quotate “the author”. As you want..

    thank you very much!

    ciao! 😛

  125. There is not a pattern for the 18-24 month back.

  126. Hi
    I have signed up to your newsletter but there is not pdf patterned yet in my in box?

  127. Emma Cummins says

    Hiya I too subscribed and have not received the dress pattern?


  128. I had printed this tutorial quite a few months ago, but left it at that… But now I made this dress over the weekend and I love it. Thank you for sharing the tutorial and pattern, my girl loves her new ‘princess dress’ -her words, not mine 😀

  129. Rebecca Limbert says

    I subscribed… now how long before I can get the pattern for this awesome dress? 🙂

  130. Carla Leigh says

    Hi, I’ve subscribed but not received this pattern yet. How long will it take please?
    Many thanks.

  131. I have subscribed. Could you email me the ppattern. I wanna use it for my daughters Easter dress

  132. Hi, I’ve subscribed and would like a copy of this pattern please 🙂

  133. I just cant wait to try this pattern. Am a newbie ‘sewer’ and so excited to see such beautiful stuff created, I have subscribed to the newsletter. When can i receive this pattern?

  134. Hi I love this pattern and would love to make it for an Easter dress for my two girls. How do you download after you subscribe to the newsletter?

  135. Sandra C. says

    Has anyone made the Party Dress with a zipper closure instead of buttons? Did you cut the bodice differently? If so what difference were done when you cut it out? Did you sew the outside and lining together before sewing in the zipper?

  136. sorry, just received it. my sincere apologies

  137. Brigitte Gunnell says

    When it talks about the sash measurements for the length if it says “30 inches”, do I measure 30 or 15 inches on the fold? My material is not big enough that way to make 30 inches 🙁

    • Brigitte Gunnell says

      Nevermind lol I just read that those are the final measurements for the pieces, it’s all good!


  1. […] other dress that I drew inspiration from was the “Party Dress” from Cottage Mama.  The dress was lovely, but the smallest size was 18-24 months and Audrey currently wears 6-12 […]

  2. […] Tinny Dress pattern, but I added the sash using Liberty fabric. I followed the free tutorial of The Party Dress (The Cottage Mama) to make this […]

  3. […] Party dress … The Cottage Home […]