Brown Sugar Baked Sweet Potatoes

My family did not grow up eating sweet potatoes and we definitely did not have sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving.  And quite frankly, I don’t really care for them.  But as many of you know, when you get married and start a family of your own, you adapt to new traditions.  One of which, in my case, is sweet potatoes.

This past week, we spent Thanksgiving with my Mom and her new (as in just got married a week ago) hubby, Allen.  Like I said before, Mom and I don’t do sweet potatoes, but we wanted to make sure we kept our guys happy so we added sweet potatoes to the menu.  Rather then doing a giant sweet potato casserole that would only be eaten by 2-3 people, we opted for another solution – Brown Sugar Baked Sweet Potatoes.  And let me tell you, these were a big hit!  If you are looking to add some sweet potatoes to your holiday entertaining menu, I highly recommend you give these a try!

Brown Sugar Baked Sweet Potatoes
Serves 4

4 medium-sized sweet potatoes
4 tablespoons brown sugar
2 tablespoons butter
Cinnamon, to sprinkle
32 small marshmallows or 16 large ones cut up
Heat oven to 400 degrees.  Place sweet potatoes in a deep baking dish and poke several holes in each one.  Place in oven and bake for 45 minutes or until tender.

Meanwhile, cut your two tablespoons of butter into four equal pieces.

Cut each sweet potato down the center (length-wise).  Be careful not to cut all the way through the potato.  Place one piece of butter inside each potato.


Next sprinkle each potato lightly with cinnamon (as much or as little as your family likes).  Then sprinkle the inside of each potato with one tablespoon of brown sugar.

If using large marshmallows, cut them into pieces.  If using mini-marshmallows, then just skip this step.

Divide marshmallows out and place 1/4 in each sweet potato.  Place sweet potatoes back in the oven and bake for 20 minutes or until tops are golden brown.

Remove sweet potatoes from oven and allow to cool slightly.  Place sweet potatoes onto serving platter and enjoy!

If your family really enjoys sweet potato casserole, they will definitely enjoy this recipe.  Try this easy recipe on a weeknight to go along with your family dinner.  Super-easy and super-delicious!

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  1. This recipe looks interesting! We Chinese just eat the sweet potatoes baked without adding anything. I’ll certainly try the brown sugar.

  2. What a great recipe! Thanks for posting it!

  3. That looks so yummy (:


  4. mu husband doesn’t like sweet potatoes either…I just don’t understand him sometimes! Lol – recipe looks yummy

  5. I have always made sweet potatoes with brown sugar and cinnamon, but I have never made it with the marshmallows. Maybe I will try it one day! I’m sure you little girl loved it — due to the marsmallow! 🙂

  6. Mmmmm…. we love sweet potatoes in our house and I’m always looking for new ways to serve them! Thanks!


  7. You had me at sweet potato. I’m following.