DIY Homemade Cozy Winter Bath Soak

We always have a lot of people in our lives to thank around the holidays. So many people have such a huge influence in our children’s lives and I always want them to know just how much we are grateful for all the love they poor into our kids. We have dance teachers, gymnastics coaches, school teachers, music teachers, band directors, choir directors, soccer coaches and the list goes on and on. I wanted to create a special gift for all of these folks that was homemade and that could be enjoyed this holiday season. There is something about the holidays that just gets me in the mood to make things!

I decided to create this DIY Homemade Cozy Winter Bath Soak to gift to all the special adults in our kids lives. If you can believe it, I ended up making 25 bags of bath soak. And I did have some left over so that I (and my family) could use it and let me tell you……it is divine! The flowers that I used were all from our garden. My husband grew many of these flowers with the intention of making some of them into tea but he never got around to it. So I dried them and used them as sort of a ‘bath tea’. I included a muslin bag with each bath soak so that the bath salts could go inside the bag and dissolve into the tub without getting the tub all messy.

DIY Homemade Cozy Winter Bath Soak


I’m not going to give you exact measurements for any of these because you don’t need them. And depending on how large of a batch you are creating, will depend on how much you want of each ingredient.

Epsom Salt

Pink Himalayan Sea Salt

Dried Flowers

Essential Oils (I used clove, orange and cinnamon)

Muslin Bag


Step 1: Mix the pink sea salt and epsom salt together. I used 1/3 sea salt to every 1 pound of epsom salt.

Step 2: Add in your dried flowers. You could also add things like dehydrated orange peel or lemon if you wanted to add even more prettiness to your bath soak. You can dry these flowers out in the oven or just leave them on the counter to dry for a week or so. You could also order dried flowers if you don’t have any of your own to dry.

Step 3: Add in your essential oils. I used about 20 drops of each oil for the large quantity of bath soak that I created. Each portion was a cup and I would say I had approximately 30 cups of salt/flowers. If you are making a smaller batch, then consider using less essential oil. I intended this as a winter soak, but if you’d like to do something more spring-like, consider using lavendar oil, tea tree oil or other lighter essential oils.

Step 4: Place 1 cup of bath soak into each bag. Create your own label and your DIY gift is complete!

I ordered these cute little appreciation tags online to attach to each bag. I also created the label in Canva with details about the flowers that are used and some info from our family. The muslin bags that I included with each bath soak is behind the soak. I was so happy with how these gifts turned out and I hope all the receipients got some much needed R and R over the holidays. It truly takes a village to raise these kids and I’m so grateful that our village is filled with some of the best people I know!


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