Today I’m excited to announce the re-release of the popular FREE Party Dress Pattern here on The Cottage Mama! I have been busy working on lots of different projects (probably why the blog has been a little quiet lately), one of which is updating this free pattern.
Pattern Description:
The Party Dress is the ultimate classic dress. The feminine design is perfect for all ages and the big bow sash makes every little girl feel like a princess. The Party Dress can be dressed up and down depending on the fabric used. Consider using woven cotton for a more casual look or take it up a notch with silk Dupioni for those fancier occasions.
The Party Dress has a fully lined bodice and encased waist seams for total comfort for your little one. The bodice back features button loop closures… no buttonholes or zippers. This is great pattern for confident beginner sewists and offers many ways to get creative with your design! The Party Dress is a free pattern from The Cottage Mama. Available in size 6 months – 10 years.
Dress sewn by Crystal Motes
Why am I re-releasing this pattern?
I am re-releasing this pattern for several reasons. The first is that I wanted to expand the pattern into the full range of The Cottage Mama pattern sizing (size 6 month – size 10). The first release of the pattern only had size 18 month – size 5. Savannah is already in size 6, so I knew it was time to make this beautiful classic dress in sizes to fit a little bit older girl. Secondly, when I first released this pattern I wasn’t selling my own patterns and I just don’t feel like the hand drawn pattern pieces were a good reflection of the patterns I currently sell. So now all the bodice pieces are nice and digitized just like all The Cottage Mama Patterns. I have also included several additional techniques including an alternate bodice construction technique.
I finally hired my virtual assistant, Allison Rosen, and so I feel like I can get going on taking care of a lot of housekeeping here. Today we are finally sending out the first The Cottage Mama Newsletter. This list has been growing and growing for sometime, but I just never found the time to send out the newsletter.
Dress sewn by Jessica Curtis
How can I get this free pattern?
The Party Dress is a newsletter subscriber exclusive pattern. If you already subscribed to The Cottage Mama Newsletter, then you already received your first newsletter that contained the pattern. If you haven’t signed up, you can do so at the top of the blog home page or at the bottom of the post. Make sure you hit enter twice on your keyboard or just hit enter once on your phone. I know it works (I tested it a couple times just to make sure). You will receive the pattern once you have signed up for the newsletter……it will arrive 1 hour after you sign up. If you don’t see it, please check your spam folder.
Dress sewn by Autumn Goodman
I am offering this pattern for free as a thank you to you all for your love and support over the last many years. I am really excited to be able to provide a high-quality free pattern for you to try. I hope you’ll really like it. And if you do, feel free to join us over in The Cottage Mama Patterns Facebook group where you can share pictures of your Party Dresses, ask questions and connect with other women who have a passion for sewing.
Dress sewn by Katy Lam
I have removed the original instructions on the Party Dress post as they have been updated with new skirt measurements and lots more and I don’t want anyone getting confused and using the old instructions. The post will still stay up with some of the images in case you have it pinned on Pinterest.
I hope you enjoy this pattern as much as I enjoyed putting it together for you. I think it’s the perfect classic Easter or special occasion dress and I can’t wait to see what you create! Stay tuned for more exciting info., discounts, patterns and more in The Cottage Mama Newsletter!
***PLEASE NOTE: If you have difficulty signing up for the newsletter or downloading the pattern, you are welcomed to join The Cottage Mama Patterns group on Facebook (click HERE) to get your copy of the pattern. The Party Dress Pattern is not available for purchase and cannot be emailed directly to you. Thanks so much!***
thank you for sharing your beautiful creative tutorial with us!
You are very welcome!
I love this pattern! I have the homemade version in a size 5 and it turned out so cute–I am excited to get the larger sizes but for the life of me I can’t find the link for the new sizes–am I missing something on your page?
Hi Stephanie,
You must be a newsletter subscriber to get the new version of the pattern. You can sign up in the blog post and will receive the new version an hour after you sign up. Thank you!
Hi Lindsay,
I am a new subscriber–just signed up last night, actually, but I haven’t received any link to the pattern(not in my spam, either) nor can I find it downloadable on the blog. I am technologically challenged, but I was wondering if perhaps the pattern is no longer offered? I am looking for the pattern in sizes 6-10 especially. Thank you for your help!
Ahhh, had to read it twice and now I understand.
I’m looking at the pattern, but I can’t find the skirt or sash pieces, or a measurement to cut them to since they just look like squares in the picture. All that shows up on the bottom are the bodice pattern pieces. Am I missing the others somewhere?
Hi Miranda,
Yes, all the information you need is in the pattern. Read through it entirely and you will see the other pieces. They are included in the cutting charts. I didn’t include the skirt, sash or contrast band as actual pattern pieces 1) because this is a free pattern and 2) since this is a free pattern it won’t go into print…….most people that use PDF patterns don’t want to waste paper to print out rectangles. Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy the pattern!!
Passed right by it! Thanks, can’t wait to make it
Oh! Thank you so much for increasing the sizes and making the pattern free! I have made this dress NINE times already (two at a time for my daughters, each Christmas and spring) and love it! But, my girls are now 6 and 8 so I was wondering what next. Thank you again!
I am a subscriber and I did receive my newsletter this morning, but there is no attachment or link or anything in it for downloading this pattern. Am I missing something? Thanks!
Yes, it’s there……just click on the picture of the little girl wearing the dress!
Yea I am so excited I cant wait to make this cute dress for my Rebecca. Then a few neices might get one as well.
Thank you so much for sharing your darling dress pattern in so many sizes!
I subscribe to the newsletter, but I didn’t receive the one for today. Any way for me to still get the pattern? Or should I try to subscribe again? I’ve been a subscriber for a while now. Thanks
Hi Kathy,
The newsletter is not the same as receiving the blog posts. You would have never gotten a newsletter before this morning since that’s when the first one went out. You need to sign up within this blog post or at the top of the blog home page. Make sure you get a confirmation email…..that’s how you know your subscription went through. Thanks!!
Ok. Thanks!
I signed up last night (and again this morning) and still haven’t received the news letter. I got the confirmation email both times. The only email I’ve gotten since the subject line says, “The Cottage Home”. There is no photo of the little girl in the email.
Hi Misty,
Just please be patient. There were too many people that overloaded the system. Hopefully you will receive it by the end of today!
Thank you,
Lindsey, thank so much for the party dress pattern you have blessed us with. I will look forward to making it for soon to be born grandgirly.. I appreciate your kindness.
Thank you so so much for sharing your time and talents with us. You are so amazing and so are your patterns…quick question do you by chance know the fabric that Katy Lam made her dress out of? Thank you again!!!
Hi LisaMarie,
Yes, that fabric line is called ‘Tilda Fabric’ and it’s available in the UK. It use to be available through the Martha Pullen store, but I don’t believe they carry it anymore. Have a great day, Lindsay
I found a very very similar fabric today by guetermann out of the long island collection, fabric number is 647535.
So lovely! My 8-year-old Daughter loves this Dress and i have to sew it in 3 variations….
Hi Kathy!
Thanks for sharing this pattern with us!
I subscribed yesterday to the newsletter and I received a confirmation mail… Where shall I look for the pattern?
Hi Kathy,
There were too many people that overloaded the system. Hopefully you will receive it by the end of today!
Thank you,
Dear mrs. Wilkes,
thank you so much for this pattern and your tutorial; you are realy making people happy !
Thank you, Marie!!
Hello Mrs Wilkes,
I did received my newsletter today but i cant find any free pattern. Is it possible to resend? I have checked all my junk mail folder but there is none
Thanking you
Kind Regards,
The free pattern was in there……you have to click on the picture of the little girl wearing the dress. Thank you!
I haven’t received my newsletter yet and signed up yesterday. I also checked SPAM. Can you have someone check for me or resend?
This is great! I made a couple of Christmas dresses from your tutorial a few years ago, and I remember having to do some finagling to size the pattern up for my 6 year old niece, but they came out wonderfully. I’m so happy you expanded the sizes now that my nieces are 9, 8, and 7! So many girls patterns stop at 6, it seems.
THANK YOU! I found this dress yesterday, but it was the old version! I need a size 7. I am attempting to make daughters’ First Communion dress! So excited for the larger sizes and I will be making a 4T for baby sister! Thanks again!
Amazing, Amazing, AMAZING job on all the pattern testers part! Love how versatile this pattern is in sizes and in fabric options. Can’t wait to make little miss Paigey one! Thanks for making it free as well – such a treat!
I signed up for the newsletter last night and also received the confirmation e-mail. I haven’t received the pattern yet
Oddly enough, I just checked my bookmark today to refresh myself on some of the instructions, only to find a new fancy pattern version! I’m on my 9th Party Dress – this pattern sews up so quickly and easily! I never believe that when I read it, but I can make this in one night time sewing session. I’m excited for the larger sizes too- making one for my 6 year old tonight!Thanks Lindsay!
I signed up for your newsletter, but never saw the email with the free pattern.
Hi Kathy!
I subscribed yesterday to your newsletter and my subscription has been confirmed…
but still haven’t received the pattern :(( Could you send it to me, please please please
Thanks for sharing this pattern with us!
Hi Lindsay thanks so much for the updated pattern, it’s beautiful! I had aready just downloaded the old pattern and cut the bodice pieces off that for some flower girl dresses and was wondering if there was a big size difference between the old and new or more or less the same?
Thanks for all your beautiful stuff xxx
starting the party dress today… woohoo!
Lindsay, thank you for being so generous with your time to not only to put out such a fabulous pattern at no cost for your followers, but also to respond to so many comments and questions. You are so kind.
Thank you so much! This will be great for Easter! Can’t wait to get started on it!
And if you’re looking for the newsletter and just signed up like I did – maybe try doing a search. I’ve been waiting for the newsletter for days too, so anxiously waiting! And was disappointed that it was *still* not there. When I look at my list of emails, and even in the spam folder, it is just not there. But then I did a search for thecottagemama and it listed all the emails received from that address, and there was the newsletter! And then I went back and looked in just the email folder again, and not there!? So if you have gmail, try just doing a search ;-).
hi, I made sure I had signed up for the newsletter yet when I tried to open and download the pattern from the welcome email, I was unable to do it…. I refreshed and tried loading several times with no success. I really would love to make this. Do you have any suggestions? thanks so much.
I am so excited to make this for my daughter! Thanks for releasing such a quality pattern for free. I am hoping for some quality sewing time this week so that I can get started without any interruptions. I focus best in the morning and I’m hoping to get started this week while my daughter is at preschool. Love it and I love all the photos of the dresses that have been made by your followers. Very inspiring!
I came to your blog today especially to get this dress pattern. I made this dress almost 2 years ago for my granddaughter for Easter. It was beautiful and easy to sew. But sadly I lost the pattern in my old computer. Imagine my surprise when there it was on there on the front page. Thank you so much for expanding the size. I made the 5 before. I think 4 little girls are going to get this dress. Thank you so much for giving us this beautiful pattern.
God bless you
Hi. I am an email subscriber of yours….and would LOVE to have this “free”
pattern to try, but did not receive/or else can’t find the email where it was
sent “free” to your subscribers. Can you help me find it? PLEASE? I am
in love with this pattern!!!!!
Hi there,
You need to sign up for the newsletter (which is different that getting the blog posts). Please do so in this post and an hour after you receive your confirmation, you will get the email with the pattern. Thanks so much! Lindsay
When I clicked to go to your website to download the tutorial, I was rerouted to a site that wanted to download a toolbar from ASK….
Signing up has been sitting on my to do list. So i’ve did it! Thanks for sharing. One more thing on my to sew list…….
This is a beautiful dress…THANK YOU for freely sharing this pattern!
I hardly sew children’s clothes, but I was looking for something really cute for a little lady that’s about 3 months old. I can make this work!!! I can’t wait to get it!
Hi there, I am a little more than a beginner sewer but I have a new to me serger, that I LOVE, although I have never actually sewed with it yet, just little things like my husbands hems etc. So I was wondering, what stitch you would use on the serger? The 4 and 3 thread overlock look so heavy, but I am not practiced in anything else. Any ideas you could give me would be much appreciated.
Thanks so much,
Kelly K.
Montreal, Canada
I am already subscribed (I tried again and it said my email was already registered) and did not get the newsletter this morning. I can’t wait to make this dress. .what should I do?
I signed up for your newsletter and received the first one. I am exciting to see what future newsletters hold. I did not receive the dress pattern instructions, however. I checked my spam folder and nothing. Any suggestions?
I just love this pattern! I had downloaded and tried the “original one” and now I am glad I have the “updated versions” . I tried it yesterday but eliminated the wide sash and the skirt hem. I did not have enough fabric to make the size I wanted. For my sewing level, it turned out ok. Thanks again for the free pattern!
I just love this pattern! I had downloaded and tried the “original one” and now I am glad I have the “updated versions” . I tried it yesterday but eliminated the wide sash and the skirt hem. I did not have enough fabric to make the size I wanted. For my sewing level, it turned out ok. Thanks again for the free pattern!
i must not have the correct link…. i have many bodice pieces, but no instructions or cutting charts for the rest of the dress. did i miss something? i feel like an imbecile….
I love this dress! I printed the free pattern and tutorial that you had on U Create! However, being fairly new to sewing I had a question…. when you say to cut the front of the skirt on a “fold” which measurement is on the fold? The longer or the shorter? I will be making a size 5T so the measurement for the skirt front is 20.5″ x 16.25″. Also which is the length of the skirt and which is the width? I am assuming the 16.25″ is the length measurement?
If the front of the skirt is cut on the fold but the back is not, does this mean that only the front of the dress will have doubled material and not the back?
Thanks so much!!! I can’t wait to make my daughters Easter dress!
Feel free to join The Cottage Mama Patterns group on Facebook ( where you can ask questions and get help from all the other ladies working on their Party Dresses! Also, I would suggest you not use the original version from Ucreate as it’s really not the same dress (bodice fit is different, lengths and construction is different as well). Have a great day! Lindsay
I signed up and got my confirmation but I have not received the pattern yet. I have been checking my spam and also have not seen it in there … ?
Thanks so much for signing up for The Cottage Mama Newsletter! All the newsletters have gone out, so please check all of your mail files (spam, all mail, etc) as every email is a little bit different. Also, make sure that you received an email confirmation regarding your newsletter signup. If you did not receive a confirmation, then you may have signed up to receive the blog posts rather than the newsletter. The newsletter sign up is located at the top of the blog.
If you cannot locate your The Cottage Mama Newsletter, you are welcome to join The Cottage Mama Patterns group on Facebook ( and grab your copy there. The Party Dress pattern cannot be emailed direct.
Thanks for visiting The Cottage Mama!!
Please read my response to the comment below. Thanks!
I have not received the free pattern just yet. It has been just a little over an hour. Super excited to get started. How do I go about getting the pattern and instructions
Hi there,
Thanks so much for signing up for The Cottage Mama Newsletter! All the newsletters have gone out, so please check all of your mail files (spam, all mail, etc) as every email is a little bit different. Also, make sure that you received an email confirmation regarding your newsletter signup. If you did not receive a confirmation, then you may have signed up to receive the blog posts rather than the newsletter. The newsletter sign up is located at the top of the blog.
If you cannot locate your The Cottage Mama Newsletter, you are welcome to join The Cottage Mama Patterns group on Facebook ( and grab your copy there. The Party Dress pattern cannot be emailed direct.
Thanks for visiting The Cottage Mama!!
Have a wonderful day,
Hi, I subscribed to the newsletter a while ago, and got the one with the Party Dress but i try to click on that picture of the girl with the dress and nothing happens, I did not get the pattern, i have checked my emails, spam, read and re read the email with the dress info and nothing, what else should i do to get it..
Please read two comments above yours and you’ll see where else you can get it. Thanks!!
Thank You. I will do that..
I love this dress and other patterns on your site, and I have subscribed for your emails. However, I have yet to actually get the pattern! I checked my inbox and spam folders, and other emails have come through. Can you send me the pattern? Thank you so much and keep up the beautiful work!
Please read a couple comments above and you can find the link to join The Cottage Mama Patterns group on Facebook. That’s the only other way to get the pattern as it can’t be emailed direct. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks so much!!
Thank you for this lovely pattern I love it and have been looking for a pattern like this for ages. It was sent to me 10 minutes after signing up to the Newsletter… The pattern is really fab and easy to read. I took measurements of both of my daughters and they both fell into the size I would have made for them by their ages. One dress is already made on the same day I got the pattern (as couldn’t wait) using old bedding which didn’t really get used when they were smaller… She will be very happy in the morning…
Thanks again!!
Btw where do I send photos of the dresses made out of this pattern?
That’s wonderful!! I would love if you would post pictures for everyone to see in The Cottage Mama Patterns Group on Facebook:
Can’t wait to see!!
Have a great day,
Thanks very much just off to sleep at this side of the world….
Do previous subscribers get this pattern too? I attempted to sign up, and it said I was already a subscriber. I went to my email and searched for “Cottage Mama” and it says I’ve never received anything from you. I’m not sure why I wouldn’t get your regular emails. I know I didn’t opt out. Any ideas?
This is a gorgeous dress and I am so excited to start it. Thank you for your generosity in sharing this at no charge. Do you have a suggestion on how to upsize to a Girls 16?
Hi, thank you so much for the Pattern… I’m from Germany and i’m gonna make this beautiful dress for my daughter’s First Day of School in august….
Hi there, thank you very much for this dress pattern. It is really classic and beautiful. I do have one question, you mention in step 3 to stitch the back two skirt pieces together, but leave a 3 inch opening at the top. I can’t seem to locate where finish that edge. Is the intent to serge the edge of the fabric so it doesn’t fray and leave it pressed under? Sorry, I may have missed it.
Thanks again!!
Hi, I just feel like replying to you because I just made this dress….. You are right
I zigzagged the edges first (serge if you can) then marked the 3″ point from the top. I then stitched up to there. And pressed the seams open. That’s just how it’s left. It makes it easier to get over the child’s head. I hope this helps – if you haven’t already done it! 
What a cute dress! My niece is five (and in a size 8) and I have a 9 mo old granddaughter, and another soon-to-be granddaughter, and I can use this for all three of them!
I thought I had already subscribed and it says I have, but I haven’t received a newsletter! Can you check that out for me, please? I would love to have this adorable dress for my two granddaughters. They are 3 and 1 now. Thanks!
This is a beautiful dress and I would love to make it for a friend. I signed up for the newsletter yesterday but still have not got the pattern. If you could help with it that would be fantastic, although I realise you must be super busy. Many many thanks for making this available to us for free. You are a star.
Hey, thanks for making this pattern available free, I have subscribed, but have only received the conformation email, but no newsletter containing the pattern. Is there a reason for this or have I done something wrong??
Thank you for making it a free pattern. I’ll send you pictures when I get to finish the project.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this pattern!
I’ve made my daughter one and written it up on my blog –
Linked to your fab pattern of course.

I subscribed to get this pattern but never got it….
Hi I was wondering I haven’t received the pattern yet and have been subscribed to your blog for a while. is there any way to get this re sent? I sure hope so because this would make the perfect easter dress! thanks for taking your time
I am SO excited to make this for my little girl! Thank you so much for making this pattern available to be enjoyed at no cost! There is nothing like a real ‘genuine’ party dress that truly touches our feminine side
Hi Lindsey, I tried downloading the party dress pattern today after subscribing and it seems to be on a loop as it just takes me back to the subscription form is there any other way of getting it
Thanks Tamara
Thank you in advance for the pattern. I am always looking for great patterns that sew up and become a success instead of another not so nice dress. I have a 8 yr old great niece that loves to wear nice dresses, she will be excited to have this one. Thanks again!
Thank you for this lovely pattern. I signed up and received confirmation that I was signed up but never received the newsletter. I checked spam and nothing there either. How can I still get this pattern? thank you
Hello !
What a wonderful pattern ! I suscribe but I can’t see where I can download the pattern. Thank you in advance for your answer (excuse me for my bad english).
So excited for all the great patterns on your site! I signed up for the newsletter and received the confirmation but I don’t see where to download the party dress pattern. Am I overlooking something? Help! Thanks!
looking forward to receiving the free cottage party dress pattern
This Dress is so sweeeeeeet love it.
Hugs ELfie
Just finished one for my 2-year-old and am about to start sewing one for her little sister. They’re going to be the cutest on Easter!!
Thanks so much for an amazing and simple pattern with a beautiful result! It’s exactly what I was looking for.
I’ll post a picture to your facebook of them in their dresses on Easter
I’m so thankful for this pattern.
I made a bazillion mistakes but still love how it turned out.
Is there an option for sleeves for this pattern? Id like to make one with sleeves and am not good at drafting patterns. Thanks.
THANK YOU! I love this pattern. I made a flower girl dress out of stretchy satin (97% polyester, 3% spandex) and it worked very well. I took out the bottom band, but kept everything else the same. It’s beautiful. Thank you! I’ll also post a pic on your facebook wall.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This pattern was so easy to follow and fit my grand-daughter perfectly.
I appreciate your generosity in giving people the opportunity to try one of your patterns.
How can i reicive this free dress pattern?
Hello, how will I receive or where do I find the free party dress pattern?
Thank you
This is a truly gorgeous dress pattern, thank you so much for sharing it. I have made it twice now as presents and everyone has loved it.
I’d like to make another – does anyone know what the floral fabrics are called in the yellow and pink dress (sewn by Autumn Goodman) and the blue and pink dress (sewn by Katy Lam) and where I could get them from? I have found similar but nothing as lovely as the ones in the pictures.
Thank you.
I signed up to your newsletter and website but I am yet to receive an email with the party dress pattern. Any suggestions??
Thanks for the great Party Dress pattern. One question, what do I do with the 3″ opening where skirt back meets bodice. Couldn’t find any mention of this area on the pattern. Everything else worked out good, just let me know about this area.
Hello, I subscribed to your page and got the confirmation that I had done so but it has been over a week and still not have received the pattern or any newsletter. I look forward to both! Thanks.
Please I want the pattern party dress.
I’ve just found your blog via pintrest! I love it! I signed up to your newsletter last night but haven’t got the dress pattern through yet did I do something wrong?
Is this still active? I see all these are dated a while ago. I subscribed and got a confirmation email but did not receive the party dress pattern, which I would love to make for my granddaughter’s upcoming birthday.
I have not received the party dress pattern and it has been 24 hours since I subscribed I have checked my spam folder as well
This dress is absolutely beautiful! I just subscribed. Would you please email me the pattern?
Thank you so much for offering this super cute and simple pattern. It is my go-to dress pattern when my little ladies need a new dress for a special occasion.
i want to sign up for the newsletter but it does not work!
Beautiful dress
I don’t know whether it’s just me or if perhaps everybody else
encountering issues with your site. It looks like some of the text within your
content are running off the screen. Can somebody else please comment
and let me know if this is happening to them as well?
This may be a problem with my internet browser because I’ve
had this happen previously. Cheers
Thank you very much for the pattern. I would like to know if I can add sleeves and collar to the party dress pattern? or do I have todo make changes to the pattern?
I’m excited to sew this cute dress! Thank you so much for inspiring me and doing this for us!
I have been a subscriber of your emails for some time, today I subscribed to your blog and i see the picture of the little girl (very cute i must say) but there is no link on the picture. I have to-day joined your group on FB hopefully this will get me to the free Party Dress Pattern. Meantime I will watch the videos
Thank you is there a direct link other than the picture that i may try
Oh and I have pined it as well, forgot to mention that
Both my friend and me have been having the same roblem in trying to sign up which we did only after a number of tries!! And now weve tried to get the free party dress but again going around in circules, and no news letter even after a number of days getting very frustrated.