I was so honored when Baby Lock Sewing and Embroidery Machines invited me to be part of their Snappy Holiday Snappy-Sew Round-Up. Each of the featured bloggers was supposed to come up with a quick and easy holiday gift that you could put together with just a moments notice. I came up with the Beaded Fabric Necklace.
The Beaded Fabric Necklace is a quick-sew gift that is perfect for any of the lovely ladies in your life. You can make these necklaces to suite all types of occasions depending on your fabric selection. Consider using pearl beads or even spray painted wooden beads to change up the look. Whatever you choose, these necklaces will take you no more than 20 minutes each and your gal pals will absolutely adore them!
Sewing Skill Needed: Basic / Beginner
1 strip of fabric (cut 2” x 43”)
39 Wooden craft beads
Basic Sewing Supplies
1. Cut one long fabric strip 2” x 43” long.
2. Cut both ends to a point.
3. Fold fabric in half lenghwise with the right sides together. Sew using a ¼” seam allowance starting at one point and sewing all the way down to the other side. Leave the other end open.
4. Clip the corners of the one pointed end that you sewed closed.
5. Turn right side out. Use a chopstick or pencil to make this step a little easier.
6. Tie a knot approximately 10” down on one side. Once your knot is tied, you should have about 8.5” of fabric on top of the knot.
7. Place one bead through the opening into the tube and slide it all the way down to the knot. For the second bead, thread the fabric through the bead and slide it all the way down to the first bead. For the third bead, place it through the opening into the tube and slide it all the way down to the other bead. Continue this pattern until you have threaded or inserted all beads.
8. After all the beads have been used, tie a knot on this other end.
9. Since you have threaded the open end through many of the beads, it might have gotten a little shredded looking, but don’t worry, that is fine. Just trim of the frayed end.
10. Tuck in the raw edges of the open end and topstitch to close the opening. Topstitch on the other side as well so they both match. You could also choose to close the opening by hand sewing it closed using a slipstitch.
11. To wear the necklace, simply tie the fabric in a bow. The size bow that you tie will determine how long or short your necklace will be. You could definitely tied the fabric in a knot, if you are not the bow type of person.
You will be able to make approximately three necklaces from ¼ yard of fabric and one value-sized bag of beads. To view more sewing and craft ideas, please visit the official blog of The Cottage Mama over at The Cottage Home: www.thecottagehome.blogspot.com.
Love this! I think I may whip some of these up for my fellow lady choir members at church! That will make my Christmas shopping eaiser!
Allison, these are SO fast and easy. I’m sure the ladies would love this as a gift!!
So cute- do you recall what size beads you used?
I’m definitely pinning this!
This is such a great idea! I was looking for a fun easy craft for my daughter’s Daisy troop to do and I think this would be perfect! I think I will need to make a couple for myself as well
Thank you for sharing!
Very cute Lindsay!
This is such a beautiful gift idea.
I was also wondering what size beads?
This looks really amazing! I just I can do these little crafty projects, it’s a nice gesture to the recipients of the gifts. fabric printing companies also offer some kind of ideas in making these fabric materials for different purposes.
So-creative, you made an adorable beads.
unique abstract art design
Very nice & Informative blog about bead fabric trim.
I’ve wondered how these were made!