Today I’m excited to introduce you to Holly Designs on Etsy where they create custom handmade applique shirts, clothing and gifts for your little ones.
Holly offered to send me a custom shirt for one of the kids. I decided to have her do a shirt for Matilda. I kind of feel like Matilda doesn’t always get the special new things because if I have to choose, I usually will get something for Savannah in hopes that Matilda can wear it a few years later. But this time, it was all about Matilda.
At Holly Designs, you choose the shirt color, the fabric for the applique, the font style and whatever else you might like to customize. So this is what Matilda and I decided on. She likes that the fabric is kind of rainbow-ish and pink goes with lots of her clothing.
I was really impressed by the quality of the applique and it has hand-embroidered stitching around all of the letters which was such a nice handmade touch.
Holly also included this matching pinwheel clip that is just perfect in Miss Matilda’s ponytail that she is always sporting on top of her head.
Anyway, I think you are really going to like these shirts. Here are a few other favorites from Holly Designs:
So what do you think? Would you like one of these custom applique pieces for a special little one in your life. Well, Holly Designs is giving away a $25.00 gift certificate towards anything in their shop.
Here’s how to enter…..leave a separate comment for each entry. You can do one or both of the following:
1. Visit Holly Designs and come back and leave a comment telling us what item is your favorite in their shop. Click HERE.
2. Become a fan of Holly Designs on Facebook. Click HERE.
Hello from a fellow Lindsey ;). I love the cursive name shirt!
I liked her Facebook page
I really like the alligator applique shirt, but the bandana skirt is cute too! So many adorable things to pick from!
I love the alligator appliqué on the stripes onesie. So cute!
love the name and initial tee! regina t
I liked her fb page! Thanks!
liked her shop on facebook. regina t
I like the big bro and little sis outfits, very cute.
I love the burp set, soft blanket, alligator, airplane,….should I go on? Lol
I like the initial appliques and the alligator
I can hardly pick one so my 1st choice would be the ladybug, 2nd the whale, 3rd the owl. All the items are so cute!
lisamcgriff (at) hotmail (dot) com
I like the name shirts!
I like the alligator onesie
family74014 at gmail dot com
I like them on fb (alaine elise)
family74014 at gmail dot com
Love the Buck applique shirt. So cute.
I’m a fan on facebook!
I can’t decide which I like more; the butterfly or the bow one.
love the birthday candy applique shirt
I love the bunny.
Cute shop! I like the alligator applique shirt. ~ Andi T.
I liked Holly Designs on Facebook (Andi Bauer Trautman)
I love the love super soft cuddly baby blanket!
jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
I like her on facebook too
jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
I love the tooth fairy pillow and the baby quilt.
The tooth fairy pillow is my favorite!
Just Liked Holly Designs on FB!
The name and initial applique shirt is really nice! dstrong(at)bcps(dot)org
I love Construction Vehicle with Birthday Age Applique Shirt for your Baby, Toddler or Child especially since my husband’s company sells tractors and construction vehicles.
Oh so cute. I think the whale is darling, but Lanny’s note above makes me think of my nephew who is expecting a son and also works in the power machinery world. Hmmmm, so many decisions…..
The matching baby gift set is my choice…my first grandchild will arrive in January and we are having a baby shower soon.
I’m following Holly Designs on FB now.
Cool store! wish my little was young enough to use these instead of a cute as a button niece!
melle eldridge
Ooh. I want THIS!
LOVE Applique Shirt for your Baby, Toddler, or Child – YOU pick size and color combo
My niece needs this for her christmas pressie i’m making…
I have two great granddaughters that would love the twirly skirts, especially the Kentucky blue one. Beautiful designs
I love the snowflake applique! bethfouche at hotmail dot com
I love the bandanna fabric appliques and matching skirt. So cute!
I liked the facebook page.
I really like the princess crown applique shirt. Perfect for my little royal.
What a cutie model you have! Matilda did a super job! Lots of great designs and items at Holly Designs. I love the appliqued airplane, of course, hehe.
Thank you and Holly Designs for a wonderful giveaway and a chance to win.
Love the pinwheel bow and big bro,little sis tees.
I would get the digger shirt for my youngest son. It is adorable and like you said, he rarely gets the new stuff he mainly gets hand-me-downs.
Love the name appliqué shirt
I like Holly Designs on Facebook
I Liked Holly Designs on FB and left some comment love as well.
Thanks again for a chance to win.
my daughter would ADORE the Horse Applique Shirt
follow holly on fb
nicole h/bthm
I like Holly Designs on facebook
I think my favorite things in her shop are her gift sets and the little sis, big bro sets. I would totally get those for my kids just in reverse lol