We just got back from a weeks vacation down in the Seaside area of Florida. If you don’t know where that is, it is kind of near Destin, FL in the panhandle. My in-laws have a beach front condo there that they use from time to time and invited us to join them for a week. This was the kids very first time at the beach and they LOVED it! The picture above is the view from the balcony of the condo.
My in-laws drove down from Chicago to arrive several days before us. Since our family flew down, we didn’t have to check any luggage (they brought it all in the car for us) or worry about hitting the grocery store when we got down there (they had already done that). Pretty nice in-laws, huh? Yep, we are very lucky.
We spent the week hanging out on the beach, eating lots of seafood, doing a little shopping, taking some naps and basically doing a whole lot of nothing. Let me tell you…..it is very hard for this mama to chill out for an entire week. I am a go-go kind of gal and I always love to have a plan, but I did my best to relax and not think about getting back to the sewing machine. But I’m not going to lie, I did miss it…….just a little bit.
Here are a few pictures from our trip:
While we were at the beach I got a very exciting phone call with some news that I am dying, I mean dying to share with you all, but I’m not sure if I have the go ahead yet…….I will know more this week. Don’t you just hate that? “I’ve got news, but I’m not going to tell you what it is”…..I know, I don’t like it either, but I promise that when I have the go ahead I will spill the beans. And no…….it is definitely not another baby, it’s something Cottage Mama related!
We are having a great start to our summer and I hope you are too!!
We visited Sea Side last September and we fell in love with the community! Such an amazing place to spend time with your family.
Love Caspian in that hat! And Matilda asleep on her Daddy is so precious! Looks like you had a great time!
All of your pictures are so precious – but that first one of the ocean view from your balcony took my breath away. The coloring is fantastic, and I could almost hear the waves… Nice job Lindsay!
We just got back last Sunday from the beach. This year we stayed at Ft. Walton Beach. It was so much fun. I will have pics up soon.
What great pictures, Lindsay! It looks like your girls made some great memories and enjoyed their first beach trip. Thank you for sharing!
Great photos! I’m glad you all had a good time. I think Caspian has ME wrapped around his little finger, and I don’t even know him. Those beautiful eyes! And I love the one of Daddy sleeping with Matilda. So adorable.

P.S. YES, I DO hate: “I’ve got news I can’t tell.”
P.P.S. Will your in-laws adopt me???
Happy family times at the beach!!! So glad you and yours were able to make such fun memories together in such a lovely setting. I have never been to Florida but I have many happy memories of beach vacations growing up in Nova Scotia. Thanks for sharing and reminding.
That’s me above, I had my wrong ID.
gv (the little red house with the white porch)
What great photos. I know what you mean about leaving the sewing behind, I have hand sewing project I am working on to take on vacations with me!
Looks like loads of fun, but as I’ve just put my own readers through a month of ‘I have a secret I can’t tell you’ I’m not going to tease you on that one ;o)
Ah the beach! Looks like a lot of fun. And I can’t wait to hear your news!
That looks simply amazing!!
the gulf is a great place to vacation. glad you had a great trip. I look forward to hearing the news
that looks like such an amazing vacation!!! jealous!
Awesome pictures. Those little ones are just darling!
Oooh. You’re really lucky that they have that cool condo on the beach! They were very generous to invite you in! Anyway, I’m amazed with how those two girls held the baby alligator. These kids don’t have anything to fear! Did they volunteer to hold it? Wew, my nephews won’t probably dare to do that! They really had their courage with them in that vacation trip.