Sample Spree and Lots of Fun Goodies

I know I said that you couldn’t really purchase individual yards of fabric, trim, ect. at International Quilt Market, but there is one event that is held before market opens where you can and it’s called Sample Spree.  Again, this event isn’t open to the public, but it’s about the only chance that one has to purchase lines of fabric that have yet to be released and may not be released for up to five more months.  It happens around 8:00PM the night before market and goes until 10:00PM.  Not every fabric manufacturer participates, but a lot of them do.  There is a lot of fabric as well as trims, patterns, notions, ect. that can all be purchased at wholesale cost (without the huge minimums that generally come with ordering wholesale). 

Sample spree is nuts!!  Seriously.  Imagine all the chaos that goes along with the running of the bulls, but instead you have hundreds of ladies obsessed with fabric all running to grab the new lines.  And once it’s gone, it’s gone, so I’m sure you can imagine the madness.  Mom and I signed up for Sample Spree last spring which was our first time, but we skipped it this past fall, so we thought it would be fun to do it again.  Luckily for us, there are no fabric lines we just MUST have, so we are much more relaxed about the whole event.  Some people would not find sample spree fun at all.  Certainly if you don’t like crowds, you would not like this event.  But we like the excitement and hub-bub of it all, yes, we are the type that actually like shopping the day after Thanksgiving.

People start lining up for Sample Spree up to four-five hours before they even open the doors.  Mom and I arrived about 45 minutes before it started and this (picture above) was what the line looked like and we ended up pretty much in the middle.  It seems kind of nutty to wait in line that early since once the doors opened we were all in there in about 5 minutes, but to each his own.

So here are some of the things we brought home from sample spree and some freebies from different people at market……….

I firmly believe that you can never have too much rickrack, especially in pretty colors such as these!

I picked up pretty much the whole collection of ‘Rhapsodia‘ by Art Gallery Fabrics (which has already been released).  These are all 1 yard cuts and I am in love with this line.  Feminine and girly, yet still modern.  And if you’ve never felt Art Gallery Fabrics, you are definitely missing out.  They are dreamy and wash better than any of my other quilting cotton.  Perfect for garments!

And while we were at the Art Gallery Fabrics table, I picked up one more bundle of fabric that I might love even more than ‘Rhapsodia‘……this one is called ‘LillyBelle’ by Bari J. for Art Gallery Fabrics.  This line will be released in June which is just around the corner.  This is only half of the collection as the other half was already sold out by the time we made our way to this stop at sample spree.

I have been waiting for this line from Riley Blake Designs to come out for about 6 months now.  It’s called ‘Seaside‘ and it is just perfect.  Yes, Riley Blake Designs sends me fabric for all my design team projects but I wanted to have all of these fat quarters of each print so I picked up this fat quarter bundle at sample spree.  I’m seeing a quilt here with this set.  Although, I may have to get some yardage as well because a few of these prints are begging to be made into children’s clothing.

I don’t have very much seasonal fabric in my stash, so I picked up this fun Christmas collection from Anna Griffin.  I like that it incorporates some pink and blue into the traditional red and green color scheme.

Here is a little freebie from the folks at Windham Fabrics.  This is Lotta Jansdotter’s new line ‘Bella‘.


Some free, super-cute 2.5 inch pre-cut squares.

I picked up a Kona Cotton Color Card that they were giving out for free.  It’s a great thing to have because it gives you an actual swatch of each solid fabric that is much easier to coordinate than just looking on your computer.  This card is also great when you are trying to pair a solid with a patterned fabric.

This was a cute bundle of embroidery patterns that I picked up.  I have been embroidering a lot lately and I am really enjoying it.  I may have a little embroidery up my sleeve coming out soon, so these sweet little designs really caught my eye.
Here are some pictures I took in our hotel room with some of mom’s fabric too…….

And that’s a wrap.  We had so much fun picking up these goodies at quilt market.  It’s so nice that Mom and I both love sewing and fabric and can bond over fun experiences like quilt market

I think we both have A LOT of sewing ahead of us with all this gorgeous fabric!

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  1. Lindsay…I quit going to sample spree because I literally have EVERY one of the bundles I climbed over ladies to get still sitting on shelf in my studio. They certainly look pretty up there though! It is quite the scene though, isn’t it?!

  2. Be still my heart!! What a stash!

  3. Anonymous says

    Thank you for sharing! We have the same taste in fabric!

  4. So jealous! Love it all. Thanks for showing us!

  5. Those are all lovely! What do you have to do to qualify to go to these markets?

  6. wow. I have never heard of a quilt market before but as soon as I saw that ric rac I knew I would like to go to one!

  7. I’m such a fabriholic that I’m almost drooling at those stacks of lovely fabrics. What a great stash you’ve collected – Now to sew them up!

  8. Such lovely fabrics – especially the Seaside – I love the beach theme!

  9. Love the photos and I really enjoy your blog but rarely comment as it takes so long via my phone 🙂 but I really need to ask if you know the name of the fabric in the ninth photo after the ricrac. The red print sitting on top of a grey one. I am not familiar with fabric companies and I am a little confused as to which is which, but it looks beautiful. Any help would be great 🙂 Thanks

  10. I have fabric envy! Especially for those teeny, tiny kona sqaures.

  11. You had me at Seaside! I WANT!!!! LOVE!!!

  12. Ahh the fresh potential of new fabric!

  13. Oh geez… laptop is abuot to break down with my drool!!!!!!!!!!! girl…you are killing me!!!! you know where to send the bits you don’t want right..wink wink…lol 🙂

  14. SO, SO jealous! Thank goodness I can’t go to one, because I could not afford to buy all the fabrics I like, Lucky you being able to share this with your mum!

  15. Oh my gosh! I think I may have just fainted. And drooled all over myself too. LOL

  16. I love it! And you can tell where you can buy this beauty on the internet? I’m from Belarus. It’s hard to find good and beautiful fabrics (((Thank you for what you have!