The Cottage Mama on Pinterest

I am a huge fan of Pinterest.  ‘Inspiration City’ is what I like to call it. I’m not quite sure why it never dawned on me to mention that I’m on Pinterest, but I am.  Now I’ve mentioned it ~ The Cottage Mama is on Pinterest.

I usually only allow myself to login to Pinterest once a day because if I go on there any more than that, I will get carried away for hours.  However, I do ‘pin’ things throughout my day with the little ‘pin it’ button in my internet browser.  The amount of eye candy photographs, inspiration and ideas are mind-boggling.  I know I’ve said this before, but the amount of talent and creativity in this world astounds me.  I feel so lucky that a site like Pinterest has been created so we can all bear witness to this creativity on a daily basis.

Some people seem to think that Pinterest is a bit overwhelming, but not me ~ I love it.  When I’m having an non-creative, unproductive day, I can simply login and suddenly I have my mojo back.  Once you see all the amazing projects that are going on in the world it just makes you want to get into the studio and create.

Here are some of my pin boards:

So if you feel like checking out my pin boards, feel free, you can find them all here.
I would sure love to check out yours!
And if you’ve never been on Pinterest, you must.  You won’t believe your eyes!

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  1. I discovered Pinterest a few weeks ago after hearing about it over and over from friends. I told my husband it’s like clipping out ideas from magazines and storing them, only you don’t end up with stacks of paper to sort through! Love it.

  2. I just got on it a couple of days ago also, I was too scared of getting sucked in before! LOL

  3. Very fun! I’m “mrstammys”, found here:

  4. I love Pinterest too:) It’s such a great way to keep stuff I find online and then I can go back to where I found it! If I just save the pic on my computer I never remember where I found it. And I have a ton of those! So Pinterest is wonderful to me

  5. I am sure I am the only one that has never heard of Pinterest. Sadly the kids think I need to take them to school and go to work. So will have to look at it again but did look at your pin page long enought to see something cool.

  6. I too ADORE pinterest, I can understand why you limit yourself to once a day!
    I am now following you, if you want to check out my pinterest, you can find it here

    Happy Pinning!

  7. Nancy E in MN says

    Thanks for this tip. I just checked it out and it is AWESOME!

  8. I can’t!!! I refuse! I’m so scared to look at it for fear I’ll never do anything else!

  9. I love pintrest, but it is so easy to get sucked in and I have found so many neat things that I want to make:) I started following your boards and if you want to check mine out

  10. I loooove pinterest. I sometimes go on a few times a day but then I only allow myself to look at the front page with all my friends recent pins. I love the Pin It bar too, me and it are great friends. Pinterest is up to my #3 referrer these days, as well, and I know for a lot of people it’s #1, and I can see why.

  11. inspiration city – LOVE IT!

    my husband said that every time I say pinterest this pinterest that I need to give him a dollar because then he will be rich! LOL

  12. I absolutely agree! A friend invited me to join Pinterest some time ago, and from that date, I log in almost every day… and the sources of ideas and creativity is endless… Hugs Steffy

  13. I love pinterest but I only do it once a week or so because, yeah, I would spend hours there!! I am following you now!

  14. I found your blog through Pinterest! What an awesome way to find inspiration from others’ talents! I Only wish there were more hours in a day…

  15. Oh, goodness… I am a Pinterest addict. Here’s my link:
    I will check you out too!

  16. ti seguirò subito anche su pinterest.
    ciao Dany

  17. I love Pinterest and can get sucked in for way too long on there! It really is a great source of inspiration and just plan awesome eye candy!

  18. Oh my!! I must agree Pinterest is so addicting… I love it!! my oldest daughter got me hooked and now they all tease me about being obsessed with it!! 🙂

  19. Oh my goodness! I love Pinterest! I’m finding all sorts of new things too…stuff I never dreamed I’d be interested in! I think I’m going to take up needlepoint/cross stitch in 2012 :). I will definitely be following you on Pinterest now 🙂