100 Followers – Time for a Giveaway!!

Wooohoooo!  I’ve finally reached 100 followers – I’m so excited!  I feel so special that people are actually interested in what I have to say!

I’ve had over 300 readers (including RSS subscribers) for a little while now, but I thought the three digit follower number was a good excuse for my first giveaway!  I am giving away one of my Lil Blue Boo challenge dresses.  There are three for you to choose from – one is 6-12 months, one is 18-24 (fits a smaller 2T) months, and the other is 3T.  So the winner will be able to pick one – which ever will fit the little lady in your life.

So here are pictures of the three dresses you can choose from:

Punky Posh – Size 18-24 Months
The Matilda Tutu Dress – Size 6-12 Months
with Ruffle Bloomers

Monster Rocker – Size 3T

So here’s what you need to do to enter:
Leave me a comment and let me know what kind of blog posts you are most interested in reading about (i.e. sewing, cooking, crafting, family, kids, organization, ect.) AND let me know which dress you would like if you won.  Then you can be entered a second time if you become a follower.  Just leave me another comment and let me know you have become a follower (if you are already a follower, then just let me know and you will be entered twice as well).
The giveaway will be open until midnight Thursday evening and the winner will be chosen via random.org.  Thanks so much for reading!!! 

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  1. Wow I have someone who could fit into any of the dresses, but to pick just one, I LOVE the Punky Posh. Its super adorable.

    Tasha at

  2. I am a follower
    Tasha at

  3. Sorry, I forgot to tell you what blog posts I would like to hear…Actually all of them interest me! A little bit of everything is what I want to hear about 🙂

  4. All are super cute! I have 3 boys and 1 girl–my youngest. She loves dresses…but I think she’d really love the Punky Posh. I just started reading blogs and wanting to do all things crafty and I love to cook and my family….so I’d like a little bit of everything too. Thanks!

  5. I’m a follower…now 🙂

  6. I would love to see my daughter in the 3t one!
    I love sewing blogs, always looking for my next project.

  7. Became a follower

  8. I love all of the dresses but the punky posh one is my favorite! I think I would be most interested in sewing posts and organization.

  9. I am a follower

  10. Pepo would like to see some posts on golf and Wii games! 🙂

  11. Cute idea! I love your sewing blogs the best. It gives me something to aspire to. :). As for the dress I would say the tutu as it will take Mary years to grow into the other ones! I will sign up to follow you. I can’t figure it out from my iPhone.

  12. I would love the Punky Posh dress–it is awesome! I love sewing blog posts–they are so fun, and I love to sew!

  13. i am a brand new follower! Love all the dresses, but I am in Australia…just delete my comment if I am not eligible 🙂 I am addicted to sewing blogs!!

  14. I like all of the blog posts you mentioned, but my favorites are sewing and crafts 😉

    All of the dresses are SO cute, but the Punky Posh is my favorite.


  15. I am following you! Come follow me too if you would like 🙂


  16. I love those dresses! My favorite would be the Punky Posh. The blog posts I enjoy the most are the sewing ones. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  17. I’m also a follower. Thanks!

  18. Love the dresses! I would pick the 3T, my daughter would love it! I enjoy reading about the sewing projects.

  19. I also became a follower!!

  20. I like reading about craft projects and I love the Punky Posh dress.
    Thanks for the contest!

  21. I am also a follower!

  22. I’m most interested in your sewing and crafting projects!!!! My daughter would look great in the 3T size!

  23. I can’t believe I just barely became a follower. I’ve been watching you for a while now!

  24. Also becoming a follower:) Great stuff! LOVE the “Monster rocker!”

  25. Yes, I am a follower now!
    I LOVE the recipes. I am going to try the easy Asian noodles. Those cornbread muffins look great too. I am not sure I’ve ever seen that mix here in Canada.
    I am also just learning to sew and noticed the tutorial on superhero capes. I am going to try it for my twins 3rd birthday. Thanks:)

  26. I love your work, it give me ideas and it is good that way. I like reading about sewing and craft. I’m one of your follower but I don’t need one of your dress, they are to little but they are cute.
    good luck for the others.

  27. I love reading blog posts about sewing, crafting and cooking! Variety is the spice to life. 🙂 I would LOVE the punky posh dress. AND can I just say the paper doll dress is FABULOUS!

  28. Following! 🙂

  29. plainjanesews says

    WOW!- the Punky Posh is my favorite… I love to see the sewing and the crafting posts.. Your new haircut is darling too. I am trying to figure out how to be a follower…

  30. I love sewing and cooking best, and I LOVE the “Monster Rocker.” My 3-year-old loves to mousse up her hair in “rock girl” fashion and sing away!

  31. I am a follower as well!

  32. I enjoy your crafting and sewing blogs! If I won I would love to get the Matilda Tutu dress!

  33. I follow your blog

  34. Congratulations! My littlest would love that 3T dress! I enjoy reading about sewing & crafting the most. Keep up the good work! luscofamily@ortelco.net

  35. I follow you! 3T would be my choice. Thanks for the fun giveaway! luscofamily@ortelco.net

  36. More beer stories, please. Also more about how great your husband is; he sounds like a catch!

    I’m a follower, and I would like the Punky Posh dress in size 34 Regular. Thanks.

  37. Stopped by from Someday Crafts! Love these dresses. My daughter would look so cute in one of these! I love your blog too! I’m now a follower!

  38. I just started following your blog. AS of right now everything looks great on your blog. The 3T would be my choice.

  39. I am a follower. Punk E. Posh

  40. Hi Linds! Big Fan! I love me some Punky Posh!! in hopes of a girl 😉 Maybe it will bring me luck!

  41. Me again…..I’m a blog stalker(i mean follower)

  42. 3rd time in the charm since I don’t follow directions very well….I love the all the categories but specifically the crafting and I can always us some organization 😉

  43. I follow you! Just found you through the LBB dress gallery and LOVED your entries.

  44. And here’s my other comment: I’m mostly interested in crafting and kids’ clothing sewing projects, but also organization. And I guess we’d have to go with the Animal dress since DD is almost 3! She LOVES the muppets so much!

  45. I’m a follower!