Valentine – "We Dig You!"

My daughters and I are in a playgroup that gets together every other week.  There are 13 Moms, 13 two-year olds and a handful of siblings – a big group, I know!  I have known most of these women since my daughter Savannah was 5 weeks old.  We met at a breastfeeding support group through the hospital where I delivered and have been friends ever since.

Our playgroup has decided to do a Valentine’s Day exchange this year.  We were instructed (by one of the former teachers in our group – I guess you never lose that teacher mentality) to bring 12 Valentine’s (1 for each child, excluding our own) and to decorate a box or bag and bring it to collect all of our childs’ valentines.

Well, we haven’t decorated our box yet, but I decided I wanted to do something a little different than your standard boxed Valentine’s for my girls to give their friends.  I saw this idea somewhere (I think it was in one of my parenting magazines) and I just thought it was too cute to pass up!

“We DIG You!”
Savannah & Matilda
I bought sand shovels (because two-year olds love the sand!) in multiple colors – the girls are pink & purple and the boys are more primary colors.  I then placed each shovel in a cello bag and filled it with goldfish crackers, conversation hearts, and a couple dum-dums.  Then I tied it up with a ribbon and tied on a tag. You can find a great set of sand shovels HERE.
On the back of each tag, I placed a heart with each child’s name on it.  I used my handy Cricut machine to cut out the tags, but you could just cut them out by hand as well.
On each tag I wrote – “We DIG You!” Love, Savannah & Matilda.  Each tag has a hole in it and I threaded the ribbon through and tied it in a knot.
I placed all of treats in a basket and they are ready to go for Valentine’s playgroup next week!!
Cottage Mama’s Note:  I washed and dried each shovel before placing it in the bag, just because I knew it would be touching food.

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  1. You are sooo clever!!!

  2. This is a really cute idea and great for kidlets…super creative. Stop by and say hi sometime!

  3. New to your blog. Very clever and cute.

  4. That is super cute!

  5. What a fantastic idea! I’m so gonna do this 🙂

  6. That is so cute! I love kid things like that :o)
    P.S. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love girly things too!! :o)

  7. Seriously? Love it! I’m filing this one away for when I have kids.

  8. That is so incredible cute! and I love all the yummy goodie combinations in there 🙂 Creative indeed!

    ~ Emily N. from “too Blessed to Stress”

  9. The kids will love this! Still need an idea for toting some of the Valentines? Maybe this will help

  10. Oh, what a cute idea!!

    Thank you so much for stopping by the Talented Tuesday at My Frugal Family link party, and adding this to the page! Don’t forget to stop back tomorrow to see which links from last week are featured, and to add your new links!

  11. Submit a photo for the Dum Dums contest at for a chance to win $2500 & other neat prizes!

  12. I can not find shovels anywhere! Do you remember where you got your shovels this time of year?