I think she might be addicted……..

to spoons!  So today I decided that I really need to tackle some housework around The Cottage Home.  I have been sewing like crazy (can’t wait to show you my “challenge” dressses!), but haven’t been the best about keeping organized.

So, I was going through my daughters toys this morning, sorting everything, and this is what I found all over the place:

Spoons (and the occasional fork) everywhere!  I found them in the couch, under tables, in boxes, in toys, ect.  Savannah is constantly going into the silverware drawer and pulling out her spoons to pretend she is eating things from different cups.  Usually she says she’s eating chicken soop……mind you…..she has NEVER had chicken soup, so I don’t know where that idea came from. 

Regardless, I think my husband and I may have fed this addiction around Christmas.  We knew Savannah loved her spoons and Brett (my husband) thought it would be funny to buy a pack of “Take & Toss” spoons and load Savannah’s stocking up with them (20 to be exact).  Well, she loved it and has just continued to love her spoons.

I don’t know what this addiction is all about, but I just had to share this with all of you –  it just cracks me up (she is such a funny little lady) and puts a smile on my face everyday! So do your toddlers obsess about anything like mine does?  Or is Savannah just “special”?

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  1. My 2yo also loves her spoons(or “moons” as she calls them). I am relieved to know that she is not the only one!
    ~Liz in Missouri

  2. We are missing all the forks in the house!! We had to go buy more! Seriously…where in the world could a 2 1/2 year old hide ALL the forks?? It’s been over a month and we still can’t find them! We opened the sub-woofer (speaker) thinking maybe he stashed them in there…nope…It’s really pretty crazy that we can’t find them….The only thing that I can think of is that he’s been throwing them away one at a time! Crazy kids!

  3. Oh my gosh, I am SO glad to hear that there are other toddlers just as into their utensils as mine! I bet he did throw them away. Savannah likes to sneak things into the trash. I recently found my younger daughters sleep sack in the trash……hmmmm…..wonder who put that there??

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