Sew Classic Clothes for Girls: Blog Book Tour & Giveaway

Sew Classic Clothes for Girls: 20 Girls' Dresses, Outfits and Accessories from The Cottage Mama.

I’m excited to announce that the ‘Sew Classic Clothes for Girls‘ Blog Book Tour kicks off today! It’s been such a thrill having my new book out now for several months. Your kind words and feedback having been nothing but wonderful, so thank you all for your support. Throughout the next two weeks you can follow along on the blog book tour and read book reviews from 15 of the top sewing bloggers in our online community. Some of these bloggers will be doing giveaways for the book and it will be a great opportunity for you to snatch up a copy of your very own!

If you missed my original post all about the book, you can check it out HERE.

Also, you can check out all of the tour stops by clicking below.
I’m so excited to read their book reviews and I hope you are too!


The Cottage Mama Nancy Zieman Pat Sloan I Am Momma Hear Me Roar See Kate Sew The Sewing Rabbit Girl. Inspired. Craftiness is Not Optional Made Melly Sews Kojo Designs Craft Gossip The Sewing Loft U-Create The Train to Crazy Luvinthemommyhood Sew Classic Clothes for Girls

The book will be available at all major retailers such as Joann’s, Hobby Lobby, Barnes and Noble etc., however, the books haven’t shown up on store shelves yet. So for now you can purchase the book several different places online.

The Cottage Mama Website

Barnes and

The book is also available for my International friends on Amazon UK and for my Australian friends you can find it on If you have your own copy of the book and have made anything, feel free to share your creations over on The Cottage Mama Facebook Page. Or you can tag me over on Instagram using @thecottagemama. I’d love to see your photos!

And because I’m really excited about this blog book tour, I’m celebrating by giving away an author signed copy of my new book, ‘Sew Classic Clothes for Girls: 20 Girls Dresses, Outfits and Accessories from The Cottage Mama‘.

You can enter via the rafflecopter link below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I have a 3 year old daughter and a 2 year old niece and I would love to be able to hand make special cloths for them both. I love the classic, vintage, retro and timeless and would love to learn to sew them for my girls.

  2. I have a two year old granddaughter the book would be great to make her clothes!

  3. Your book is on my gift wish list. Looking forward to seeing the blog tour!

  4. Pam Marshall says

    Be still my heart. Love your work.

  5. On my wish list too!

  6. I have a three year old daughter – I would love to sew some of these clothes for her! Thank you for offering this give-away! Your book is on my Christmas wish list!

  7. Mary Coultas says

    I love to sew for my granddaughters and your book looks fantastic! I would love to be a proud owner of Sew Classic Clothes for Girls.

  8. Would love to win!!! 🙂

  9. Mary Coultas says

    I love to sew for my granddaughters and your book looks fantastic!

  10. I love the book and your website. This would make a great Christmas present to me.

  11. Diane Broekhuis says

    I have a granddaughter I would love to sew something for her!

  12. Ashleigh J says

    I have 3 daughters 4 years old and under. I love to sew for them and your patterns look wonderful!

  13. I would like to win this book for my dd. I also make and sell a few clothes and would love to use these patterns. I love classic vintage designs. They never go out of style.

  14. I love the patterns in this book! They are in fact very classic!

  15. I can’t wait to get this bookso I can make some beautiful things for my only granddaughter!

  16. Sue Demers says

    Lindsay, I can’t wait to personally own a copy of your book and a signed copy would be the best thing ever! I love reading your blog and following everything you do! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  17. I sew 90 % of my 4 year old daughter’s clothes, so I’d love to try out the patterns in your book! would love to win!!

  18. Shantel A. says

    Would love this for my daughter! Ordered some patterns the other day and can’t wait to start on them!

  19. I love sewing for my girlies! and I am loving the coat/s in this book!

  20. Of course I’d love to sew for my daughter and 3 nieces with this book!

  21. Oh how adorable these clothes look! I’d love to add your book to my collection.


  22. Your book would inspire me to create more fabric designs.

  23. I would love tonhave your book to sew for my 2 yo daughter and 8 mo niece for years to come.

  24. I would love to have your book to sew for my 2 yo daughter and 8 mo niece for years to come.

  25. I have two nieces, and I’d love to sew them clothing! Love love!

  26. I can’t wait to see what the bloggers come up with on the tour!

  27. im dying to get my hands on a copy of your book. i love sewing for my 3 year old and she loves the dresses i make for her!

  28. I have four little girls that would look adorable in clothes from this book!!

  29. I can’t wait to get my hands on this book!

  30. I love making clothes for my girls and that book has wonderful things.

  31. I have 26 grandchildren and most are girls and have a girl great coming in March. This book would be so handy!

  32. Would love to make them for my 5 year old grandaughter

  33. Margaret C. says

    I have a stash to fashion into great duds for a two year old grand daughter. Thx

  34. Looks like a lovely book! I’d love to win it for a friend wh loves to sew for her little girl!

  35. Would love to win. Thanks

  36. I’d made cute clothes for my 4 year old niece!

  37. I have a 7 yo daughter and 4 nieces between 8 and 2 yo, I love sewing clothes for them

  38. aprilshowers says

    I have 4 & 7 yo daughters who I love sewing clothing for!

  39. Looks awesome! I have 2 girls (and 4 boys) that love getting pretty new mommy-made clothes!

  40. love the idea of classic clothes for my lil lady! That’s why I’d love to win this book!

  41. Barbara Gardner says

    I would love to win a copy of the book. I haven’t gotten around to buying it and I have a beautiful granddaughter who needs these clothes!

  42. I would love to win a copy. My little girl would love the things I could make from this book and so would I. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

  43. with a new grand daughter, this book would come in very handy

  44. This book is on my christmas wish list.:) What a wonderful surprise it would be to get. 🙂

  45. Sarah Helene says

    I’d be so grateful to receive your recently published FAB book of patterns for little girls. I have 8 grandnieces, ages 11 to 3 years old, so I could easily sew cute and colorful clothes for all of them! THANKS in advance if I’m the lucky winner! Sarah Helene, Minneapolis

  46. I love your outfits, and I would love to have your book to be able to make clothing for my three little granddaughters!

  47. Congratulations on the book! I’d love to sew pretty clothes for my two granddaughters (3 years and 18 months), using your book.

  48. I would like this book as I have been curious about garment sewing for my 3 little girls. I’ve only made them quilt so far, but I have a ton of adorable fabric in my stash.

  49. I have three neices and it is really nice to sew for girls. You get burned out sewing just for a boy all the time!

  50. I have a 3 year old gal and this would be so well used!

  51. I would love to win this book because I have THREE little girls that I love to sew for! My girls are precious to me. 🙂

  52. i sew a lot for my daughter, this book looks like a great resource!

  53. I just love to make handmade clothes for children. Since mine are grown, I make them for friends kids, grand kids and little girls at church. I tell everyone sewing is my therapy. This book looks amazing. My local HL didn’t have it last Friday when iwas there. 🙁

  54. I’d love to sew clothes for my granddaughters. Your book is on my wish list at Amazon. Congratulations! Great book!

  55. Linda Cole says

    Would love to win your book! Am anxious to sew for my grand kids! Thanks gor the opportunity!

  56. I sew a lot of my five year old daughter’s clothes. This book looks wonderful!

  57. I want this book because I have a little girl!

  58. After 4 incredible boys we have been blessed with a daughter! So now I get to sew girl clothes. Yippee! This book would be a great help with that. 🙂 Thank you so much for offering it as a giveaway! Blessings.

  59. I have two daughters…your book is definitely on my wishlist! Thank you for the giveaway.

  60. My SIL has a granddaughter and she sews for her Cate. We both had only boys – 5 boys between the two of us. I’m hoping that our sons will one day bless us with a granddaughter, but for now live vicariously through my SIL:) Thank you for Sharing!

  61. Sabrina Landrum says

    I enjoyed the sneak peak of the book and simply can’t wait to hold it in my hands and read all the tips and tricks this wonderful volume holds. I have so many little ones in my life that would love some custom clothing from their Auntie …… Thank you for putting this book together 🙂

  62. What and fabulous giveaway, thanks for the chance!

  63. My daughter loves clothes by me, and I know the day will come when she nolonger wants mom-made dresses. if AMH fabric is featured on the front I am sure to love the contents!

  64. I’m so excited for your book. Congratulations!

  65. I would love to have this book to make outfits for my three little girls!

  66. Would love to win a copy so that I can make pretty dresses for my 2 girls 🙂

  67. I don’t have kids myself, but I LOVE sewing gifts for my nieces and for friends’ kids, so I’d love to win this book. Thanks for the chance to win!

  68. My neice is in love with dresses!

  69. says

    I LOVE your patterns! This book looks like something I’d love to work out of!

  70. I’d love your book so that I can try making some clothes for all 3 of my daughters.

  71. Thank you for the opportunity! I sewed nearly all of the clothes that our oldest two daughters wore when they were growing up. I’m looking forward to sewing clothes for nieces and nephews … and hopefully grands one day. Gorgeous patterns!

  72. I would love to sew for my cousin’s daughter.

  73. This book is on my list!

  74. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your wonderful promotion! I would love to sew some beauties for my little miss. Gorgeous book!

  75. My two eldest are SO picky about clothes, but luckily, my youngest isn’t there yet, so I would love to sew her some adorable clothes.

  76. I got a little teary-eyed when I saw that you have a book now! I am in the process of planning out projects for my little girl’s wardrobe, She is almost a 4t at 22 months old! The very first dress I made for her was your party dress, which was such a fantastic dress, and I am in the process of making 3 more (2 for my nieces). Your patterns are already on my list for purchase as I am making my plans, but now I HAVE to have this book too!

  77. This looks so pretty… I hope to have grand daughters to sew for some day!

  78. I sew for my great nieces. And I love nice traditional or classic type children’s clothing. Your patterns always look very nice.conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

  79. Sara Soares says

    I’m so excited! I love your patterns! Thank you so much for this generous giveaway! I have two girls (2 and 4 y.old) and they love that I sew for them!

  80. I sew for my daughter all the time and will gladly have some new inspiration. I seem to have a hard time getting the shoulder part just right and would love to see some patterns to help me out. Thanks!

  81. I have a daughter whom I love to sew for… and this book looks gorgeous!

  82. Lovely giveaway,so generous of you.Thank you for the chance to win it.It would be perfect to make something for my daughter.

  83. Mary Myers says

    A lovely book! Thank you so much for participating in the giveaway!

  84. I would love this book because after the Matilda dress, I’m hooked on your patterns! Plus, you are too sweet and I’m so excited for you and your book! 🙂

  85. I have a beautiful 5 yr old daughter to sew things to wear.

  86. I have a 3 month old daughter and am so excited about all the things I can make for her! Your book looks awesome.

  87. Renea Whitehorn says

    I cant wait to get this! Looks like so much fun!

  88. I have a ton of adult patterns (and draft my own) but would love the book as a foray into making children’s clothes. Thanks!

  89. I have 3 grand daughters who would look darling in your designs!

  90. I have 3 daughters and 4 nieces who would love some special new outfits from your book!

  91. Best giveaway ever!!

  92. Gina snyder says

    Lyndsey, I just love your style and your book! Congrats!


  93. Karrie Smith says

    I would love to be able to sew little dresses for my friend’s girl. Thanks for the chance to win. I pinned on Pinterest and shared on Twitter @karriesmith3

  94. I’d love this gorgeous book to make things for my friend’s upcoming girl. I have three boys, she has three boys, we neeeeeed to make some girl clothes. Thank you!

  95. I would love to use this to make darling outfits for my 5 grand girls!

  96. These patterns look so beautiful. I hope I win! Thanks!!!

  97. Your book is lovely! I would love to have a copy. I sew for my own children (two are girls) and I love to continually learn to make they’re clothes more beautiful and professional looking.

  98. Your book is on my wish list. Everything looks so beautiful and I would love to learn of your tips and techniques .

  99. I sew for 3 Grand Girls, and Really could use some very cute different patterns. Thanks for the Giveaway!!!!

  100. Congrats on your book. What a great idea – a book blog tour! Thanks for a chance to win your book. You are very generous.

  101. Margaret Schindler says

    I would love to start sewing more for my grand daughter and this book looks like a great start

  102. I’m new to sewing and have a lot to learn. I love your blog and tutorials and I think your book would be perfect for me!

  103. I love the versatility of all your patterns to make them simple or really dress them up. I’d love a copy to try more of your patterns.

  104. I’d love this book because I have two little girls who love me to sew for them. 🙂

  105. I would love this book as would my girls. I love receiving your emails and look forward to seeing what you are up to!

  106. mechele johnson says

    I would love this book because I am plum out of ideas for sewing for my daughter!

  107. I love sewing books. I’ve had good luck using them, and always like some new ideas

  108. Thank you for inspiring me everyday with your unique sense of style and attention to detail. Your blog is what started me sewing! You’ve been such a gift! Thank you!!

  109. I would like to win your book because I love sewing for girls and your patterns are so cute!

  110. Oooh! I have a little niece in my family now and she loves to get dolled up! This would be so fun since my nephew is now too cool for mom to sew for him.

  111. I love sewing clothes for my daughter and I just cannot resist trying new patterns:)

  112. oh lovely giveaway! I have some friends with daughters and I’d love to try my sewing skills making them lovely presents! thank you! xxx

  113. This book looks gorgeous, I love sewing for little girls and trying new things. Thanks and good luck with the book xxx

  114. This looks such a great book – I have a new great niece!!

  115. Christina S says

    I love finding new patterns to sew dresses for my girly girl. Thanks for the giveaway!

  116. I just found your website while looking for easy skirt tutorials for girls. I have been looking for items to buy for my girls that are modest (long) enough, fun, colorful and made in a country that does not support low wages. It is very hard to find this anywhere unless you are wiling to shell out the money. I have way more time than money and have 3 girls (and 4 nieces) to sew for. I am looking forward to your book!

  117. I’d love to have your book, as I really enjoy sewing for my daughter. Thanks!

  118. Your patterns are so adorable! I know what I need to tell my husband to get me for Christmas! 😉

  119. Thunder Kaplan says

    I would love to make some of your beautiful patterns for my granddaughter s 🙂
    Thanks for the chances.

  120. thanks for the giveaway!

  121. my DD would love any of these clothes! Thanks for the chance to win!

  122. I would love to sew every pattern from your book:))))

  123. I would love to win this great book to make clothes with my personal touch for so many special girls in my life! You are so creative, Cottage Mama!

  124. to sew for my grand. Thanks for the giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  125. I would love it because I sew for my 11 granddaughters.

  126. Hello, I’d love to win you new book. I sewed for my daughter and now sew for my nieces. Thanks for the chance to win.

  127. I’ve been following you for a while now, and I love what you sew. I’d love to get my hands on one of your books so I can sew for my little girl.

  128. I have a little girl and I love making things for her even when she looses them. I just get a case of the warm fuzzies when I see her curled up with a quilt I made and her favorite toy that I made. I’d love to extend that to clothing.

  129. My best friend is due with her first daughter soon — I can’t wait to make lots of things for her!

  130. I have two daughters…this would be GREAT!

  131. Great giveaway, hope I win, Thanks!

  132. I have a little girl that loves me to make her things cloths…so I would LOVE this.

  133. I just had a girl this year, but don’t love the clothing options in store. This book looks like a great resource for creating my own clothing for her in the years to come.

  134. I love that you have bigger size patterns and the clothes are sweet!

  135. I’d love to win this book to make cute clothes for my little 2 yr old daughter!

  136. I would love to sew some clothes for my nieces!

  137. I would LOVE this book because I have a new little daughter (well, she’s almost 1!) and I have just started to get into sewing for her and LOVE it!!!

  138. Stacy Alfano says

    I have three girls that would wear everything in the book!

  139. I love to sew children’s clothes – no grandchildren yet but have a closet full of heirloom outfits if and when he/she arrives! This book would help with a more professional finished product. Thx

  140. I love to sew clothes for my girls and stuff for our home. And definitely quilts.

  141. I’d love this book because I have a baby girl I’d love to sew more for 🙂

  142. I could use this to sew for my 8 neices!

  143. My daughter will go crazy over this one – she loves girly girl things and this book seems just that

  144. Lynne Tilley says

    I would love to gift this book to my daughter, who has two beautiful daughters that she sews for.

  145. I have a sweet girl that I love to sew for.

  146. I would love to win this book because I have a 4 year old girl who I love to sew for. 🙂

  147. I have a little girl and I love to sew for her. This book just looks amazing. Thanks for the giveaway!

  148. I have 9 grand daughters!! thats enough reason! lol

  149. Julia Perucca says


  150. I would love this book, because I have a new baby grand-daughter that I want to sew for.

  151. I have already put this on my Amazon wish list. I have a 15 month old grand daughter to sew for. This looks like an awesome book. Thanks for the giveaway!

  152. Kathy Davis says

    I would love this book because I love to sew for my 16 month old granddaughter. The outfits look adorable, much better than the traditional store bought patterns.

  153. Heather in VA says

    I love sewing your patterns and the dress in this book with the little button on “name plate” is just so cute!

  154. Love your patterns!

  155. this book would be so great as I have twin girls! i love sewing clothes for them!

  156. After a series of nephews, I need a little direction as to what to make for a niece!

  157. i would love to make cute clothes for my nieces! And hopefully my kids, when they come around!

  158. My daughter is almost 4 and looks adorable in dresses…I would love to make her some cool clothes now to wear next summer.

  159. I Would love to win your book!

  160. I can just picture my little bean in these clothes! So fab!

  161. Sheila Stauffer says

    Like so many others, I have 2 daughters and sew all their clothes growing up. Now I have more time and more fabric and need some new designs for the next generation.
    Pick me!!! =)

  162. I have 3 daughters, so this is a book that need to make it into my sewing library. That coat is just divine. Divine!

  163. I don’t have kids myself yet, but many of my friends have little daughters, and it would be so nice to sew something beautiful for them. Thank you for a chance to win this wonderful book.

  164. I have never sewn girls clothes, but would love to try! I am trying to teach my daughter to sew and this would be fun to do together. Thank you for the chance to win!

  165. I have 3 new granddaughters the book would be great to make clothes!

  166. I have a little daughter who’s a fabric-lover herself. I like to make clothes for her.

  167. For my nephew

  168. This book has the exact kinds of girls clothes we need more of in our house – classics!

  169. I have two little granddaughters that would look so cute in dresses made from your patterns.

  170. I would love to win so that I can use the patterns to create special outfits for my girls. I love sewing and especially sewing for those I love.

  171. I love all your work and the patterns you make. My daughter has made her baby sister some of the dresses from your patterns. I would love to win this book because I admire the work you do and the fabulous sewing you do for your kids.

  172. T. McInerney says

    I love your designs1 This book will be a cherished part of my sewing library.

  173. I would love to win because I love sewing for my little sisters!

  174. I love your patterns! It would be wonderful to win this book because I enjoy sewing for my little sisters!

  175. Debra Neiman says

    I have a four year old granddaughter that I am starting to sew for. Merry Christmas. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  176. i have a wonderful granddaughter to sew for now

  177. I would LOVE this book as I have a 2 year old girl. I like to make clothes for her because I am tired of pink, pink, pink and we can choose other colors and styles.

  178. I’ve been following you on FB and email and I would love to win this book to make my 4yo DD’s clothes next year!

  179. Sewing clothes for my 2 daughters, ages 7 and 4 is my favorite thing. This book would be a wonderful addition to my pattern collection. Thanks for the chance at this giveaway! 🙂

  180. I would LOVE this book. I sew for my 4 girls.

  181. I have several little nieces and a new granddaughter so i would like to get back into sewing clothes for children.

  182. What beautiful designs. I have 3 granddaughters aged 3,4, and 5 with another one due in February. Would love to have the book to make darling clothes for all of them

  183. I need some new designs to sew for my granddaughter!

  184. After 2 boys, my daughter was born. She is a real girly girl and loves wearing feminine clothes but also loves home made clothes. I love seeing her in lovely designs that suit her age and your book looks perfect.

    Thank you for the chance.

  185. Christy Dixon says

    I love sewing for my little 4 year old granddaughter! Every time I talk to her she asks if I’m working on anything for her! This book would get me going again with some new ideas! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  186. I adore the classic look..a line with Peter Pan collars..right up my alley 🙂

  187. My daughter is 12 months old and I’d love to sew her something from your book!

  188. I have got three little girls I know to sew for 🙂

  189. It’s wonderful that your patterns extend up to size 10. As my granddaughter grows, I want to be able to continue making her unique clothes. Thanks for the giveaway.

  190. I have two little girls, that’s why I would LOVE this book. 🙂

  191. I saw your book at Barnes and Noble a couple weeks ago, and it immediately made it onto my wishlist. I love the cute projects in here! My little girl is going to look adorable in them.

  192. Victoria Miller says

    I have 5 granddaughters. I love to sew things for them.

  193. I don’t have a daughter or granddaughter (yet), but I follow your blog via email and I love all the things you make. Plus I love the wonderful recipes you share.

  194. What a fabulous collection! I would love to get my hands on this. Thank you so much for the chance!

  195. I would love to make some of these lovely items for my niece 🙂

  196. I have a 4 year old daughter who would love several things out of this book!

  197. I would like to sew some of these designs for my nieces.

  198. That coat on the cover is amazing. I love that the book sizes would cover both of my girls. Awesome. Thank you for the giveaway!

  199. I love your blog and have been excited about this book since you first announced it. Would really love to win and finally check it out!

  200. I’ve got my eye on this book.

  201. I would love this book for my niece

  202. I have a new granddaughter and I’d love to sew her some clothes. What a wonderful prize. Thank you for participating in the Giveaway Day.

  203. Claire Lewis says

    I love the sweet and simple style of these clothes, this book would be wonderful inspiration for my daughter’s wardrobe.


  1. […] If you missed the original post about the tour, you can find it here. […]