Grandma Jane is back with a great beginning quilting tutorial, the Disappearing Nine Patch, and a fabulous giveaway. I can’t take any credit for this giveaway. Mom came up with this idea herself and personally purchased these items for one lucky reader all on her own. Mom knows how much you all mean to me and wanted to do something special. So without further ado……’s Jane…….
“Hooray, hooray, we’re on our way! Our summer vacation starts today!” That line from the Berenstain Bears book, The Bears’ Vacation, still resonates through my head from time to time when starting off on a trip. My children, Lindsay and Ben, grew up on the Berenstain Bear books in the 1980’s and together, as a family, we would frequently chant that line as we started off in the car on a new adventure. What good times we had!
I was thrilled when I saw the Berenstain Bear fabric collection from Moda and then so sad soon after when I read that Jan Berenstain had passed away in February. Jan and her husband, Stan, who died in 2005, together wrote more than 300 books, most of them offering important moral lessons through the lives of the bear family –Mama Bear, Papa Bear, Brother Bear and Sister Bear. Simple family values and issues all children and parents deal with were the basis of the books and as a parent, I loved them! They helped explain things like a new baby, not to be afraid of dentists and the dark, how to get along with friends, and the problem with a messy room! Be kind and nice to others…how much more simple can it be? Bear Country was a good place to live!
With lots of new baby gifts needed in the near future, I decided to use my bear charm packs for some cute little baby quilts and wanted to share this simple Disappearing Nine patch quilt block. It is a perfect way to use a charm pack, easy for beginner quilters and makes your quilt look much more complicated than it really is.
Three charm packs are perfect for putting together two sweet baby quilts. Each quilt measures approximately 34 inches by 46 inches.
To make each quilt you will need:
• 54 Charm squares
• Narrow border ¼ yard Cut 4 strips 1 ½ inches by WOF (Width of fabric)
• Wide border ½ yard Cut 4 strips 3 ½ inches by WOF
• Binding ½ yard Cut 5 strips 2 ½ inches by WOF
• Backing 1 ½ yard
1.The fabric line is not gender neutral so I sorted out the sweet girl and little boy charms.
2. I then sorted the charms into groups of 9 each to make sure I had a balance of the different fabrics for each block.
3. Arrange 9 charms in three by three rows. Keep the larger prints in the corners as these are the ones that will not be cut. I wanted those cute little bear scenes to remain in one piece. I also wanted the bright pink polka dot print to be in the same place so I placed those in the middle for the little girl quilt.
4. Using a scant ¼ inch seam, sew three charms together to make a row and press seams to the side, alternating direction of pressed seams on each row. Sew three rows together. Press seams. This is a traditional nine patch block. You will make 6 blocks of 9 charms each. Press blocks well. I used a little spray starch on these when pressing as it makes the next cutting step easier.
5. Carefully cut the nine patch block in half vertically and without moving the pieces, cut in half again horizontally. Line up the marks on your ruler to make sure you are accurately cutting the blocks.
6. Your nine patch block has now “disappeared” and you have four smaller blocks!! After you cut all your nine patch blocks, you will have 24 smaller blocks.
7. Arrange these 24 blocks in six rows of four blocks each for your quilt top in whatever order that you like. I prefer to position the sides of the blocks so I can avoid having to match the seams. I wanted to keep the little bear scenes going in the right direction so had to match seams on a few of the blocks.
8. Sew blocks together in rows. Sew rows together and then add the narrow and wide borders.
Wishing you many happy trails and travels through Bear Country with your children or grandchildren!
—Grandma Jane
Thanks so much, Mom, you are the best! I hope everyone enjoyed this tutorial, I know I did. To view more projects and tutorials from Grandma Jane, click HERE.
Giveaway open to US residents only. Giveaway will close at midnight (CST) on Tuesday, April 24, 2012.
I grew up with the Berenstain Bears, and now I read the same books to my daughter. My favorite is The Berenstain Bears Go To Camp!
I don’t remember reading the Berenstein Bears growing up…but my girls have discovered them on Netflix! We like watching an episode every now and again. I agree with Grandma Jane, I enjoy the morals that they share. It seems less stuffy learning about cleaning your room from bears then Mom!
I grew up reading these and now my 3 girls look forward to the ” the bears” every night!! My favorite one would have to be Afraid of the Dark! Beautiful, beautiful quilts!!
oh how fun!!! I LOVED the Berenstain Bears growing up and now my kids love them too! My oldest’s favorite is probably Too Much TV and I think my favorite growing up was Afraid of the Dark.
Did you know that Jan and their son (I can’t remember his name) have written more books since Stan died and they are distinctly more Christian but still just as well written. We LOVE those too!!
I used to buy every new Bearenstein Bear book as soon they would hit the stores. Even in high school, I would make my mom read them to me since that was our tradition when I was younger. I still have many of them and really love reading them to my own kids. My favorite is probably one that I got from McDonald’s a LONG time ago when Papa Bear was in charge for the day and Mama took the day off. Oh the trouble that Papa got into!
(((AND I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this giveaway!)))
I love the Junk Food book!
I love Berenstain Bears! My favorite was “Learn About Manners.” What great fabric & thanks so much for the tutorial. :o)
When we brought my daughter home from the hospital, we got Baby Makes Five for my son to read. Very cute story about getting a new sibling. Now my daughter likes to read it. Sweet stories all with a great learning opportunity.
I loved all the Berenstain books when my kids were little. Now it would be fun to share with their kids. That Messy Room one is one that I remember.
The quilts are really cute. This is one of my favorite “easy” quilt patterns and you can get so many different looks with it.
My favorite was Berenstain Bears No Girls Allowed. This is such cute fabric.
How to pick just one?? It’s been forever since I’ve read any of them, as hubby and I don’t have any little ones of our own yet. Looking through the titles on Amazon (321 items come up!) I remember most of them.
Thanks for the chance to win – we have friends having their first baby soon and this would be a great way to get them started!
I love this! The Berenstain Bears were my favorites growing up and I still love them today. My favorite was The Berenstain Bears Go to School!
I am sure I have read all of the books, but the one that always sticks in my mind is The Bike Lesson! Beautiful quilts and such a fabulous giveaway!
I always liked Old Hat New Hat and Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners. Thanks for such a great giveaway!
There is no way to pick just one! I remember reading all these as a kid and as soon as I saw that fabric on your post I just about squealed!!
I loved Alice in Wonderland. My childhood memory full with Alice expedition.
Thanks for the chance to win.
LOVE that quilt!!! I liked the artwork in thebooks as a kid – so much to look at and play imigination with. I think my favorite was the gimmees.
I stillread the books to my three little ones.I love all them. We enjoy watching them on video now too. We read messy room the most gets read scrub time their rooms get out of control.
The Messy Room is the one I remember. My parents bought it for me and explained that’s what would be happening to me if I didn’t clean my room. It was a good way to teach me a lesson because I loved to read as a kid.
And I have to say, I think I may make a quilt. I’ve always been so intimidated but, this one is so cute and seems easy, I think I could do it
LOVE The Berenstein Bears. My favorite was “Get the Gimmes.” Oh I miss those books! Will have to buy some when the baby comes
~ Andi T.
My youngest son (now 30) just LOVED these guys and I still do, too!!!!!!Lots of happy reading memories.
I am so in love with this fabric ever since I saw it last month. But, alas, I am on a budget so I haven’t bought any yet! I LOVE the Berenstain Bears and have been reading them with my kids too! My favorite is Too Much TV! Thanks for the cute tutorial and giveaway!
Congratulations!!! And thanks for your lovely comment!
I grew up reading these books also!! My fav books is “Forget their manners!” I must get that one for my kids to teach them to help out around the house!!
I love this quilt tutorial. I love working with precut fabrics, it makes my life so much easier! We’re big fans of the bears here, and have a VERY well-loved copy of Stage Fright.
-Krystal @
I love the Berenstain Bears and the Messy Room. I loved reading those books when I was younger.
My granddaughter loves the Berenstain Bears Books! Her favorite right now id ‘Go Out For The Team” she just started playing t-ball and studies that book after we read it to her. I love the fabric, would love to win the charm squares!
One of our favorites is “No Girls Allowed.”
oh my goodness! my mom loves to read these books to the grandkids. i’d love to make her a lap quilt to use while she’s snuggling close and reading to them! I love No Girls Allowed! Brother bear builds a fort with all his buddies and no girls allowed! So papa helps Sister bear build her own fort that is so cool the boys all want to be invited over!
This is really cute fabric! I liked reading The Berenstain Bears Go to School.
We had the Messy Room book in our home library as a kid. I remember really loving all of those books. What cool fabric!
Oh my, I LOVE those books. My oldest son had a bunch of those books when he was little (he’s now nearly 22). We have since passed those books down to my niece and she is loving them too. I can’t remember any specific one book, but I loved the adventures those bears had. The one about the kite flying or making contest stands out in my mind, perhaps that was part of one of the stories. I’d LOVE to make these quilts for future grand-kids.
Great memories with those bears! 
My daughter absolutely loves Berenstain Bears and her 2 favorite books are “Too Much TV” and “The Prize Pumpkin”, she just loves to read those over and over again! Thank you for the chance to win this VERY GENEROUS giveaway!!!!!
My favorite book when I was little was ‘A Pocket for Corduroy’. I would sit in the middle of my gma’s huge bed and read it over and over.
I read my little ones these books all the time. My Mom even saved the books from my childhood so I can read all my favorites to them as well. I love this fabric!
I don’t have one particular favorite Bernstain Bear book,I love them all, but one of my favorite children’s book is “The Poky Little Puppy.” This fabric is adorable and it looks like a pretty simple project for a beginner.
We read “New Sister” daily while i was pregnant with baby girl #2. now that the girls are a bit older, big sister, 4, reads it to her baby sister. So sweet! would love to see them reading together snuggled under a bear blanket!
ooh, I grew up with the Berenstein bears, and now I read them to my daughter and son. Our family favorites are the follwing 2: The messy room, and the golden rule. My husband had never read them and loves them too now. This fabric is adorable, I am definitely going to have to try this quilt. Thanks Grandma Jane and Lindsay!
Oh my goodness this fabric is so adorable. I suppose my favorite Berenstain Bears are the very originals – Moving Day and New Baby. But they are all so wonderful.
My favorite Berenstain Bear book is Blaze a trail, but I love so many of them!
I loved the Berenstain Bears growing up, and now my kids do as well! The Sitter and Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners are a couple of our favorites. Although, I have to say that there isn’t a Berenstain Bear book that we haven’t liked.
I love this quilt idea, thanks!
I love the Berenstain Bears..always such sweet value lessons. Seems like there was one about going to the dentist..I was interested in this one becuase as an adult,( age 18) my dentist threw me out of his office and told me not to come back until I grew up
I was terrified of the dentist and he kept hitting a nerve and I was too squirmy!! I wanted to make sure that my children had a better experience at the dentist. I LURVE LURVE LURVE the two quilts and that fabric!!! Thanks so very much for the tutorial. You did a great job!!
I never did read or have the Berenstain Bears when I was a kid. Nor for my kids. I was into Mother goose I guess and Dr. Seuss. Bears did not excite me too much, although they are cute as a pin. Anyway I loved reading the Seuss books and the nursery rhyme the house that Jack Built.
I do love this fabric line and I know my grand kids would love it too.
How can anybody pick just one of the books?! I grew up with my mom reading them to me and I’ve read them to my kids. My 4 year old loves watching them on Sprout. How great would it be to read these books to her while she’s curled up in a blanket with this fabric? LOVE IT!!
I’ve always loved the Berenstain Bears and have a collection for my grand kids to read. I always loved “The Gimmies, or Big Sister” I loved that they taught messages through stories so I wasn’t always the bad guy.
Thank you for the generous give away!
Berenstain Bears are such a hit at our house, both of kids LOVE them. One of the kids favorite books is The Green Eyed Monster – talking about being envious of other peoples stuff. The B. Bear books are such a great way to teach some fundamental ideas to your kids while still enjoying a good story.
The fabric is just adorable! I sure hope I win!!
These are adorable quilts! My children loved The Gimmies, too, and I remember one about a visit to the dentist. I would love to make a quilt like this for my granddaughter!
The Bears Vacation was my daughter’s favorite. Thank you, Grandma Jane, for sharing!
My children love The Trouble with Friends, but I always like The Golden Rule….the quilt is ADORABLE and is now on my list…hope I win the charm pack!
Not sure the name of it but the one where brother learns to ride a bike. Such cute fabric!
We love the Prize Pumpkin and (not sure of the title while at work) the Babysitter, Mrs. Grizzle comes… My two saw this at the LQS and started squabbling over who could touch it.
Thanks for sharing this tutorial and the fabric! We have the sharing book and it cracks me up when Sister Bear doesn’t want to share…so much like my big girl!
My favourite would be the vacation one, but I am thinking my kids really really need the messy room book!!!! lol
I would love to win some of this great fabric.
Oh wow what cute quilts! I would love to try that after I get through the “will it go round is circles”
I am on the binding step! I loved the Berendtain Bears growing up I think the one i liked was about cleaning up the pond but I cant remeber the name of it. the only one I have for my kids so far is Too much Vacation but I am looking to find more at yard sales ect.
I am just over the moon over this fabric! What a great tutorial. Our favorite Berenstein Bear book has to be, ‘Too Much Junk Food’. My kids will say little scriblets of the books to each other. So funny! Not unlike us growing up.
Thanks for doing this giveaway. Pick me, pick me!!
By the way, that was Jen B. (Hit publish too soon in my excitement!
I remember my folks reading me a New Baby book from the bear series. I was soon to have a baby brother and I think they were trying to prepare me. I love all the books and my 3yr old daughter has started to watch the cartoons they have rerun on tv. Love the fabric and would love to win some to possibly make my daughter a quilt for her room. Thanks for the chance.
Oh my gosh! My kids grew up reading and collecting the Berenstain Bears books. Our favorite was The Spooky Old Tree. And the quilts are adorable. Love the fabric!!
Growing up I love them all! More recently though, New Baby is a household favorite. I read this to my oldest son a lot to get him use to his new baby brother!
Berenstain Bear books were my youngest son’s favorite and they were the ones he would choose each time we went to our local bookstore (…he has saved every one). The Berenstain Bears in the Dark was a favorite. Thanks for the chance to win…would love to surprise him with a lap quilt!
My favorite is The Trouble with Manners. jmttholding at yahoo dot com
My girls loved the Berenstein Bears but I cannot remember their books – my daughters are 25 and 29 but I can remember PJ Funny bunny books. I really loved them. My grandson is 18 months old and I am so sure he would love this quilt. He now loves Thomas and I am going to use your design to make yet another Thomas quilt but I would love to make this quilt also. My daughter is starting to read Aedan the Berenstein bears also.
Thank you for this wonderful giveaway.
sandyb720 at gmail dot com
This comment has been removed by the author.
I grew up loving the Berenstain Bears, and I am now able to share that love with my kids! It’s so tough to choose, but I think my favorite book is The Berenstain Bears and the Golden Rule.
supermom82 at gmail dot com
I used to like the Berenstein bears, but honestly it’s been so long I cannot remember specifically the name of my favorite one. So I’ll have to say my favorite children’s book was Sarah, Plain and Tall. And I just remember feeling great that I read a book all the way through, with no pictures and still enjoyed it haha! Thanks for the giveaway!
I don’t remember a book in particular, but I remember my little sister reading them for hours. I would love to win this giveaway and make my “little” sister (now 29!) a quilt
Thanks for sharing this project!
My babies love the Bears! We have a lot of their books. I read them as I was growing up! Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!
I love messy room, the one about the garage sale, and good, better, best (not the title I think). Love this giveaway
I loved the Berenstein Bears Forget Their Manners. I also loved the one about going through the scary woods- I can’t remember the name of that one. That is such lovely fabric!
Thank you for this lovely giveaway!
I loved the Berenstein Bears! We had quite the collection! Now with my new baby I need to dig them out of storage. I think my favorite was about the new baby, I’m pretty sure my mom bought it when expecting my baby sister (I always thought my family was just like the bears!).
Oh how I loved the Berenstein Bears when I was little!! I can’t remember all my favorites but I remember the one about making Momma Bear breakfast in bed (was it about Mother’s Day maybe?). Anyway, I LOVE this fabric and since my dearest friend is expecting I can’t imagine a better gift than making them an adorable quilt and accompanying it with a pile of books – you know to encourage some future cuddling :). Thanks for the tutorial and the giveaway!! Happy Friday!
Favorite was “The Bad Habit” when Sister Bear bite her nails, I was a nail biter so I tried so hard to stop after reading that one. But I would go to our local library and check all of them out all the time! Great fabric and such an awesome quilt!
I have always been a Dr. Seuss fan myself, probably our favorite right now is “There’s a Wocket in my Pocket”.
Berenstein Bears were one of my favorites and my children’s favorites. Now I get to share them with my Grands. I love that.
Picking just one is almost impossible. I will have to pull them out and reread them to see.
Granny Linda
I read the Berenstain Bears books to my children when they were young, and now to my grandchildren. I love that they teach a lesson in an entertaining way and introduce children to scary new experiences like the first day of school or a trip to the dentist. Thanks for the chance to win this giveaway. And thanks for the tutorial.
I enjoyed the berenstein bears books as a kid, my family had a several of them. I don’t have a favorite although I do remember reading one a lot that I don’t think was actually part of the berenstien bears books but had the same style of bear drawings. I think it was called The Spooky Old Tree.
eldietz1982 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I love those bears! I had two favorite books ~ the camping one and the messy room one. Thanks for the chance!!! **~Karen
My favorite was the messy room one. I had THE messiest room as a kid, and I actually had written and circled stuff in the book that I wanted to do with my room. Of course, it never happened! I know I had several of the books, but I also especially remember the dentist one and the new baby one.
I just love this fabric!!
Love the fabric and quilts!! The new baby book is a favorite in our house. Thanks for the chance!
rmknowlton (at) hotmail (dot) com
What beautiful and colorful quilts! My favorite growing up was “Stage Fright” I loved it because sister had a princess dress/costume on and I loved it! Ha ha, that makes me laugh now.
Our family favorite is Moving Day. Beautiful quilts! Kara
Well I love Grandma Jane! She is awesome

I can’t even remember my favorite book as a child, probably Charolettes Web but there was on, I don’t remember the name but it was one of those Golden Books, and this little boy had a shiny new toy pig or piggy bank and he got jelly on it
That one has always stuck with me for some reason but now with my little ones I love the “If you give a mouse” series and the Jane Yolen books “How do dinosaurs”….those are fun!
A great tutorial! The Beinstein Bear book that I remember the most is “don’t talk to strangers.” my mom and dad must have read that one a hundred times before we started school! I also really liked afraid of the dark too but all of them were fun to read.
I have the messy room book, and my dd loves to read that.
I would love to win, thank you for the chance!
What an easy tutorial! Thank you for sharing!
I started reading chapter books before my peers (like way before my peers). I was so mad at my mom for making me make the switch. She came home one day with a Bernstein Bears chapter book and I was hooked. I read them all!
I grew up with these books and loved everyone of them. I now enjoy sharing them with my children and seeing their faces as we hear a new story. Your quilts are beautiful and seeing them makes me want to try my hand at making a quilt.
My llittle girl is three and she loves the Berenstain Bears. Her favorite is The Green Eyed Monster where sister bear gets jealous of brother bears new bike. She wants to read them almost every night.
My mom never bought them for us, but I would always check them out from the school library and I would run up the eagle’s nest tower in the corner of the room to read it all curled up in a pile of pillows. Thanks for bringing back the great memories!
The first Berenstain Bears we got was for my son about 35 years ago or more…it was “Old Hat New Hat” and it was loved until it fell apart. Just as this quilt will be if I am so fortunate to win!
My daughter just started getting into books and we are loving the bears! I’m thinking it’s time to dig out my old copy of the messy room and give it to her.
I love, love, love the Berenstain Bears! I read all the books when I was a kid and I don’t think I could possibly choose just one. Thanks for the giveaway!
Super Cute Fabric! I loved the one were they start school (or got a new sibling) but my 3 year old son now loves the To the Moon one. Thanks for sharing!!
I just love those quilts and see me making them in the near furture for my toddler and baby boy! Thank you so much for sharin this fun quilt!
My sister nad I grew up watching the tv show and reading all the wonderful books. We even had the happy meal toys!
I LOVE the Berenstain Bears! My favorite is Go To School! I love the picture of the kindergarten classroom! My son starts kindergarten this fall and this book will certainly be read a lot this summer getting him ready for it! Thanks for the chance!
I just started planning a disappearing 9-path and this tutorial is fabulous! I too love the Berenstain Bears and while I cannot remember the exact title my favorite has to do with learning good manners. Thanks for the fabulous tutorial and the chance at winning some cute fabric!
My favorite is The Bears’ Picnic. It is practically memorized from reading it to my kids so much. Those quilts are beautiful!
My favorite is the Berenstain Bears and the Haunted House! I love these books, so much fun!
My kids loved all the books and videos! I’d say my favorite was The Bike Lesson. This fabric is really sweet!
My favorite Berenstain Bears book is the bike book, where Papa Bear teaches Brother bear to ride a bike! My daughter loves the books.
I loved these books growing up! And now use them as an elementary school counselor. I show the Berenstain Bears and the Trouble with Friends episode to my Kindergarten friends at school every year and feel glad to pass on the wisdom of the Berenstains to the next generation. This fabric is adorable!
Wow, Jane…we have a lot in common. We both quilt, we both have daughters named Lindsay (spelled the same) and we both read the Berenstain Bears books to our kids! The one we read a lot was The Messy Room…with good reason!
Now I have to start reading the books to my grandkids. Thanks for the great tute!
My boys grew up with the Berenstain Bears, also. They even slept on sheet sets with the bears’ theme!! I have given talks on the history of the bears, along with the history of the Teddy bear at the local nursing home with the current 3rd grade class in attendance. Did this for many years and had a rapt audience each time. Didn’t know about the fabric release! Would absolutely LOVE some of those charms!! Hugs, Doreen
I remember reading Berentain Bears when I was little. My kids enjoy them also. Can’t remember my favorite, but just love the lessons that the books teach.
Read these books to my kids all the time. Bears Vacation was one of our favorites and we always laughed at Pa Bear’s antics. Love this collection!
I can’t choose! I forget the name, but it’s the one where the dad demonstrates how to ride a bike! I am glad my daughter can sit and get lost in books like I can. Picture books are the best!
Oh wow how I love these Bears! I am a 28 year old, first time mother to a 7 month old daughter, Ember. I was never much of a reader growing up but adored these books! My favorites were Junk Food and Berenstain Bears and the Bully. My daughter loves the Berenstain Bears show on the Sprout Network that we watch every evening at 5pm. Over the years we are sure to read a lot from the Bears of Bear Country!
I used to love the bearnstiens when I was a kid. I don’t remember any of the stories specifically but I do remember reading them.
This quilt tutorial makes me want to start making a quilt right now! My kids enjoy their books- especially the good night one and the one with all the jobs you can have ( sorry don’t remember the names)
My kids LOVED the Berenstain Bear books. And so did I! My personal favorite – The Berenstain Bears and the Blame Game. Thanks for an awesome giveaway!
Our current favorite is “…and too much Junk Food”
Such great quilts and thanks for the chance in the giveaway.
Bears on wheels is so fun. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.
My favorite Bernstein Bear book is “The Messy Room.” I just got tired of cleaning up after the kids and followed the lead of Momma Bear by putting the toys away if the kids didn’t clean up. These quilt would make a great addition to my classroom decoration. We love the Bernstein Bears!!!!
The Berenstain Bears hadn’t been published yet when I was a kid so my favorite was Winnie the Pooh. I still love Tigger and his song. This would be a perfect gift to make for a friend of mine who is due in four weeks. A Berenstain Bears quilt and three books! She would love it. Thanks for the chance to win.
We like the New Baby story where Sister Bear was born. Thanks!
I was/am an avid reader so I don’t really remember what my favorite Berenstein Bears book was. I do remember loving the Nancy Drew books.
Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to be able to make a few baby quilts for a local charity.
I loved the Berenstein Bears growing up! My favorite was Too Much Birthday!
When my children were little, we always had a ton of Berenstain Bears’ books at our house. Even though they are 23 and 25, they have saved a box of their favorite books and there are quite a few of the Bears in there. We always liked, “No Girls Allowed.” My daughter is the youngest and she always liked stories that featured Sister Bear. Thanks for offering the lovely giveaway and for stirring up a few sweet memories of reading with my children.
Grandma Jane- I had no idea a disappearing 9 was so easy! I am definitely going to use this technique for the baby quilts for the newest babies coming into our family! We like reading a new Berenstain Bears story with 8 short stories in it about using polite words! Thanks, Lindsay for sharing your mom with us!
My kids and I LOVE the bears vacation!!
Your quilts are adorable
Lots of great books We like The Berenstain Bears and The Truth! Thanks for the chance to win!
I can’t wait to try this quilt pattern–what an easy way to make a quilt! My favorite was also the one about not lying. Guessing it’s the one the poster above is talking about–the Bears and the Truth.
I remember reading these books to my sons, but I can’t choose just one as a favorite. Love them all.
I loved these books for my children. I can’t remember the name of the book, but the one about brother and sister learning to get along was good. Great giveaway, thank you!
I loved them all! I really liked the Golden Books, my favorite of those was The cow jumped over the moon.
I read the books to my kids as they grew up and now my granddaughter reads the books and watches them on tv.
As a former teacher, I’d have to say the Berenstain Bears go to School book. I used to keep a shelf of books for the kids to read when they didn’t have a library book. It was very funny to see those 5th graders still reading Berenstain Bear books. Of course, I never said a word! Reading is reading no matter what!
My favorite is The Berenstein Bears and the Messy Rooom…. but only since I became a Mom.
I don’t think I could pick a favorite. My girls both loved the Berenstein Bears and we had lots and lots and lots of their books. I would love to win the charm packs and books, got a baby shower coming up…
Oh yes, I do remember them when we were staying in the States in the early 80’s. But when we got back to Malaysia it was difficult to get them.
My daughter and I love the Berenstein bears books! I don’t think I could pick a favorite, but we have fun reading some of the older ones where papa bear is quite a funny character. Smiles all around. I love this charm pack!
Love love love the berenstain bears- the gimmeies
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
Lovely quilts! It’s hard to pick just one book because they’re all good, but I really liked the one on junk food.
I first heard of this bears when the mentioned in the news that the author died.
I’m quite sure I never heard of them before (but ask me something about german children’s books *g*)
So I would love to win a copy of the book – I could read it to my younger ones.
And thanks to Grandma for the quilt – looks simple enough for me, but far more interesting than a usual 9 patch.
ok, this is great! I had no idea that there was even fabric with the bears! We LOVE the bears in this house! And the pattern is really cool as well. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen it before, but I love it. I’m sorry to hear that both Jan and Stan have passed away. I didn’t hear about that. Thanks for sharing!
We have a new favorite every week that gets read over and over. This week our favorite is Messy Room. Thanks for the giveaway. What fun quilts.
Thank you for reminding me of precious memories with my boys! Now, that they’re all grown and the oldest has my first grandchild (!!) I’ll soon have a NEW generation to enjoy thiese old favorites with! (We especially loved the Messy Room. :)) <------as we had one "messy" son and one "neat-nick"
My children grew up reading these books and my favorite was one about Mama Bear and the quilt store. I would love to win this prize and make quilts for my granddaughters to cuddle under while they read the stories their mothers used to read.
I read these books to my sons and daughter growing up; our favorite was the Berenstain Bears and The Messy Room. My kids always bought one from the book fair each year it came to school.
shel704 at aol dot com
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I remember reading Berenstain Bears but not any specific book. One of my absolute favorite books as a child was The Twelve Dancing Princesses. A magical world with princesses dancing all night with princes, there’s not much better than that!
It’s hard to think of just one book. I grew up on the books and my favorite might be Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark. I had that book as a child and now my children read it too. Thanks for the AMAZING giveaway. You’re pretty blessed to have such an amazing mom!
We loved the Berenstains, especially my youngest son. One of our favorites was the Messy Room, but there was another one, too…maybe Too Muhc Pressure? or something like that, where everyone is toooo busy, and Mama sits down and cries, so they cut out some of their activities and are happy again.
That fabric is adorable, and I love disappearing 9 patches.
My kids loved the Berenstain Bear books, one of our favorites was Ready, Get set, Go! They loved it because Papa Bear was the Best at sleeping, kind of like their own Papa!! I love the quilts, perfect for a crib!!
The bears vacation and the bears got to school are among my daughters favorites- she loves telling me the ‘moral’ of the story at the end of the book!
LOVE the quilts!
Thanks for the giveaway
I loved the Berenstain books growing up and I especially love to read Messy Room to my 3 children when their room becomes a disaster! I love the quilting squares and your instructions on making the quilts…perfect!
My children loved the Berenstain Bears as well as many others. I’m sure they could remember specific ones, but I can’t. I do remember that I loved the morals that were represented in the books. Thanks for the chance to win this darling fabric.
I grew up with the Berenstain Bears and right now my daughters’ favourite is the visit to the dentist. We read it everytime the girls have a checkup.
Your disappearing nine patch quilt is just beautiful – such a lovely fabric collection.
I love these stories. One of my favs is Trouble With Friends.
We read Messy Room alot! Its my reminder to the kids to clean up! Such cute fabric! Love these books from when I was a kid!
Great tutorial on the D9P pattern – love the cute quilts. The Berenstain Bears unfortunately weren’t part of my childhood. One of my favorite books was Make Way For Ducklings. The illustrations were great, the story was real, & I loved that the humans had to make way for the animals. Thanks for the chance to win.
I absolutly loved the books and read them to my 4 children growing up. I will be reading them to my new grandbaby every time she visits!! I LOVE the quilts beautiful colors!!
The Berenstain Bears Go to School book was my favorite, but really loved tyhem all!
Great Giveaway! Evin5 at aol dot com
My little lady liked Berenstain Bears Go to the Dentist, but we haven’t read it in awhile. We have LOTS of the books though! I’ve loved this fabric line since the moment I saw it and would love to win some of it! Thanks for the chance!
I always liked ready the Bernstein bears to my kids when they were little. I also like to give away a book and quilt as a gift. Thanks for the giveaway and lesson.
Adorable fabric! My favorite book is the New Baby Berenstain Bear book, it is the one we read to our son when I was pregnant with my little girl to help him get excited for getting a little sister.
Not sure I can pick a favorite! We have my husband’s whole collection from when he was a kid and keep adding on. My oldest likes “Get their Kicks” and my middle likes the one where they move. Thanks for the chance to win! I might have to go get some some even if I don’t!
What a nice tutorial – thank you, Jane! My absolute favorite book is, hands down, the Berenstain Bears Christmas Tree. I don’t know how many times I read that one out loud to the kids? There was a phrase in there about the family having ‘a tasty salmon’ for their Christmas dinner. And so now, whenever I fix salmon, it’s always ‘a tasty salmon’! See? The fun never ends.
As one Gramma to another…it is so much fun to sew for grand babies! My kids loved the Go to the Dentist one ….made going to their dentist so much easier!
I loved the Berendtein bears when I was little! My favorite was their Christmas one (Don’t remember the name) about the Christmas tree…..
BTW, I would LOVE for Grandma Jane to do a tutorial on topstitching her quilts! How does she get them to be so straight and pulling in the fabric?
While I remember the Berenstain Bears from when I was little, I can’t pick a favorite – I just remember I loved the illustrations. So I asked DS to tell me his favorite title and he replied “Oh, I love them all. I can’t pick just one.” So my answer is all of them.
What a neat giveaway! Brings back some lovely memories
We loved messy room and the gimmies, but our FAVORITE was bears in the night, my parents would read it with really dramatic voices and it was such fun!
We had many of the Berenstain Bear books, and I enjoyed reading them to my children when they were young. One favorite was The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble at School.
oh what a truly wonderful giveaway and tutorial. My favorite books to read to my children are Bedtime Battle and go out to eat. Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Love the Berenstain Bears! I’ve probably read them all, but the two I best remember are The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist and The Berenstain Bears and the Messy Room. The quilt store in our very small town carries this fabric, and I’ve been drooling over it for quite a while now!
Thanks for the opportunity!!
Love how the quilts came out and the technique! Can’t wait to try it out!
i LOVE the Berenstain Bears – they are my favorite since the moment I met them here in the US (they don’t have that in Europe!). I don’t have a favorite book, but we will read Berenstain Bears and Baby Makes Five very often in the next few weeks, until our baby will finally be home with us!
Would love to add this to the nursery to welcome baby in our family.
My 2 1/2 year old boy/girl twins love the Berenstain Bears! My girl sometimes says “night mama bear, night papa bear, night brother bear” to us at bedtime, and with “baby bear” on his way, I would love some Berenstain Bear fabric of my own. Picking out a favorite book is tough-I really like “The Berenstain Bears Love Their Neighbors” and “The Berenstain Bears Pick Up and Put Away.”
I loved the Berenstein Bears as a little girl. Whenever my grandmothers friend Kenny would come for a visit he would bring me a new copy so I would have something to keep me busy while they drank there coffee and talked. I was far too young to read them but the illustration kept me staring perhaps that is why the fat quarters bring back so many memorizes. When I had to work at reading due to learning disabilities, my mom broke out these trusted books. To this day as an artist and a crafter, these illustrations still captivate me.
Iloved reading “The Spooky Old Tree” to my kids and now my Grands. They all LOVE the Berenstein Bears!
What a lovely giveaway! Thanks for the tutorial too. My kids always like Bears in the Night.
We loved the Berenstein Bears! My daughters, who are now in college, loved each and every one! I think the quilts would be so cute as a shower gift with a copy of a book! Thanks for the inspiration and for bringing back fond memories!
We love the Berenstein Bears! I read them to my children and now my grandchildren. It’s hard to pick a favorite…perhaps The Messy Room. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
My favorite was Berenstein Bears and too much Party! Beautiful Quilts!
My favorite Berenstain Bear book was when Mama opened and worked at a quilt shop. Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh my gosh, we had so many of the books. The case of the gimmies, and the messy room, and the one about going to school were my favorites. What a great tutorial. I am wanting to learn how to quilt this year, and a baby quilt seems like a great place to start!!
Bears in the NIght is my favorite Berenstain Bears book. I work in a library so I really NEED some of this fabric! Thanks for the chance to win!
I don’t remember a particular favorite, I had a lot of them. I know my favorite book was one called Mousetales. Can’t remember who wrote it but it had a story where a mouse goes to visit his mom and buys new feet.
My mom just sent me the info on this giveaway because my favorite book in the series is “the messy room” and I can’t find the book anywhere!!! I would love to win this book so I cn share it with my daughter.
Erin b –
I love the Bearstain books!!! I love that my daughter seems to have a liking to them too! My fav book from them was Bad Manners…I don’t even know why…I just liked that one! I hope I win
I’ve been looking at that line of fabric for a while now!!
Loved these books as a kid!
Would definitely love to pass them on to my nephew.
Loved these books as a kid!
Would definitely love to pass them on to my nephew.
I loved the books as a kid, and I’m living that I can share them with my girls now. My favorite was the one about strangers. I still think of the line “one bad apple spoils the whole barrel”. This fabric is wonderful. I would live to make a quilt with it.
I loved these books as a kid! Now, with a new baby on the way we are into the New Baby book for our soon. Love the fabric!!
I used to love these books and now that I have children of my own, I get to love them all over again! The topics continue to be relevent, even if you’re reading a 30-year old book!
I have two fav’s but I can’t think of the names off the top of my head. They’re upstairs, but a sleeping babe is too, so this will have to do:
1. When Mama opens up her own quilt shop.
I want a sewing/fiber shop. My children always ask if I will do that someday, or talk about what it would be like if I did.
2. Stranger Danger
They do an amazing job discussing this sometimes scary topic on a child’s level!
I love the new fabric and would love it even more if I got to quilt with some!!!
Berenstain Bears Blaze a Trail: My 2 year old loves it. Great books, great fabric and darling quilts!
My kids watched the Berenstein Bears on TV but their favorite books were the Fraggle Rock books. They were also based on life lessons for kids.
What beautiful quilts your Mom made! We have three children, two boys then a girl and my boys favourite Bears book was “No girls allowed”. That got quite a bit of airtime at our house!
Oh my goodness! What a sweet trip down memory lane, and what precious quilts! I had a countless amount of these books growing up and watched the cartoon on tv, as well! I always remember reading the Bully book a lot as a kid. Also, this quilt tutorial is great! I can’t wait to try it once I finish the quilt I’m working on now! Thank you, Grandma Jane, for the giveaway!
I recently read the new baby book to my grandson who got a new brother 3 weeks ago today! Love the quilt pattern!
Go to the doctor was my favorite. Now i read the books to my kids and they love them!
Those are just too cute!! We love the Berenstein Bears in our house…my favorite is The Messy Room.
I like The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food book!!!
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
My kiddos love the Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners book because Papa Bear burps and they think it’s hilarious. I’d love to enter the giveaway, and I promise have a US address incase it’s my lucky day.
How wonderful of you both for the wonderful giveaway. I used to love the Messy Room but honestly don’t remember too many of the others. My three boys were not interested in the Berentstein Bears no matter how hard I tried because I thought they were so cute. BUT, I have that brand new Granddaughter now and I would love to get her interested and the fabrics would be wonderful. I had seen these fabrics a few weeks ago and thought they were so cute.
I don’t remember reading the books as a child, but got the book “The Berenstain Bears’ New Baby” when I had my second child and read it again with the older two when the third one came along. We still have alot of these books, that have been passed onto the grand childern, in Granny’s library! This is such a cute quilt – I will have to try the pattern!
It’s probably a tie between No more Junk Food and Trouble with Manners. I loved the chart Mama made. Sarah skubinski at mac dot com
The quilts are adorable! Thank you for the generous giveaway! We loved The Berenstains Bears and the New Baby when our daughter was five and waiting for her long hoped-for sibling to arrive. That has been many years and she is now the mama of four.
Not sure that I have a favorite! There are so many great books. I love the fabric combinations and what a great tutorial on the quilt. Would love to win and give it a try. Love your blog.
Such a great book series! SO hard to pick a favorite. But lately we seen to be referrign to the “Green Eyed Monster” a lot to help my boys not be jealous and appreciate what they have.
I absolutely love all the Berenstain Bears books. I’ve always used them in my 2nd grade and 3rd. grade classroom as a teaching tool. I always used The Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners in the beginning of the school year to help my students review good manners in the classroom
I’d love to win this fabric to make a quilt for each of my granddaughters.
Kathy Lee
My favorite Berenstain Bears book is Old Hat, New Hat. My daughter and I just read it this afternoon.
That fabric is just too cute! My favorite Berenstein bear book was always the one about the big race. Where Brother Bear drives a little red car that says ‘putt-putt-putt’ and he wins against all the big fancy cars. Your quilts are lovely!
I remember reading The Berenstain Bears Go To The Dentist when I was little.
My favorite book was Madeline ….my grandma would read it to me every time I had a sleepover at her house. Win or not I am taking the plunge into quilting with this tutorial!! Thanks ~Julia
My daughter is sweet on The Berenstain Bears and the Shaggy Little Pony. I know it by heart!
My kiddos and I love the Berenstain Bears books! We always load up on them when we go to the library! Currently we are enjoying The Berenstain Bears Follow God’s Word.
My kiddos and I love the Berestain Bears! Currently we are enjoying The Berestain Bears Follow God’s Word.
My sister and I must have been read Messy Room at least a million times. Seemed to work more on my sister than me though.
I have older children, but I loved the season of reading picture books aloud. SO many favorites, among them the Berenstien Bears. Old Hat New Hat was great, but we also loved Mike Mulligan and the Steam Shovel, Mushroom in the Rain and the Two Bad Ants!! Miss those days!!
I always liked The Messy Room. Reminds me of my room when I was younger…
Boy do I remember Berenstain bears reading them with my twin brother. I can’t remember my favorite one just about different lessons they taught. Along with Little House on the prairie they were my favorite books.
I loved these books as a kid. I think I had every single one of them. My mom saved them all and now my kids have them and read them regularly! Remember the one where Mama opens a quilt shop? I think that was one of my favorites
Adorable!! We aren’t into the bears yet but my daughter is in love with Curious George! I need to get her some of the Berenstein Bears, I know she would love them!
I teach first grade in a small country school. I have one week that all we do is actvities around the Berenstain Bear books! It is my favorite and I get to share all the books I saved from when my kids were little!
We LOVE the Berenstein Bears! We love all the books! I love Berenstein Bears and Mama’s New Job! I was so disappointed when they took them off of PBS.
My youngest son just LOVED these books and characters. He was just awestruck when we went to a Berenstain Bear visit center. Gayle B.
I love the berenstein bears as a kid and now love reading them to my 3 girls. It is hard to choose a favorite, but I would have the say The Golden Rule. These books all teach such valuable lessons.
My favorite book is The Berenstain Bears and the Slumber Party.My grandma would read me these books every Friday night I stayed at her house! These books will and always be my favorite books as a child!
It is so funny been so long since I have thought of those books I read to my kids when they were little. Now I have a grand daughter she lives so far away but I can not wait to read to her. I have always wanted to try quilting, the 9 patch looks easy enough to make but in the end looks complicated. Just up my alley. Thanks for the tutorial.
We were definitely a Berenstain Bears household growing up, though I think my younger brother was the most devoted fan of the three kids. My oldest daughter shares his love of BB and brings a different book home from the school library every day. Our favorite one right now is the Gimmies. This is such a great giveaway – I’m finishing up my first quilt ever and this one would be the perfect one to tackle next. I’d give the girl quilt to my daughter and the boy one to my brother – even though he’s all grown up! Thanks for the chance to win!
I liked the messy room book, but reading all the comments is making me remember alot of other good ones too! I always loved the Berenstain Bears when I was little. I read the books, watched the show, and even had a toy brother and sister bear from one of the fast food places!! I don’t have children yet, but I have 18 nieces and nephews (mine and my husbands family), and I love finding gift ideas for all the little ones! Not to mention for baby gifts for friends as well. I like the idea of starting a child off with a book and blanket and then having those books possibly be as big of part of their childhood as it was of mine!
I loved reading all the Berenstain Bears books as a kid. Now I have three kids that love them so I get to read them all again.
My favorite Berenstain Bears book is “Bears in the Night”. It was a favorite of my three boys. They could ‘read’ it at a very young age. You had to make sure you read exactly what was on the page, or they would correct you!
My favorite was The Berenstain Bears and the Messy Room. I always loved how they organized all their things! I read it to my daughter now. Thanks!
rboone387 (at) gmail (dot) com
My kids really love Bears in the Night and Spooky Shadows. Thanks for the great tutorial and I love the fabric! Really cute!
I love the manners and when they get the gimmes. All of the stories are wonderful. Although my daughter is grown now, I still pick one up and look at it in the stores. Wonderful quilts. Can’t wait to see if I can g
Find these charm packs in my local quilt shop.
Ps…. How many of you wanted a Berenstain tree house? I know I did. Wait, I still do. I loved that house xmd all of the pictures in the books.
Hi grandma jane:-) i always likef afraid of the dark. as soon as i can peel my boys away from various vehicle we may give these a try. maybr sneak them into rotation:-)
We are enjoying Berenstain Bears and the New Baby as we are expecting a little girl in three short months. My son has really enjoyed this! I would LOVE to make this quilt before she arrives. Thanks for sharing such a great tutorial – love your blog!
Katie katiederman{at}comcast{dot}net
I loved all the books and I didn’t have a favorite that I can remember. I really need to get some books for my daughter.
I really like a lot of their books, but In the Dark and Go to the Doctor are two that I remember
What a fun giveaway
Thank you for the tutorial!!! I’m always amazed at how complex the disappearing 9 patch looks at the end of the process
My 4 yr old son’s favorite BB book is the one about Don’t be Afraid of the Dark. He reads it in bed….ok, and in the car, and in the backyard. I might just have to change the center book to the Messy CRAFT Room, and then that would probably right up my alley
Thanks again!
nsue21702 at gmail dot com
These quilts are lovely. I’m just starting my first patchwork project (just simple cushions to start) but I hope I will be able to move onto something like this soon. A nice little quilt will go so nice in my son’s nursery.
I read the Berenstain books to my daughter when she was growing up, especially The Messy Room. I love the quilts. When I saw these prints awhile back I had to have some. I made my little grandaughter a skirt useing three of the prints. It turned out so cute. The Berenstain Bears will never go out of style.
I love the quilt! we have all of my husbands bearenstien bears books from when he was a kid and now we are throwing a bearenstien bears birthday party! I have to say the messy room is probably the one that is my all time favorate
We love “The Berenstain Bears Big Book of Nature and Science”. We homeschool and it’s actually part of our Kindergarten curriculum at Love, love, love that book. And all my six kids have fond memories of snuggling with mom and reading it:-)
I love your quilts! Just saw this fabric today and I didn’t buy any, but really want to. A year from now I will be an elementary teacher and I want to get some of the fabric to make pillow cases for the kiddos to use during silent reading time. My husband and I don’t have any children yet but I’m even thinking of buying some charm packs so I can make him or her a quilt because I’ve loved the Berenstain Bears since I was a little kid. One thing I have to disagree with you on though is the gender appropriateness of the prints in this line. I think all of the fabrics can be used together to make a wonderful gender neutral quilt. What’s wrong with boys having a small amount of pink fabric on their quilt or the print with the butterflies, and why can’t girls have the primary colors and the print with the sports equipment? All of these fabrics are designed to go well together and I think they look great and gender neutral when they’re all used in the same project. Also, love the disappearing nine patch- I made a table runner using it last summer.
My daughter loved Berenstein Bear books and we’d purchase them everytime she brought home a book order from school. When she married I gave the whole stack of books to her. Now she is expecting her first baby and I’m making a bear quilt for her forthcoming new daughter, Zoey. She and I are so excited when we discovered bear fabric. I didn’t know they made it. Your pattern for the disappearing 9 patch is perfect for my quilt. Thank you so much for sharing it!
My favorite book was New Baby – read it over and over with my son when his sister was born! I would LOVE to win the fabric to make a quilt for my granddaughter!
I read to my son every day from the day he was born. Now I’m starting on the 3rd grandchild. All of these books are wonderful, but I remember reading Cleaning up The Dirty room over and over to my son hoping it would rub off on him!
I must make these quilts. My granddaughter is not quite old enough for the Bears but I can’t wait until she is. I have almost the entire Bears collection ready for her. I’m a very beginner quilter so this tutorial is great for me. Thanks so much
My daughter Brenna, unlike her older brother and younger sister, was one that wasn’t fond of many children’s series, always wanting to read about real situations and people., all except one–The Berenstein Bears. This is such a special book series! My daughter is now a mommy herself with a little 2 1/2 year old girl, Violet, who loves to hear stories and ” read ” books. I would love to make my granddaughter this quilt, blessing both her mommy and her. Thank you for sharing the story and the tutorial; I have saved it to my home screen on my IPAD.
My favorite is the Wishing Star, it’s one of their later releases … I would love to win these for my grandkids !!
While I don’t remember any book specifically, I do recall we had an enormous collection of Berenstain Bears when I was a kid. Along with Sesame Street and Pickles. (I loved the Pickles books!) Thank you for the tutorial, love it!
My children loved “The Messy Room.” All of the books were fun and got read over and over. I want to make a quilt for my grandaughter and new great nephew. These charms would be absolutely perfect.
I’m glad to see that I am not the only one that signed up for a CONTEST THAT IS OVER.
I read these books to my three children as they were growing up and now that I have a new grandson can’t wait to share with him. Our favorite was “The Messy Room”!
These would make a great quilt for my special little boy! Thanks for the give away and the great tutorial.
My kids are now grown. we always LOVED the Berenstain Bears!!!! They always wanted to read the one where the Bears go camping.
Too Much TV was great for reminding us all to get up and go do !!
The Manners book.
I’ve made a disappearing 9 patch – they’re easy and fun! My favorite book as a kid was “A Hole is to Dig” by Maurice Sendak.
Great tutorial! My twin sons favorite book was a Little Golden Book “We help Daddy”, and they also loved the Franklin (turtle) books. When I was teaching I would read several Berenstain Bears books in the classroom. I would love to win this contest to make the baby quilts for the babies that are due soon.
Favorite book is Good Night Moon. Love to cuddle up with the grandson and read this. Haven’t read any of the bears series. Would like to make a quilt for our grandson due to arrive in March of next year. Thanks for the opportunity.
My kids and I love The Great Pumpkin (I think that’s what it was called.)
I read the Berenstain Bears books to my children and to children in my classes as an elementary teacher and librarian! Love them all, but I think Moving Day, The Truth and Trouble With Friends were especially handy. I have the finger puppets and can’t wait to share these stories with grandbabies
My favorite Berenstain Bear book is The Truth. I love all the morals the books teach children. I discovered these books when I was in college about 10 years ago while obtaining my teaching degree. I used the books many times in my classroom and am now using them with my 3 year old. I love the quilt pattern and am currently making two for my niece and nephew for their birthdays along with a few of the books to go with the quilt. Thank you so much for the pattern.