Sponsored BabyLegs Giveaway: FiFi Ruffles
We’ve got another great new blog sponsor that has joined the crew here at The Cottage Home, please welcome the children’s apparel website, FiFi Ruffles!
A little bit from the owner of FiFi Ruffles……
Hi, I am Kim Woitkowski, owner and founder of FIFi Ruffles. I am a mother of four and recently welcomed our first daughter 11 short months ago. Our first three children are “grown boys”, ages 18 thru 24. Growing up I was never a “girly girl”, however in my adulthood I began to adore little girls clothing and would find myself browsing those sections in the stores years before we decided to have another child. Once we knew we wanted another child we hoped and prayed for a girl! To our amazement we were blessed by the prettiest, sweetest and pleasant little girl, Sophia (aka FiFi).
During my pregnancy my husband and I went shopping (and LOTS of window shopping as well!) in search of the most adorable and unique clothing we could find. As you could imagine, we had been out of the loop on the little ones clothing scene for quite some time and let’s face it…when the boys were growing up the internet was just coming of age and there weren’t very many options for adorable clothing for them. We quickly realized we both loved little girl clothing and would get excited for every new find! We fell in love with Mud Pie Baby (along with many others).
At the same time I returned to work and realized a few months ago that I wanted to be home with my little girl and finally take the leap in business ownership (YIKES!). With this venture and inspiration from my daughter, we not only started the business but I have begun sewing and making my own little creations! I aspire to create our own clothing line someday and open our own little boutique. I am blessed to have finally found a “job” that I truly enjoy.
We are estatic that our family has ventured down this path and hope to place smiles little girls’ faces when they wear the clothing we offer. After all, wearing anything that ruffles is sure to make you feel like a princess! We strive to offer the LOWEST price on Mud Pie Baby Products, in return, brining smiles to Mommy and Daddy’s face as well!!
Today Kim is giving away a 3 pairs of BabyLegs Winter Collection Leg Warmers to one lucky The Cottage Home blog reader. The winner will be able to select any three pairs that they would like from the selection here.
I owned about 6-8 pairs of BabyLegs when Savannah and Matilda were itty bitty and I absolutely adored them. So incredibly cute, yet so useful for easy diaper changes and protecting knees for early crawlers.
Here’s how to enter to win a set of three pairs of BabyLegs (one entry per person):
1) Like the FiFi Ruffles Facebook Fan Page and make sure to let Kim know that ‘The Cottage Mama sent me!’ (click here).
The winner will be selected a little differently this time…….
Kim will hold an old fashioned raffle to determine the winner. All entries will be placed in a hat and FiFi (Kim’s daughter pictured below) will draw the winner. A video of the drawing will be placed on the FiFi Ruffles Facebook Fan Page. Kind of fun, huh?
Here’s a picture of little Miss ‘FiFi’ who will be selecting the winner:
Giveaway open until Saturday, February, 11, 2012 at midnight (CST).
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of The Cottage Home blog, please email Lindsay at thecottagemama[at]gmail[dot]com for rates and additional information.
I like them on Facebook (Lesha Anderson).
liked and commented over on face book!~
too cute!
I liked and commented on her facebook page.
Oh my gosh! Those are all so adorable. And that turtle purse is super cute. I would love to win the baby legs. We are anxiously awaiting our 2nd Granddaughter who will be arriving any day now after a phone call I got earlier this evening and I know those would come in very handy. I was going to try and make some myself but winning super cute ones like you have would be SO much better. thanks for the chance.
I have liked her facebook page and posted.
Oh that dress is adorable! Totally love it. So cute!
Thanks for introducing it to us.
Beautiful items and beautiful Miss Fifi! I would love to win, to give the “Baby Legs” to my neighbor, who just had a granddaughter… Unfortunately, I am the last person on earth to not have a Facebook page, so I cannot participate. My congrats to the future winner though.
I liked and commented, thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway!
I’m a new fan on FB and commented (Rachel Bonson)
schkinner at yahoo dot com