Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops Giveaway

Today we have a giveaway that you are not going to want to miss!  Our lovely blog sponsor, Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops is giving away a $50.00 gift certificate to be used on anything in their store!
Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops has one of the best selection of sewing patterns around, not to mention a fabulous selection of fabrics, trims and notions!  
Here is a little more information about Terri, owner, of Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops:
Sewing has been a life-long passion of Terri Allred, owner of the on-line based sewing boutique, Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops.  In 2009, Terri began living her dream… Fairytale Frocks & Lollipops was created with every seamstress in mind!  From children’s clothing, aprons, bags, designer fabric and patterns, to home décor and much more!  You will find whimsical, traditional, contemporary, or heirloom-style patterns offered at all sewing skill levels.  Terri has an impeccable eye for detail and design and hand-selects what she loves.  Fairytale Frocks & Lollipops steadily features and promotes small boutique owners and always has an “open-door” for any new ideas or designs. 
New designers are teaming up with Fairytale Frocks & Lollipops everyday!  Terri is proud to present a “one-stop” sewing boutique with such vast inventory variety.  Stop by, browse around, fall in love.  
This week Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops is having a 20% off sale on all “Favorite Things” patterns.  Are you familiar with these designs?  Well, here are some of my favorites………
And guess what new patterns they are currently stocking at Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops?  That’s right, they just received a new shipment of the first two The Cottage Mama Sewing PatternsThe Shortcake Reversible Romper and Dress as well as the Janey Jumper.  
To enter to win the $50.00 gift certificate to Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops do one or both of the following.  Please leave a comment for each entry.
1) Visit Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops and let us know what you would buy with your $50.00 if you won.
2) Follow the Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops Blog – Stitch It Up (click HERE). 

Giveaway open until Friday, October 14, 2011 at midnight (CST).
Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops is always looking for new pattern designers.  If you know anyone that you think would make a great addition to their shop, please email Terri at Terri[at]fairytalefrocksandlollipops[dot]com.  She is currently looking for printed and PDF pattern designers.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of The Cottage Home blog, please email Lindsay at thecottagemama[at]gmail[dot]com for rates and additional information.

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  1. i would get the pink dena london fabric its gogeous xxx

  2. Wow! Great giveaway indeed! I would buy some of the gorgeous West Indies and some of the bubblegum ruffle fabric for my girls. 🙂 Thanks for the chance!

  3. I follow their blog too!

  4. I would probably get some of that ruffle fabric – I’ve been wanting some!

  5. and I’m following the blog too!

  6. I would get the Serendipity Studio – Fashion Formula Skirt pattern. I love this skirt!

  7. I follow their blog!

  8. I think I’d spend a lot in the notions and trims, and I *love* this pattern: #PP006P Petite Poche – Baby Butterflies

  9. I love the “bubblegum Ruffle Fabric Bubblegum Pink & White Stripe Cascading.”

  10. Not trying to win votes here but I would have to pick your patterns. I have been meaning to order them and it keeps slipping my mind. Hopefully I win and I can get them and some fabric to go with.


  11. Love the Bettsy Kingston – Reversible Girl’s Jacket and Whimsy Couture – Gnome Hat! So adorable!
    Thank you for offering this great giveaway!

  12. I am a follower of their blog.


  13. Following Stitch It Up, as well!

  14. I think I would get some Free Spirit fabric for a quilt!
    Evin5 at aol cot com

  15. I am a follower!
    Evin5 at aol dot com

  16. I would absolutely snatch up the Uptown coat pattern! And of course the kids clothes are adorable too.


  17. The Uptown coat pattern it beautiful!!!!
    racurac2 at hotmail dot com

  18. My list is too long to show you everything, but I would definitely buy the Cottage Moma dress pattern, some ruffle rick rack, and the Divine fabric!

  19. I’m now a follower of FF&LB’s blog!

  20. I would love some sis boom fabric…I have had my eye on it for quite some time!!

  21. I am now following stitch it up!!

  22. I would buy lots of fabric. I already shop there and they have the best sale section! webduck27(at)gmail(dot)com

  23. I would finally indulge in some Oliver and S patterns as well as the Uptown Girl jacket pattern, then pick up a bit of fabric to get started on those projects.

  24. The Mama Mia Diaper Bag looks exactly like the style I want for my sewing bag. I could make my daughter and I matching ones!!! EEK..another project. 🙂

  25. I am a new follower of Stitch-it-up.

  26. I would get the Henry Glass Cherry Fizz fabric. Beautiful fabric!

  27. I am a new follower of Stitch it up blog.

  28. I would love to win this! I can’t pick exactly what I would get (since there is so much good stuff), but I would get some cute patterns and some fabric to make those patterns! (I would have to get some stuff to make for my little boys!)

  29. I am now a follower of Stitch It Up blog.

  30. I don’t even have to go look… I’ve been drooling over the Oliver+S Jumprope Dress pattern for EVER!!!

  31. Love the Molly Jacket pattern and the West Indies prints!

  32. ooo yeah! I would get the Favorite Things Sleep Well (PJ Pants) pattern to be used for some Christmas gifts! I might even be brave enough to try the Colette Lady Gray pattern. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  33. I now follow them too!

  34. Just checked out their blog and followed it! Very inspiring!

  35. I would use the $50 toward the Irby dress kit. It is adorable!

  36. I signed up to follow Stitch It Up!

  37. I love the Molly jacket and Addison. Of course I’d need to pick something out for my son too!

  38. I would get some sis boom fabric and that girl’s diaper bag pattern is fabulous.

  39. I am now following their blog….

  40. Wow, great give-away! I’d chose the Janey Jumper Pattern (of course, it is so darn cute) and some Lecien Flower Sugar fabric! Thanks.

  41. Nice giveaway! I would buy the Janey jumper (too cute and also I am Janey and have the Sarah Jane fabric already purchased for the dress I saw on an earlier post of the Cottage Mama!) and also the Michelle’s Patterns Rosie and me for my very own Rosie and her doll!

    Does anyone else buy patterns primarily because they like the name of them or is that just me???!!!

  42. I follow the Stitch it Up Blog

  43. Too hard to decide! I would probably pick a couple of patterns I’ve been wanting for ages, some cute ruffle and jumbo rickrack, and some of the Glass or Miller fabric to put it all together!


  44. I am now a follower of Stitch It Up.


  45. I’m loving Dena’s new London fabrics, so I think I would stock up on those.

  46. I follow Stitch It Up.

  47. I have been eyeballing, and have had the #FT037P Favorite Things – Uptown Coat on my wishlist for quite sometime now. Would love to be able to get this pattern!


  48. I followed Stitch It Up, looks great for some tips and tricks. Thanks!

  49. I am now following the blog!

  50. I love FFL! I’d buy your Janey pattern and some SisBoom fabrics. mamalusco at ortelco dot net

  51. I’m a new follower of their blog. Thank you! mamalusco at ortelco dot net

  52. Dena Designs London and October Skies. Love both of these!

  53. WOW, so many patterns to pick from! I’d pick a couple bag patterns, and some dress patterns for my daughters, and maybe a ladies pattern for myself too. THANKS for the chance!

  54. I follow their blog 🙂

  55. I’d love some Cherry Fizz fabric and some patterns 😀
    Thanks for the chance!

  56. I follow Stitch-It-Up!

  57. I would probably get some of the adult skirt and dress patterns, or maybe the handbags. Its all so cute!

  58. I love their notions – elastic thread, rickrac and all the sewing tape to start! thanks!

  59. i follow stitch it up blog! thanks!

  60. I’m following their blog.

  61. Wowee if I won $50 to spend I would spend hours deciding…I think I’d get a stash of ruffle rick rack and maybe some Ohh-La-La fabric. So much to choose from! thanks for the giveaway

  62. Kristine Nitti says

    I would definitely purchase your ruffle fabric and fabrics from Henry Glass line. They are beautiful… Then, I would have to purchase some patterns to make some dresses for my 9 year old daughter!! Last but not least, I am now a follower of Stitch It Up blog!!!

  63. I’d buy fabric – maybe some OOH-LA-LA or Katie Cupcake. 🙂

  64. I’m a new follower at Stitch it Up.

  65. The travelling high-chair pattern looks awesome, and I am in need of a good diaper bag/changing pad pattern and cloth, so those would be top on my list!

  66. I just signed up to follow FF&L’s blog. Just love all Terri’s stuff. Have bought lots of fabric from her already.

  67. If I could win $50 from FF&L I would buy some new patterns and probably some new fabric. Love her stuff.

  68. I would love some of the beautiful fabric on the site, and of course I may pick up a cottage momma dress pattern. 🙂

  69. If I won the $50 I would buy the Route 66 Skirt pattern and the street fair skirt pattern. I’d buy some fabric too!!

  70. I have always wanted to make aprons… So I would get the Busy Bee Quilt Designs – Lilly Apron! OOBER Cute. So many beautiful fabrics to choose from…

  71. I’m following their blog!!

  72. I follow their blog.

  73. And I’m following their blog!

  74. I became a follower of FairyTales blog too! Thanks!

  75. Let’s see I would start with Ginger Louise Seaside Rose, Beddy Bey Dolly and Fairytale dress patterns and maybe some of the ruffle fabric.

  76. I would get some ruffle fabric! Plus whatever else I could sneak in before my husband notices what I was ordering… lol

  77. I would order some oliver and s patterns. Great give away.

  78. I am a follower of their blog. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  79. I would get a book about aprons and some of the Michelle Miller disco Dots and maybe some ruffle fabric … I need a cute apron 🙂

  80. I would love to have your reversible romper/dress pattern, and would of course have to pick up some fabric too! Thank you for the lovely giveaway!

  81. I am a new follower of their blog. 🙂


  82. I would buy as many yards as possible of the Tina Givens Heaven TG40 fabric. LOVE!

  83. I would love to buy the Henry Glass co fabrics collections~ 🙂

    thanks for the giveaway!

  84. i love the cuppyckae dress so thats what i would get

  85. i also started following her blog..i love reading other peoples blogs

  86. I love FF&L! I’d buy some dress patterns for my girls!

  87. following the blog!

  88. I am following Stitch it Up blog.

  89. I would get as much as I could of their gorg. fabric!!!!

  90. LOVE Deana Designs London fabric and The Cottage Mama Shortcake pattern!

  91. I think I would buy some Ruffle Fabric. I love the leggings they make out of it…too cute!!

  92. I also follow “Stitch it up” 🙂

  93. I want some Sandi Henderson fabric!

  94. I follow their blog 🙂

  95. Ohhhhhh Yayyyy! I have been wanting the Vida pattern for MONTHS!!!! I would DEFINITELY pick that!!!!

  96. What a great site ! They have some of everything. I’d choose the Four Frostys Christmas Tree Skirt, the Car Seat Organizer and lots of goodies in the Notions and Trims.

    Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win.


  97. Oh my, if I won, I’d have to first find anything “poorpul” for my little granddaughter, and I see some pretty “poorpul” gingham.
    I think I’d get some of the Tea for Two for some mug rugs.
    That ruffle rick rack is pretty darned cute!

  98. I already follow Stitch It Up blog. Thanks for a chance to win!

  99. I love the foot loose and fancy free patterns! Thanks!

  100. The Uptown Coat is precious. I never make anything for myself, but have already ordered this pattern and cannot wait for it to arrive in the mail.

    Boxcar Annie

  101. Hi there,

    I would have to spend the voucher on a mixture of both fabric and patterns! My daughter started full-time school and now I have that time to myself I have been able to get out my sewing machine and begin creating!! It is wonderful and I am so excited to finally be able to now turn my creative daydreams into reality! Many thanks for the opportunity to enter the draw and view your wonderful stock! 🙂

  102. If I were to win the gift card I would spend the money on patterns and fabric. They are all so lovely!

  103. I added Stitch-It-Up to my Google reader feeds!

  104. i follow stitch it up blog

  105. i would love the wallet purse pattern from favourite things

  106. I like the favorite things blossoms and bloomers hat, jumper, and bloomers pattern.

  107. I’m following their blog; Stitch-It-Up!!!

  108. I would purchase the Amy Butler hooded raincoat pattern for myself, and of course, I would purchase a pattern for my daughter and one for my son!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  109. I love the birthday dress pattern so I would probably get that along with some fabric to make it with. Love this shop!!

  110. Following the blog! 🙂

  111. Oh my how does one choose! Probably would buy fabric 🙂

  112. Now folowing her blog

  113. What an amazing range!
    I would have to start my order with the Janey Jumper, I would love some Modkid patterns too!
    Thanks for the opportunity 🙂

  114. Of course, I would first buy both of your adorable patterns and then spend the rest on anna maria horner innocent crush voile!

  115. I now follow the Stitch-It-Up blog!

  116. I would definitely buy one of the coat patterns, like The Catherine Coat!

  117. ooh the uptown coat pattern!

  118. Thanks for sharing this – it’s beautiful. And there are so many choices…
    1.) Lily Bird Studio – E-PATTERNS
    2.) Dena Designs London – Freespirit
    3.) Nellie’s Needle – Natalie’s Apron

  119. I follow their blog! Still trying to narrow down what I would get!

  120. Just yesterday I pinned several of the patterns they offer to my patterns wish list! Plus I was tickled to see your two new patterns there. I have followed their blog for quite some time…because I found them through your blog, thanks!!!

  121. I would get the Little Wrap Dress, Molly dress, Molly Jacket and Sophia Paper Bag Skirt – to start.

  122. Oh my goodness! I would definitely choose some of the banafana patterns!

  123. And I’m following the blog now too

  124. And I’m following the blog now too

  125. I’d have to try the chic newsboy cap pattern, Favorite Things – The Hoodie pattern, Indygo Junction – Freaky Friends, Sew Baby – I Can Do It Cloth Activity Book, and Indygo Junction – Zipper Critters.

  126. Following their blog.

  127. I dont know if its statistically possible for me to win another giveaway from you but I am sure gonna try.

    I know I would pick out at least one or two patterns then I have been wanting to make a skirt for me out of ruffle fabric.


  128. I would get the LilyGiggle – Krew Coat – E-PATTERN, some cool buttons, and some bag patterns too! Thanks for an awesome giveaway! 🙂

  129. Thank you for the chance to win a $50 gift certificate. I would buy a bunch o’ patterns… the Tie Dye Diva fairytale dress for my baby girl (and I’d try to find the same type os roses and dot fabrics), also The Favorite Things hoodie pattern and shrug pattern (for me – oh dream…) Smiles, Sarah

  130. I signed up for the F.F.&L Stitch-It-Up newsletter. Smiles, Sarah

  131. I’m a new follower of Stitch it Up blog via gfc! 🙂

  132. I would choose the Haute Diggity – Sophie Vintage Style Sun Suit


  133. I am now following her blog


  134. I’m so glad I found and followed her blog. What an inspiration!

  135. Wow, what wouldn’t I want to buy from the shop?! If I had to chose it’d be Peony Sand Dollar Print Jersey FF0880

  136. I would jump into the Holiday section and would grab some nice patterns for this Christmas. And if I have any money left, into the sleepwear section and I would buy slipper patterns. Thanks!

  137. I am also a follower!

  138. I love her German sewing tape! Plus there are several patterns I’ve had my eye on for a while now… choices!

  139. I am a new follower of FF&L via feedburner

  140. ooh, I would love this! I have been on a no spending budget for a couple months and would love to win to make some goodies for my daughter and son. I would get Bonnie blue hunter and holly pattern for $12, Scientific Seamtstree reversible romper for $9.95, cottage mama Janey Jumper $12.50, Trisha’s Treasures addyson for $14, and 1 yd of white 3/4″ rick rack for $1.25. Thanks so much and good luck to all!

  141. I follow stitch it up blog now.

  142. I have really been wanting some ruffled fabric!


  143. Please, Please, Please let me win!!!! My husband would be so happy that he would not have to fork over the $50.00. I would love to have your patterns and some new fabric to sew them up with I could not choose but I would also love some pink ruffle fabric

  144. I’m loving that little girl wrap dress and the coat pattern you have posted.

    Always fun to browse.

    reklimes (at) usfamily (dot) net

  145. I would stock up on several of the Home Project patterns since I couldn’t decide on just one or even two! Absolutely love them.

  146. Fairytale Frocks & Lollipops has become my go-to source for patterns, much thanks to the Cottage Mama! I would love to get some patterns I’ve been eyeing–especially the Uptown Coat!

  147. I’ve also subscribed to follow her blog!

  148. I would treat my 2 girls to some new wrap dresses, I’d love that pattern and some fabric to work with!

  149. I would get some Henry Glass OOH-LA-LA 9315 22 – or maybe even some of the other fabric from the OOH-LA-LA collection – I love it!

  150. I love the patterns from violet fields, especially the Penelope Double Ruffle Skirt and I love your patterns too!

  151. I am now a lollipop blog follower!

  152. I am totally in love with the Juvie Moon Dior pattern and have had my eye on it for months now…plus the peony flower pattern

  153. I am now a follower of Stitch It Up

  154. oh I think I would get a couple holiday patterns, but it would be hard to decided its all wonderful

  155. Oh, how to choose?! I’d definitely get The Cottage Mama’s patterns! And I like the Spechler Vogel corduroy. j-j-s AT juno DOT com

  156. I would get these plus size patterns: Uptown Coat and Betsey Apron (yay for having plus size patterns) and then some fabric to make the apron! So delightful!

  157. What a great little website! I just recently started sewing after learning how to quilt and I am super excited to try new things.

    I would get the:
    1) Bananafana – Betty pattern
    2)Whimsy Couture – Ladies Shirred Skirt
    3)Blissful Patterns – Fabric Bin

    That’s not close to $50, but it’s a start!

  158. I Visited Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops and I would love to have soooo many of the patterns. I would like to have the duffel bag pattern, the lunch bag patterns, and the mama mia diaper bag

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  159. I Follow the Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops Blog

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  160. I would probably get the Flannel Bear Dotted Trees Blue fabric and the Wrap Dress pattern along with the Divine fabric. 🙂

    kindredspiritreviews at gmail dot com

  161. i would use it toward the cuppycake dress kit!

  162. follow FF&L under nicole h

  163. Kim Vojacek says

    I love the seams and dreams laptop shoulder bag and I am really in need of making one for myself!

  164. Kim Vojacek says

    I also signed up to follow fairytale frocks and lollips!

  165. I have been eyeing the Janey Jumper so I would definately get it! I also like the Azalea Cloche Hat and Rings Of Ruffles Pants.

  166. I am now following their blog :o)

  167. Oooh!!!
    I would pick a bag pattern or two and material:):)
    The Cambridge Cargo bag and The Mama Mia Diaper Bag are my favs!!!
    And I’d get the Ruby Lou doll pattern for my 5m old baby girl’s first doll!!!!
    My fav. Fabric is a Katie Cupcake Sugar Blossom one:)
    It would be so fun to win:):)

  168. I would get some fabrics – probably Art Gallery NA-5804 and Red Rose Farm ROFA 561G and possibly some notions to go with it.

  169. I would get the Chinos jacket pattern & fabric to make it. Beautiful! ~ Lesley

  170. Oh I would be in heaven with all the lovely patterns they have, but I would be excited to get: Create Kids Couture – Ruby’s Cap Sleeve Ruffle Sun Top, Fig Tree Threads – Daisy Girl Backpack, and Ellie Inspired – Twirl Girl patterns to start me out! What a nice thing you are doing with this contest! Thank you ever so much for the opportunity! I am excited to follow new crafting blogs and facebook pages!

  171. I saw the Janey jumper on another site and bookmarked it! I’d get that and ruffled fabric.

  172. So many wonderful things to choose. If my dreams would come true I would choose your Janey Jumper pattern, “Happy Creatures” ribbon/sewing tape, Serendipty Studio- Sophia Trench Coat, and some Henry Glass Co.- Cupcake Sugar Blossom. Thanks for the chance!!!

    Rocio H. thisbe31atyahoodotcom

  173. It would be hard to choose! I think I’d pick up a few patterns, possibly the Oliver & S School Days jacket or maybe the sunday brunch jacket. But then you can never have too much fabric either… 😉


  174. I will pick some ruffled fabrics, beautiful laces, I want make dress, this shop is just amazing.Tks.

  175. follow their blog

  176. I have a ModKid pattern wishlist that I could make come true : ) Thanks for the giveaway.
    Stephanie B

  177. Since I already bought your new patterns I would pick some new fabric to sew them up with!

  178. Following their blog!

  179. I would buy all of the modkid patterns that I could afford!! Then I’d start in on the fabric…mmmm. Sweet dreams tonight for me!

  180. I’m a follower of Stitch It Up.

    Thanks for a chance to win.


  181. I’m a new follower of Stitch It Up. Thanks for the great giveaway!


  182. Boy I see I’m slipping in under the wire..(I’m west coast so thougt I had more time). Does the last number ever get picked? lol..here goes. I went to Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops and saw alot of great items. For sure I’d pick the pattern for the Boho Cloche Hat. I’d also get some fabric, probably from A. Glass, I like his Ooh-La-La line. Great giveaway. Thanks!
